After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 131: 5 cases reported the Ancient Sword Sect, Bai Jingfeng was slapped

Chapter 131 Five reports against the ancient sword sect, Bai Jingfeng was slapped
The heartthrob explained to Lingmeng.

[Each emperor's luck value starts at 5000. If it is lower than 5000, it means that the emperor is a tyrant or a coward. If it remains at 5000, it is just average and has no merit or demerit. If the number reaches 5500, the emperor will be a benevolent emperor, who is relatively benevolent. If the number exceeds 6000, the emperor will be a wise emperor, making good use of talents. If the number reaches 6500, he will be at the level of the Ming Emperor!She wants to create a prosperous emperor. Not only that, she now has heavenly protection. Even if a monk from the Mahayana period comes over, it will be difficult to kill her. 】

After Lingmeng heard the news, she was sincerely happy for Pei Yue.

In this way, even if she pokes the sky outside, Pei Yue is not afraid of getting hurt.

She waved to Pei Yue, turned around and disappeared.


At this time, in the main hall of the main peak, there were not only several elders of the Changsheng Sect, but also the suzerains of the other four sects.

Ye Miao from the Qingyin Sect, Xiao Ting from the Wanfa Sect, Yuan Si from the Beast Control Sect, and Gu Jian from the Ronghe Sect.

The four looked at the picture stone with solemn expressions, the scene of Ye Xuan dispatching the disciples of the ancient sword sect to spread the plague in Fucheng, and the scene of letting the disciples of the ancient sword sect restrain the medicinal materials around Fucheng.

Headed by Gu Jian of Rong Hezong, his face was full of apprehension.

"Ye Xuan took the lead in breaking the rules and should be condemned. However, we are at least one level behind him. If we want to fight, I am afraid we will not be our opponents."

Compared to the Wanfa Sect and the Ancient Sword Sect, there is not much difference in strength.

Therefore, compared with Rong Hezong's anxiety, Xiao Ting spoke directly and bravely.

"What are you afraid of? Even if he is in the Mahayana period and is stronger than us, but two fists are no match for four hands, let alone four of us with eight hands!"

Ye Miao nodded, "Sect Master Xiao is right. No matter how bad the eight of us are, with so many talents and treasures in our hands, even if we can't beat Ye Xuan to death, we can beat him half to death."

Yuan Si from the Beast Control Sect said with a bit of laughter and tears: "Then what are you going to do? Just take this photo stone, find the Criminal Law Sect, and let the people from the Criminal Law Sect deal with Ye Xuan, right?"

Hao Pinwei's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he gave Yuan Si a thumbs-up, "Why didn't I think of it before? You are still young and have a good brain, Sect Master Yuan, you are really smart!"

Who is not happy to be praised?
Yuan Si was naturally very happy, but for some reason, the word "great cleverness" seemed to be a bit of a curse.

"Since we have decided on how to solve it, please suzerain masters, take good care of your disciples, and don't get too close to the disciples of the ancient sword sect, so as not to cause trouble to your upper body."

The four sect leaders nodded. After leaving the sect, they immediately warned their disciples not to associate with the Ancient Sword Sect.

Shen Changqing was thinking that this was a while away from the Lingjia birthday banquet, and Ling Yu's impression of him farting at the Lingjia birthday banquet should have faded.

He was going to find an excuse to show his presence in front of Ling Yu.

What did his master say?
Are they not allowed to have too much involvement with the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect?

"Master, why?"

Shen Changqing looked at Ye Miao very puzzled, "Why can't you find a disciple of Gu Jianzong?"

Ye Miao couldn't help but want to roll her eyes when Shen Changqing took out the silkworm feather coat she gave him at the Lingjia banquet and handed it over to the Lingjia.

Before she saw the photo stones of Ling Yu, Pei Yu, and Ye Xuan, she had also entertained the idea of ​​marrying Shen Changqing and Ling Yu.

After all, Shen Changqing is her eldest disciple. He is a master of both jade flute and sword. He is in the golden elixir stage. He is also the eldest son of the Shen family, one of the eight great aristocratic families.

For Lingyu, his status and strength match well.

But then Ling Yu became Ye Xuan's woman, and she put an end to this idea.

Now seeing his big disciple, worrying and restless all day because of Ling Yu, unable to concentrate on cultivation, his attitude is cold and hard.

"There is no reason. The teacher tells you not to go, so don't go. If you go against the order of the teacher and go to meet any disciple of the ancient sword sect, you will no longer be the chief disciple of my Qingyin sect!"

Ye Miao coldly dropped these words and strode away.

Shen Changqing looked at Ye Miao's leaving back, under the green sleeves, his hands slowly clenched into fists.

For a while, I hesitated.

On one side is the master, on the other side is the woman whom I admire and have a crush on...

"Big Brother."

At this time, Lian Ming, who had returned from traveling in the southern country, walked over with a smile on his face, and greeted Shen Changqing.

But Shen Changqing didn't want to pay attention to him, the second junior brother, because he was always eccentric.

Lian Ming was not annoyed, so he asked him: "Eldest senior brother, I just came back from the southern country and got a piece of news about Ling Yu, don't you want to hear it?"

Shen Changqing had already walked two meters away, but after hearing Lian Ming's words, he turned his head.

"What do you want to say?"

Lian Ming walked forward boldly, "I don't want to say anything, I just want to tell you, do you want to see the photo stones of Ling Yu, Pei Yu and Ye Xuan? I was outside the palace, but I secretly recorded it."

Shen Changqing's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Lian Ming angrily.

"You are shameless! Look at the trick!"

Lian Ming is not weak, he is born with great strength.

So soon, he pressed Shen Changqing's hand that took out the jade flute, and said playfully, "Brother, don't worry, what I really want to say is that Ling Yu was lost by Pei Yu and Ye Xuan, you Do you want to be the man who finds Ling Yu first?"

"What? Ling Yu is missing?"

After learning that Ling Yu was missing, Shen Changqing looked slightly panicked.

"real or fake?"

Lian Ming shrugged: "Can I lie to you? You can go to Shangnanguo to inquire about it, or go to Gu Jianzong to inquire about it. Are they looking for Lingyu underground..."

Before the last word "Luo" was finished, Shen Changqing, who was in front of Lian Ming, had already left with Yu Jian.

Lian Ming looked at Shen Changqing who was walking away, with a triumphant smile in his eyes.

When Shen Changqing's figure disappeared completely, Lian Ming put away his careless smile and turned serious.

In the previous life, because he also liked Ling Yu, he was humiliated by Shen Changqing. Taking advantage of his master's absence, he intentionally framed him to steal the master's most precious treasure, and was cast aside by everyone, and his golden core was abolished.

Ling Yu did not save him, but said with disgust that he was being sentimental.

She had no friendship with him, it was all his fault.

Every time she said something, Shen Changqing hit her harder, and finally...

Beat him to death.

Lian Ming pursed his lips tightly, Shen Changqing, in the previous life you caused my golden core to be shattered, I was rejected by the master, and finally died tragically, this time, I will let you taste what it is like to be rejected by the master!

Rong Hezong.

When Gu Jian said that he was not allowed to see the disciples of Gu Jianzong again, Bai Jingfeng was the first to stand up to object.

"I don't agree! Why can't I meet the disciples of Gu Jianzong? Every disciple of Gu Jianzong is a kind person, especially Lingyu Saintess, she..."


Before Bai Jingfeng finished speaking, Gu Jian raised his hand and slapped him hard.

(End of this chapter)

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