After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 128: Not giving Feng Wuxiu a chance to resurrect with full health

Chapter 128: Not giving Feng Wuxiu a chance to resurrect with full health

According to the fate book written by Lan Ying, Feng Wuxiu will not appear in a seductive human form until after Ling Yu has passed the Zongmen Grand Competition.

but now……

The plot has been completely ruined by her, and it has already deviated from the original direction.

Who knows when Feng Wuxiu will appear?
But no matter when it is, she must seize the time to kill Feng Wuxiu and not give him a chance to return with full health!
He can teach the heroine Purple Night Lotus Fire today, and he can teach Red Leaf Lotus Fire tomorrow!

This is an unstable factor that needs to be destroyed in advance.

"Almost, he can already teach Lingyu Demonic Skills with his divine consciousness. If he doesn't deal with it in time, the consequences will be disastrous."

Where did Pei Yue experience such battles in her previous life?

Now open your mouth aba aba.

"Why, why is there a demon here?"

She trembled and asked, "Will the Southern Congress become devastated because of the devil's arrival?"


Lingmeng stood up: "So now, we have to speed up, first attack Pei Yu's accomplices in the court, give them a chance to breathe, and then annihilate them in one fell swoop after they breathe!"

Sunny day.

Hu Zhan led the Imperial Forest Army in the palace, mercilessly, and killed five court ministers one after another, nearly a thousand people!

For a while, there were complaints.

Pei Yue avoided seeing him.

The ministers accused Pei Yue of being too cruel in the court.

Under the instigation of some thoughtful people, the common people felt that Pei Yue was too cruel and not a good emperor, and the former Pei Yu was better.

Although Pei Yu wanted to give Jiangshan away for a woman, he didn't kill five ministers in one day!
The outskirts of Beijing.

After Pei Yu received that Pei Yue had let Hu Zhan kill the entire family of five ministers in just one day, she was angry for a long time.

That was all arranged by him to be an internal response in the city!

Now that they are dead, it is not so easy for him to enter the capital.

But fortunately, he still has Xiao Dezi in the palace.

When Xiao Dezi came to the city gate with the imperial edict, he didn't believe that the guards could not open the city gate!

"Pei Yue, Pei Yue, you still can't beat me, you are too young."

Knowing that those ministers colluded with him, he didn't take advantage of this opportunity to handle the case, sell miserably, and let the common people stand on his side. Instead, he killed people in a hurry, and didn't even investigate the process of handling the case. It's really stupid.

Isn't this just giving him a knife?
Since Pei Yue was so proactive, he was not polite.

So, he waved his hand and whispered something in the ear of a guard.

At the time of the second day.

Before dawn, there were a large number of people cursing and protesting outside the palace gate, and some threw vegetable leaves, rotten eggs and so on.

The guards immediately drove away.

But after driving them away for a while, they came back again.

Even more people were brought in. When the guards at the palace gate were about to arrest them, a young eunuch suddenly ran up to the guards and whispered something in his ear.

They even asked people to prepare tea, and anyone who was thirsty would drink water.

The good attitude of the guards at the palace gate gave some followers, but those with a little conscience couldn't be punished.

Logically speaking, if they come to cause trouble in front of the palace, it would be fine if the emperor does not kill their heads and gives them tea...

Regardless of whether the water was poisonous or not, even this polite attitude made them feel that if they scolded them again, they would be ignorant.

Therefore, some people who still have conscience left.

The rest continued to curse.

In the evening, a big piece of news suddenly broke out.

Pei Yue got the plague and had at most two days to live.

One stone caused a thousand waves.

Some people thought the plague was scary and dared not go out again.

For the people in the imperial court, this is a rare opportunity to get promoted and make money.

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty began to make big moves, and some students even found Pei Yu and begged Pei Yu to return to the palace and become the emperor again.

Pei Yu looked at the student kneeling in front of him, and his desire for power reached its peak.


It's not that I don't care about you and don't look for you, but that I'm in a difficult situation.

Now, I will return to the throne again.

After I returned to the palace and killed Pei Yue, I immediately issued an order to the whole country to find you!

Day three.

Pei Yu appeared outside the palace amidst the cheers of "The Emperor is back" from the people.

He sat on the horse, looked at the group of guards outside the palace gate defiantly, and said aloofly.

"Those who obey me will prosper, those who go against me will perish."

The guard said with a embarrassed look on his face.

"Your Highness King Yu, it's not that we are unwilling to submit to you, but your sister is the legitimate heir to the throne chosen by the late emperor. You are the emperor, but you are really unjust and unjust."

Before Pei Yu could speak, the students standing in front of Pei Yu's horse immediately started to protest.

"It's one thing to be righteous, but it's another thing to be a foolish king, a tyrant, and a wise king! Since ancient times in the Southern Kingdom, no woman has been an emperor! The first emperor is absurd. It is already absurd enough to choose a girl to be the emperor. She still doesn't know how to restrain herself. He killed five ministers in one day and killed more than a thousand people. How can such a tyrant, who kills innocent people indiscriminately and doesn’t pay attention to the people, still be the emperor of our southern country!”

Pei Yu was very satisfied to hear how these people defended herself.

After he sits on the throne, he will award this person a second-rank official.

The guards looked around at the group of students: "So, in your eyes, someone who kills innocent people indiscriminately and doesn't pay attention to the people can't be the emperor of the Southern Kingdom, right?"

The student immediately said forcefully: "Yes!"

"it is good."

The guard smiled and clapped his hands.

At this time, a horn sounded from the palace gate.

Everyone looked up.

Seeing this, not only ordinary people were dumbfounded, but even Pei Yu froze unexpectedly.

Pei Yue...

Pei Yue is not dead!
And look at the complexion is no different from ordinary people!


How is this going?

Didn't he ask someone to wrap the letter in the clothes of a person who has the disease?

Isn't the epidemic highly contagious?
Isn't there no one in the southern country who knows the prescription?
Although he was shocked, Pei Yu quickly adjusted.

He glanced at Xiao Dezi, who nodded.

After confirming that it was correct, Pei Yu spoke of Pei Yue in a tone of pity for heaven and man.

"Sister, I thought that after you took the throne, you would treat the people well, but what I didn't expect was that first there was the plague in Fucheng and the medical vacancy in Fucheng, but you did nothing and did not pray to God to forgive you. Incompetent. Not only that, you also brutally killed the imperial officials and their families. With such cruel and cruel behavior, can you live up to the expectations of your father and the emperor? Can you live up to the common people of Li?"

Pei Yu's accusation immediately aroused the support of the people and students behind him.

"Are you worthy of the common people?"

"The tyrant abdicates!"


Pei Yue stood on the palace gate, smiling instead of angry.

That smile and those eyes were like looking at a trapped animal at the end of its rope.

Pei Yu's heart tightened, "What are you laughing at?"

(End of this chapter)

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