After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 130 Pei Yu is completely defeated, Pei Yue reaches 6500 Emperor Ming

Chapter 130 Pei Yu is completely defeated, Pei Yue reaches 6500 Emperor Ming
People can carry a boat and capsize it.

How those students and common people rejoiced at Pei Yu's appearance before, and sincerely hoped that Pei Yu would return to the throne and preside over the overall situation.

Now they hated Pei Yu so much.

I can't wait to cram his tendons, chop his bones, and drink his blood.

The ministers who had followed him before and looked up to him also turned against him one after another. They broke away from the common people fiercely and rushed towards him, as if they wanted to take his head and go to Pei Yue to claim credit.

Pei Yu hated the betrayal of these people, and was also annoyed that the crowd turned their faces and refused to recognize them. He immediately drew out the sword in his hand, and hacked and killed those unarmed people one after another.

At the same time, he shouted loudly to Xiao Dezi on the city tower: "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you quickly take Pei Yue hostage and ask the guards to open the city gate and let me go in!"

Xiao Dezi was standing on the tower, looking at Pei Yu with a half-smile.

"Your Highness King Yu, stop struggling fearlessly and surrender."

Even if Pei Yu was as stupid as a pig, he understood at this moment.

He looked at Xiao Dezi angrily: "You betrayed me?"


Xiao Dezi chuckled lightly: "His Royal Highness Yu Wang, the slaves have always been the emperor's people, so how could they betray His Royal Highness Yu Wang?"

Has always been the emperor's man...

Pei Yu immediately looked at Pei Yue, his eyes widened angrily: "You did it on purpose! You deliberately let Xiao Dezi come close to me!"


Pei Yue admitted generously: "If it weren't for your actions, brother, it would be a plague, and you would also deliberately take away all the medicinal materials around Fucheng to harm the people. How would I know that this plague is not a natural disaster at all, but a war against me?" What about man-made disasters?"

She stood with her hands behind her back, showing the imperial majesty.

"I deliberately let Xiao Dezi get close to you, understand your plan, and monitor your every move, but you are used to being superior, used to others' submission to you, and used to everyone surrounding you. I don’t know that Xiao Dezi’s parents were slaves who beat you to death when you were young to protect Lingyu. You are his father-killing enemy, how can he be loyal to you?”

Pei Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Stop talking nonsense! Pei Yue, now that the Gyeonggi Guards are gone and most of the Forbidden Army has been reduced, you just have to die!"

Pei Yue laughed again, a laugh that made Pei Yu feel harsh.

"Brother, brother, you are really confused. When I sent so many imperial troops and Gyeonggi Guards to leave the capital, if you were smarter, you should have realized that this was a trap."

Pei Yu's head was buzzing instantly.


He turned his head in panic and heard a powerful shout from not far away.

"Protect the emperor and capture the traitor Pei Yu!"

Isn't the person taking the lead the leader of the Gyeonggi Guard?

This time, Pei Yu realized that he was completely hopeless.

When Pei Yu was caught, his left leg and right hand were chopped off by the people.

His eyes were scarlet and his expression was unwilling.

Pei Yue looked at him for a long time, and left some words.

"Brother, you will lose because of your contempt for me, your confidence in you, and your sentimentality towards Ling Yu."

And ignore Lingmeng, the right girl.

Pei Yue did not say this sentence.

She didn't want others to know Lingmeng's specialness, which would arouse people's desire to kill Lingmeng.

Pei Yu's rebellion came to an end.

Those who scolded Pei Yue before, I sincerely apologize.

From time to time, they would bring things from their own home to the royal family in front of the palace gate to express their affection.

Pei Yue let people take it, and would eat three dishes given by the people every day, and the rest of the dishes would be delivered outside the palace gate to enjoy with the people.

For a time, the people felt great love and respect for Pei Yue's magnanimity, kindness, and people-friendly behavior.

As for the ministers in the court, it is the opposite.

Because Pei Yue started to use thunderous tactics to bring down corrupt officials or officials related to Pei Yu.

A large number of official positions were vacant, and aristocratic families were eager to take action, because every year the vacancies for court officials came from students from aristocratic families or who were recommended by aristocratic families.

This is an excellent opportunity to make money and occupy rights!
Just when the aristocratic family began to recruit students as students, Pei Yue suddenly came up with a sentence: the imperial examination for all people regardless of class!
No matter if they are princes, nobles, wealthy families, ordinary people, or lowly people, only those who can pass the exams in the top [-] can enter the court as an official.

The imperial examination is scheduled for one month later.

Why should it be set in January?It is because it is necessary to give time to other people who travel far away.

At this moment, everyone is in a frenzy.

The common people shouted for a good day to come, and prepared for the imperial examination one after another.

The aristocratic family cursed, wanting to bribe the imperial examination examiners to find positions for their students, but let alone the imperial examination examiners, there are no imperial examination questions!
Compared with the bustling outside world, Pei Yue felt a lot of pressure.

She felt guilty.

She said to Lingmeng, who was recovering from her injuries, "Sister Ling, I'm afraid I have to wait for a woman to become an official in the court."

Lingmeng has been in the palace these days, while recovering from her injuries, she chatted with Pei Yuechang about some basic conditions that a prosperous empire should have.

She walked up to Pei Yue and rubbed her head.

"It's okay, fat people don't eat at one bite. The same prosperous dynasty cannot be formed in a day. I believe in you, you will do what I said."

Pei Yue thought of unifying the Xuanyu Continent, unifying the writing and laws, etc., her eyes were firm and she nodded solemnly.

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Lingmeng took a deep look at her and gave her five more heavenly rejuvenation pills.

"This farewell, I'm afraid there will be no chance to see you again. This is the last gift I can give you."

Pei Yue's eyes turned red instantly, and she threw herself into Lingmeng's arms like a child.

"I don't want to, Sister Ling, don't go, it's too dangerous, don't go, okay?"

Although the queen mother said that Lingmeng was the right girl and she had God's protection, but she was going to fight against a demon god, and even kill Yexuan, Pei Yue was really worried.

"It doesn't matter, I still have dozens of heaven-grade resurrection pills, so I won't die so easily. And..."

Lingmeng looked out the window with firm eyes.

"Ascetic monks believe that there is too much suffering in the world. As long as they suffer a little more, more people will enjoy happiness. As a monk, how can I be worse than them? Someone must face danger. As a monk, I We should face it even more, so that more people will enjoy a safe life.”

Pei Yue burst into tears.

Finally, she raised her sleeves to wipe her tears and looked at Lingmeng with admiration.

"Sister Ling, since you have made up your mind, I will not persuade you any more. I wish you all your wishes come true and return safely!"

And she can't be too far behind her sister.

She also has to work hard to be a good emperor who is good to the people and loved by the people!

Before Lingmeng comes back, she will make the southern country as prosperous as Lingmeng said, where all people live and work in peace and contentment, and men and women are equal!
When Lingmeng took out the teleportation talisman and was about to go to Fucheng, she heard the heartthrob system exclaim in her mind.

【Oh my God! 6500! 】

Lingmeng was puzzled: "What does 6500 mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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