After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 129 Pei Yu’s plan was revealed and he wanted to kill Pei Yu

Chapter 129 Pei Yu’s plan was exposed and the people wanted to kill Pei Yu
"What are you laughing at?"

Pei Yue looked down at Pei Yu.

This brother, before she met Lingmeng, she had never regarded him as a bad person. Sometimes she even felt sorry for him and stood by him when his mother did not allow him to marry Lingyu.

But when she met Lingmeng, she suddenly realized that Pei Yu is a mediocre monarch who will disappoint the expectations of thousands of people in the Southern Kingdom for the sake of feelings, will be a faint king who kills his mother for the sake of feelings, and even sacrifices the lives of the people all over the world for the sake of feelings. tyrant!
When contacted with the government, the people around Pei Yu in the past began to gradually turn against each other.

It was only then that she suddenly realized that since Pei Yu became the emperor, he had so much malice towards her.

Whether it's the clothes, food, aromatherapy, etc. that are given to her, there will be chronic poisons.

Those medicines eroded her heart and brain, making her gradually irritable, irritable, and stupid...

After meeting Ling Yu, she knocked Ling Yu's hand off because Ling Yu's hand was causing trouble on her head, and Pei Yu kicked her out of the palace.

She was angry and took the opportunity to go on a trip.

I thought that the group of assassins I met on the road took a fancy to her identity and wanted to kidnap her and threaten the royal family.

did not expect……

After sitting on the throne, according to the people below, those people were sent by Pei Yu.

The purpose is to prevent her from returning to Beijing without her life.

She would rather Pei Yu tell her that he wants to be the emperor, so her sister must die.

She also didn't want to see Pei Yu acting like a brother and sister with her while performing small assassinations behind her back.

It's a pity that although she was not killed by Pei Yu's people, she easily lost her life because of a man named Mo Yu.

Fortunately, she met Lingmeng.

Otherwise, she probably wouldn't have the opportunity to look down on Pei Yu now.

"Brother laughs like a clown."


Pei Yu was irritated by Pei Yue's words, just about to get angry and accuse Pei Yue, but was held down by the ministers around him.

The minister signaled Pei Yu to look around.

Pei Yu looked around. In addition to the high officials of the imperial court, there were also many students and ordinary people.

Pei Yu pursed her lips.

He endures.

Whether he can successfully ascend to the throne depends not only on the support of ministers, but also on public opinion.

After all, what the people want is the best secret to winning the throne.

Pei Yue saw that Pei Yu had endured. Although she was a little disappointed that Pei Yu had not been fooled, she didn't panic. She had other plans.

"Just now someone said that someone who kills innocent people indiscriminately and doesn't take the people into consideration cannot be the emperor of the Southern Kingdom, right?"

The people and students below responded, "Yes!"

"it is good."

Pei Yue clapped her hands, and immediately someone stepped forward and opened a picture stone.

Where have ordinary people seen such a thing?

They all looked at the picture in midair curiously.

In the picture, in addition to Pei Yu, there are also Ling Yu, whom they love and respect very much, and Ye Xuan, the member of the Ancient Sword Sect who is about to enter the fairyland, making some unsightly pictures.

The people were in an uproar, wishing to poke their eyes for a moment.

Seeing this, Pei Yu blushed with anger, "Pei Yue, you are shameless! You actually found someone to record this kind of scene!"

"I'm shameless?"

Pei Yue chuckled, and then said to the people below: "Everyone, the picture is unsightly, but you can listen carefully to their conversations. These conversations are the key point."

Following Pei Yue's instructions, everyone closed their eyes and mouths and listened quietly and carefully to the conversation floating in the air.

The first was Pei Yu's distressed and angry voice, "Yu'er, don't worry, I will definitely take back the insult Pei Yue has given you and the Ling family a thousand times over."

Then Ye Xuan asked coldly: "What does His Highness King Yu plan to do?"

Ignoring Pei Yu's cries of pleasure and Ling Yu's melodious and charming voice, this was Pei Yu's answer.

He smiled and answered like a devil.

"The plague in the Western Kingdom is rampant, and once infected, there is no possibility of survival. But Sect Master Ye is a monk, and monks are not afraid of these ordinary people's diseases, so they have to work hard, Sect Master Ye, and send some disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect to the Western Kingdom. The plague patients brought a few to Fucheng. Fucheng is the place that Pei Yue focuses on. Once the plague is caught here, I can let people spread it around. This is God's punishment for Pei Yue's ruling. "

At this time, Ling Yu said: "But the epidemic is contagious, and many people will die. I can't bear it..."

"Yu'er, you are just too kind. Those people died when they died. They should be happy, happy, and proud when they died for your glory and dignity. If they don't die, I can't incite the people to hate Pei Yue. Resentment can't drive the people to force Pei Yue to step down. It can't sit on the throne and restore the Ling family to its former glory and lofty status, and it can't make you kill Pei Yue yourself to avenge your hatred. Of course, with my own strength It cannot be completed, so Sect Master Ye, join hands with me."

When the people heard this, they all held their breath.

Ling Yu is the kindest person in their hearts.

Ling Yu will definitely stop Pei Yu's crazy revenge for them, right?

Ye Xuan is a monk, and monks should not care about the change of emperors in the world. Ye Xuan will definitely not agree!

But the next moment, everyone froze.

Because they heard Ling Yu say in a shy, sweet, and deeply moved tone: "Brother Pei Yu, you are so kind to me."

Then he looked at Ye Xuan pitifully and said, "Master, it's so pitiful that brother Pei Yu was deprived of the throne. Can you help him?"

Ye Xuan nodded gently in agreement.

"As long as Yu'er is happy, I am willing to join forces with Pei Yu to seek justice for you against Pei Yue."

After the picture disappeared, everyone stood in place, their gazes ranging from disbelief to cheated anger and hatred for Pei Yu.

"Everyone, do you think this is over? There is more!"

After Pei Yue finished speaking, someone opened the second photo stone.

The picture of this picture stone is wearing clothes, and the characters are Pei Yu and the five high officials who were tortured and killed before.

They proposed to buy out the medicinal materials around Fucheng, so that the people of Fucheng would complain that the sky was not responding and the earth and the earth were not working.

And let Pei Yue be preoccupied with medicinal materials.

When the people's anger against Pei Yue reaches its peak, let Pei Yu appear in front of the people with a huge amount of medicinal materials as a god descending to earth to save mortals.

Pei Yu felt that what they said was very reasonable, so he asked them for money, but they couldn't get it for the time being, so they had to go back to their homes to get the money.

The money was pooled together from top to bottom in the five houses.

"So it is!"

After learning the truth, the common people spoke out with righteous indignation.

"No wonder their whole family is dead! They deserve it!"

"Damn it, this Pei Yu dared to lie to us! In order to seize the throne, he used the plague to harm the people and used us as spearmen. Brothers, kill him!"

PS: There was an error in uploading, please read Chapter 127 again.

(End of this chapter)

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