After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 125 Lingmeng is going to dig up Lingyu’s best sword bone

Chapter 125 Lingmeng is going to dig up Lingyu’s best sword bone
Ye Xuan was startled when he heard the thunder.

Could it be that God gave him a warning to kill ordinary human beings and meddle in the change of dynasty?
After hesitating for a moment, Ye Xuan raised his hand and wounded Yan Jiayue with a palm, then quickly stopped and left.

Killing Yan Jiayue will bring revenge from the Changshengzong.

It is important to find Ling Yu first.

And Yan Jiayue didn't seem to know that Gu Jianzong and Pei Yu joined forces to take charge of the change of emperors in the world.

If she knew, she should have returned to the Changsheng Sect to report the news. Where would she have time to save an old lady?
At this time, Ling Yu was resurrected from death again because of the divine power left by Lan Ying.

She slowly opened her eyes, and saw a figure from her back that she knew by heart, turning and leaving in front of her mercilessly.


But as soon as she opened her mouth, the figure disappeared.

It was as if she had misread it.

Ling Yu didn't stay awake for too long, and soon fell into a coma again.

The next morning.

When Lingmeng came back from Fucheng, she saw Yan Jiayue lying on the ground with a pale expression.

She hurried forward and put her hand on Yan Jiayue's pulse.

Fortunately, no one died.

It's just a bit of a tendon injury.

Lingmeng still only has theoretical knowledge and no practical experience, so she used the spiritual consciousness card to call the third elder over.

Although the third elder is now majoring in swordsmanship, it does not mean that he does not know medical skills.

He took out a pack of silver needles and tapped Yan Jiayue a few times. After a while, Yan Jiayue woke up slowly.

After she woke up, Lingmeng asked with concern.

"What happened? Who hurt you?"

Yan Jiayue's body was weak, and her words were a little limp.

"It's Sect Master Yexuanye..."


After hearing this, Lingmeng looked at Lingyu lying on the ground not far away.

Looking at it, it's amazing!
Ling Yu has recovered quite a bit, and there is still a dagger on his chest.

She had a rough guess in her mind.

"When Ye Xuan came, what did Ling Yu look like?"


Yan Jiayue's gaze was also on the ground.

Seeing that Ling Yu had returned to normal state, instead of wrinkled face, she was once again surprised by Ling Yu's body's self-healing ability.

He didn't forget to answer Ling Yu.

"She was comparable to an old man at that time, and her body was covered with blood. Not only that, her body was also shrunk."

Lingmeng smiled.

No wonder Yexuan came by himself, but couldn't recognize Lingyu.


In the original book, these people love to death.

Even in order to portray how unforgettable their love is, even at the expense of the common people in the world, they must sing the true love between them.

Since it's true love, it shouldn't matter whether the other party is male, female, old or young, or of a different species, the male protagonists should recognize the female protagonist immediately, right?
Ling Yu just got older, his face changed into a Chinese character face, and his body became smaller, so Ye Xuan couldn't recognize him?


It seems that there is no true love between these people.


At this time, Ling Yu, who was lying on the ground, also slowly opened his eyes.

Her head and body are not so hurt anymore.

It's just my chest that feels a little uncomfortable.

Ling Yu struggled to sit up from the ground. When she stood up, she was stunned.

"Yan Jiayue, are you not dead?"

"Lingmeng? Why are you here?"

When Ling Yu saw that Yan Jiayue was not dead, she was shocked, and quickly called the Glamorous System in her heart.

"System, what is going on here?"

"Why isn't Yan Jiayue dead?"

But she asked several times, but the heartthrob system didn't answer.

She was anxious, and even blurted out angrily: "System, where did you die? Come out!"


At this moment, Lingmeng walked over, condescending, looking at her leisurely, and spoke in the white lotus tone that Lingyu was used to.

"Good sister, are you looking for your heartthrob system?"

Lingyu is not surprised that Lingmeng knows that she has a heartthrob system, because she once told Lingmeng.

She looked at Lingmeng with vigilant eyes: "Do you know its whereabouts?"


Lingmeng smiled even brighter, "It's on me now."


When Lingyu learned that the system that belonged to her was on Lingmeng, her eyes couldn't help showing a bit of resentment, but her mouth was pretending to be a victim.

"Sister, why did you take my system away?"


Lingmeng looked innocent: "I didn't rob, it was your heartthrob system that took the initiative to tie me up."

"This is impossible!"

Ling Yu thinks that she has worked with the heartthrob system for 19 years, how could the heartthrob system abandon her?

"Why is it impossible?"

With the voice in her head, Lingmeng shouted to the heartthrob system: "Come and talk to Lingyu yourself, why did you abandon her."

The heartthrob system has been unhappy with Lingyu for a long time.

The most important thing is, Lingmeng has so many top-grade spiritual roots in her body, as well as heaven-grade fire spiritual roots. How can she not follow Lingmeng in order to eat so many spiritual roots?
Immediately used some energy, connected to Ling Yu's brain, so that she could hear its voice and cursed.

"Lingyu, you are a stupid and selfish woman, and you are still thinking about Xiaoyu Watermelon. I said it when I bound you, I need you to become stronger, I need you to absorb your luck, but you end up being a man, a man, a man all day long. ! You deserve to die, you deserve to be caught by Ling Meng. You deserve to grow old and ugly even more!"

What Ling Yu usually hates the most is when people say she is old and ugly.

She immediately screamed, "Shut up! You are ugly and old!"

After the words fell, Ling Yu struggled to stand up.

She wanted to take out a sword from her mustard bag to fight Lingmeng, but suddenly found that her mustard bag was gone!
Even the Spiritual Knowledge Card is missing!
This operation...

Ling Yu felt a little familiar.

Think about it carefully, isn't this exactly what Pei Yu and Ran Fanghui did to Yan Jiayue?

She didn't think there was anything at the time, but now she realizes that without the mustard bag and the spiritual sense card, she is really helpless...

woo woo woo...

She missed Ye Xuan.

Knowing that she has suffered, Yexuan will definitely avenge her.

Lingmeng saw her intention, took out Lingyu's mustard seed bag from the secret realm, and tossed it up and down in her palm to play, while talking casually.

"Good sister, are you looking for your mustard bag?"

Seeing that her mustard seed bag was in Lingmeng's hands, Lingyu felt extremely wronged.

She couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and she said in an aggrieved tone, "Sister, why do you want to steal my things over and over again? First it's the Ling family's money, and then it's my heartthrob system , and now it's my mustard bag again..."

Counting all these piles in detail, Ling Yu's tone changed from grievance to hatred and complaint.

"Obviously I am the heroine of this world, why did you take away my chance?"

Lingmeng smiled slightly: "Robbing? Good sister, I'm just taking back everything that belongs to me!"

Seeing Lingmeng walking towards her, Lingyu's heart rose to her throat, and she said with some fear.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?"

The smile on Lingmeng's face became even brighter.

She stuffed Ling Yu's mustard seed bag into the secret realm again, put her hand on Ling Yu's chest, and asked softly, "My good sister, my top quality sword bone has been in your body for 19 years, it's time to return it to its original owner Bar?"

(End of this chapter)

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