After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 132: There is nothing else in your mind except Ling Yu?

Chapter 132: There is nothing else in your mind except Ling Yu?

Gu Jian's slap came without any warning. Not only Bai Jingfeng didn't expect it, but everyone also didn't expect it.

Led by Lu Ming, he looked at Gu Jian in astonishment.

The master has always loved Bai Jingfeng, and on Bai Jingfeng's 20th birthday, he even gave Bai Jingfeng the Taiji Bagua Furnace, which was built with painstaking efforts by the founder of Ronghezong, to Bai Jingfeng.

Apart from the fact that Bai Jingfeng is from the Bai family, what's more important is that Bai Jingfeng's talent is extremely high!

The master and the other elders all valued Bai Jingfeng very much, believing that he had the potential to lead Rong Hezong to the peak.

Bai Jingfeng often did things to bully the disciples in the sect because of his status as the Bai family and the aura of the leader of the Changsheng Sect as his favorite disciple.

But the master selectively failed to see him every time, and even favored Bai Jingfeng.

But today, Bai Jingfeng just said something to disagree, and didn't do anything excessive, yet he was beaten by his master!
Lu Ming suddenly felt that the world had become quite magical.

After the beating, Gu Jian didn't have any regrets. On the contrary, he was very angry.

He stood with his hands behind his back and scolded him with all his face.

"Lingyu Lingyu, your head is full of Lingyu! Can you have something else in your mind besides Lingyu? Huh? Your big brother is not as qualified as you, you don't have the best golden Lingen, and you are not as smart as you , not as fast as you, but hard work can make up for it, hard training every day, not neglecting the basic skills for a day, and finally the stupid bird flies first, and the realm has reached the out-of-body stage, how about you? Tell me what realm you are now?"

Gu Jian reprimanded him in front of so many people, and Bai Jingfeng felt that his dignity was severely thrown to the ground.

How dare he compare a trash with Bai Jingfeng!
Bai Jingfeng asked unconvinced, "So the master beats the disciple just because the disciple is not as good as the senior brother? But the disciple is now in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the strength between the disciple and the senior brother is not far apart."

"You think it's just this? Heh, to tell you the truth, I've wanted to hit you a long time ago!"

Gu Jian's eyes widened in anger.

"When you gave my Ronghe Zong's Taiji Eight Diagrams Stove and Zhenzong's treasure to Lingya, I wanted to beat you as a teacher! It's just that at that time you were full of cock, and the whole Zongmen couldn't cure you, so you are anxious I got angry, I was afraid that you would go crazy, so I didn't hit you. I thought you would be smarter, understand it yourself, double your studies, and no longer be teased by people using forbidden techniques. As a result, you put on your face all day long! I Let me ask you, what is so good about that face of yours? Why don’t you cultivate when you have the kung fu? What’s so good about the water… spirit feathers? It’s worth you disrespecting the master’s life and contradicting him as a master?”

In fact, Gu Jian really wanted to say that Lingyu is a flirtatious person, but he felt that those words were too dirty, so he didn't say it in the end.

Bai Jingfeng's expression froze. The rooster's crow was mentioned again, and he couldn't help but recall the nightmare of those five days.

Because the chickens were crowing in Lingjia, he felt very ashamed, so he hurried back to Ronghezong to seek help from the suzerain and elders.

As a result, I tried various methods, but the rooster's crow was not eliminated.

In the end, after the fifth day's midnight, the crowing of the rooster stopped instantly.

He thought it was Rong Hezong's medicine that had an effect. Later, when he chatted with Gu Qingchuan and Shen Changqing, he found out that they also stopped farting and talking about eating shit after the fifth day of heaven. It should be that the forbidden spell has only five days. .

But even though it was only five days, these five days became the darkest moment of his life.

When his classmates looked at him, he felt like they were laughing at him.

So, he doesn't go out.

He put on that face because he didn't want to have any problems with his face after the rooster crows, which would make Ling Yu disgusted.

As for what’s so good about Lingyu?
Bai Jingfeng thought for a while, feeling a little confused for a moment.

Just when he couldn't remember what was so good about Ling Yu, he suddenly had several impressions in his mind and couldn't help but say them out.

"Lingyu is good everywhere! She treats people gently, kindly, and cares about the people. I don't allow anyone to slander Lingyu, even if this person is the master!"

Care about the people?

Gu Jian thought it was ridiculous that Lingyu would ruin the people of Fucheng in order to bring the Ling family back to its peak.

He raised his hand again and slapped the other half of Bai Jingfeng's face.

Looking at Bai Jingfeng's symmetrical pig-headed face, Gu Jian withdrew his hand contentedly and asked.

"Bai Jingfeng, I will give you the last chance to choose as a teacher. Should I choose Lingyu or Ronghezong?"

If Xingfamen did not take action against Gu Jianzong, the five sects would eventually join forces to deal with Gu Jianzong.The first targets to be killed were Ye Xuan and Ling Yu.

Since Bai Jingfeng had already said "I don't allow anyone to slander Ling Yu, even if this person is the master", it means that once they really killed Ling Yu, Bai Jingfeng would definitely avenge Ling Yu.

Anyway, master and apprentice are going to turn against each other, so it's better to make a decision early to prevent Bai Jingfeng from using Rong Hezong's reputation to do bad things in the future.

Bai Jingfeng looked at Gu Jian, and then thought of Ling Yu's gentleness and beauty, as well as Gu Jian's humiliation to him, and sneered.

"Since Rong and Zong can't tolerate me, I'll go."

After the words fell, he turned and left.

He obviously chose a woman and betrayed the teacher, but he said that the teacher couldn't tolerate him!
Although Gu Jian was disappointed and angry, he didn't try to persuade him to stay.

He took a deep breath, "Pass down the order and tell the entire cultivation world that from today onwards, Bai Jingfeng has nothing to do with me, Rong Hezong."


Royal Beast Sect.

Unlike the dispute between Shen Changqing and Bai Jingfeng, Gu Qingchuan is relatively more decent.

Gu Qingchuan knelt in front of Yuan Si, "Master, I'm sorry, please forgive me for my unfilial piety. Saint Lingyu has disappeared, and my heart is uneasy. Even if I stay in the sect, I will be like a walking zombie. I don't want to be like a puppet." Living normally, my disciple wants to find Saint Lingyu and take her to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and live a peaceful and stable life."

Yuan Si really wanted to say that Ling Yu is not a woman who keeps her own life.

But it is really not the behavior of a gentleman to make arrogant comments about women.

I can only let out a long sigh: "Since you have decided to become a teacher, I will no longer stop you. I just hope that you will not regret today's decision in the future."

"The apprentice will not regret it, the master cherishes it."

Gu Qingchuan kowtowed three times to say goodbye.

The atmosphere was sad, and suddenly Yuan Si said something.

"When you leave, don't forget to return the belongings of the Beast Master."

Gu Qingchuan: ...

He is a dignified young master of the Gu family, would he be greedy for things from the Beast Sect?
In an instant, Gu Qingchuan no longer felt guilty about Yushouzong and Yuan Si.


After Xiao Ting announced on the stage that he was not allowed to interact with the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect, some disciples were unwilling to cause trouble and were locked up by Xiao Ting.

He looked at Mo Chen's vacant position and squinted his eyes.

Then, he picked up the spiritual awareness card, found Mo Chen, and sent a message.

"Good disciple, how have you completed the tasks assigned to you by your master?"

(End of this chapter)

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