After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 126 Lingyu, it’s okay for you to feel pain, I want you to feel pain

Chapter 126 Lingyu, it’s okay for you to feel pain, I want you to feel pain

Ling Yu's inner alarm bells rang loudly.

Is Lingmeng trying to dig out the sword bone in her body?

This will not work!

The top-quality sword bone is her status symbol that is superior to others and envied by everyone.

She absolutely does not allow the best sword bone to be taken away by Lingmeng!
So Ling Yu immediately gathered his spiritual energy, drew a talisman in the air, muttered something, and wanted to escape from here.

Although the ancient sword sect mainly focuses on learning swordsmanship, in addition to swordsmanship, disciples also need to learn one more technique.

She chose to learn talismans.

A spell does not have to be written on rune paper to be effective.

As long as the heart is sincere, it can be written anywhere.

"Want to go?"

Lingmeng is someone who has learned a book of talismans, how can she not see the movements of Lingyu's hands?
She quickly grabbed Ling Yu's hand in the seal, blocked her seal, and sneered.

"Did I let you go?"

Lingyu instantly looked at Lingmeng with tears in his eyes: "Sister, we are the closest biological sisters, have you forgotten?"

That pitiful look, if she still had the 3-point filter, Lingmeng might feel that she could barely see it, but now that Lingyu doesn't have the heartthrob system on her, Lingmeng just feels disgusted.

She grabbed Ling Yu's wrist and slowly exerted force, warning Ling Yu.

"Don't pretend to be so pitiful to me, my wife is a woman, so I won't accept your tricks!"

After saying this, Lingmeng smiled mockingly again.

"The closest biological sister? Ling Yu, heh, when you used the heartthrob system to take away my best sword bone, why didn't you think that we are biological sisters? You slandered me and hurt you, and then let Yexuan dig me When my sword bone and my cultivation were crippled, why don't you think about it, you and I are biological sisters?

Outside the gate of the ancient sword sect, when you kicked me off the cliff, why couldn't you remember that you and I are the closest biological sisters?Now it's my turn to seek revenge on you, you just remembered that you and I are biological sisters?

how?Only you are allowed to take advantage, but no one else is allowed to take advantage of you?How come there are so many good things in this world that you can take advantage of? "

Lingyu's wrist was tightly pinched by Lingmeng, the pain made her cry.

She looked at Lingmeng unwillingly, and said again pretending to be cute and pitiful.

"Sister, I'm in so much pain."

In the past, if she wanted something or suffered any injustice, as long as she cried, not to mention men, even women would feel sorry for her.

She felt that this time, Lingmeng should also be defeated by her tears.


Lingmeng doesn't like her at all!
Lingmeng raised her hand and punched her hard on the forehead, still talking.

"Pain? Pain is right! What I want is your pain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Meng's fists fell like raindrops on Ling Yu's forehead and head.

Ling Yu bared her teeth in pain and screamed loudly.

At the same time, she also understood that in front of Lingmeng, it would not work for her to pretend to be weak.

So she stopped pretending.

After dodging Lingmeng's attack, Lingyu didn't hide her vicious expression at all. Two balls of aura condensed on her fingertips, and the aura finally turned into a purple water lily shape.

"Lingmeng, since you don't eat the toast and eat fine wine, don't blame me for being rude!"

At this time, the heartthrob system exploded in Lingmeng's mind, [Oops, this is the Purple Night Lotus Fire that Feng Wuxiu taught her through Lingyu Sea of ​​Consciousness, not to mention hitting the monks, it is hitting the gods , Immortals will be out of their wits on the spot!Get out of the way, don't be touched by the fire. 】

It has just bound to the wronged host, and there are so many spiritual roots, it doesn't want Lingmeng to die like this.

Lingmeng didn't know what the heartthrob system was thinking, she was just shocked.

Feng Wuxiu?
Has he been able to teach Ling Yu through his spiritual consciousness?
It seems that he is about to be resurrected.

Lingmeng's eyes darkened, she needed to speed up, and it was time for the hero and heroine.

She watched the two balls of purple night lotus flames fly out from Ling Yu's palm, attacking her, first pointing her toes, flying into the mid-air, dodging temporarily.

At the same time, I didn't forget to remind Yan Jiayue and the third elder who were not far away, "Get out of here quickly, this purple night lotus fire is a magic skill, if it hits a monk or a god, it will kill your soul."

Hearing this, the third elder was shocked immediately.

"Devil art? The ancient sword sect not only disrupted the change of emperors in the world, but also had connections with the demons?"

He was worried that Ling Yu had other trump cards, so he grabbed Yan Jiayue and handed her a picture stone.

"Jiayue, take the evidence of Gu Jianzong's crimes, go back to Changshengzong and hand them over to the suzerain, and let the suzerain unite with the other four sects to expose Gu Jianzong's crimes."


Yan Jiayue hesitated as she looked at Lingmeng who was fighting Lingyu.

After all, in her eyes, Ling Yu is just a monk at the golden core stage, there are three of them, especially the third elder's realm is not low, they may be able to defeat Ling Yu.

"There is nothing but, if you are told to go, you can go, I am here, and I will protect Lingmeng's safety!"

While the two of them were pushing and shoving, Ling Yu had already seen their movements and sneered.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy! Eat my Purple Night Lotus Fire!"

Ling Yu once again condensed two balls of lotus flames and struck them.

The third elder hurriedly jumped to the side, thinking that he had escaped, but who knew that the flame turned around like eyes and came back again!
Although Yan Jiayue also dodged, but she did so a little slower.

The purple night lotus fire touched the sleeve of her precious clothes, but in the blink of an eye, the sleeve was on fire!
The places where the fire burned were turned into pieces of black ashes and fell to the ground.

Yan Jiayue was so frightened that her whole body became stiff.

The third elder came back to his senses, and saw Yan Jiayue standing there stupidly, shouting anxiously.

"Quickly take your hand back and cut off the sleeve of the precious garment!"

With the guidance of the third elder, Yan Jiayue also recovered from the shock. While retracting her right hand, she released her natal sword from the sea of ​​consciousness and cut off the sleeve of her right hand.

Just as Yan Jiayue was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she saw the third elder looking at her in horror: "Get out of the way!"

She followed the gaze of the third elder, and saw the flames coming towards her...

Just when she thought she had no chance of surviving, a lightning-fast figure rushed over, hugged her waist, flashed to the left, and held a sword burning with red flames, smashing the purple night The lotus fire split in two, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke, disappearing in front of them.

Ling Yu originally thought that at least one of the three of them would die. After all, she had experimented with this purple night lotus fire on many monks. If it hit a person, the person would be quickly swallowed by the fire, and then burned clean and dry.

Even the mysterious man who taught her this martial art said that Ziye Lianhuo has no solution.

But what did she just see?
Lingmeng just slashed the purple night lotus fire with the sword, and the purple night lotus fire disappeared?
She was shocked and angry, "No, it's impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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