Chapter 133 Lingmeng, dogs can rest but you can’t
There was a message from Mo Chen soon: "It's not finished."

After Xiao Ting knew that it was not finished, he felt a little disappointed, but it didn't last long. After all, beside Lingmeng, there was the third elder of the Longevity Sect, and he explained in a gentle voice.

"It's okay, my good disciple. I'm not in a hurry as a teacher. But you need to find the right opportunity to use your beauty to seduce Lingmeng. When the teacher observes that you are reticent, you are somewhat similar to Yexuan, so you Don’t lose your temper, the more indifferent you are, the more she might like you, and then get hot-headed, leave the Changsheng Sect, and come to our Wanfa Sect.”

When Mo Chen heard Xiao Ting's words "I'm not in a hurry to be a teacher", he rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

He muttered softly, "No rush? If not, is it necessary for me to rush back to the sect? If not, is it necessary to ask me every day how my progress is?"

The old man is very bad!

Believe that this bad old man is worse than believe that he is the Jade Emperor.

Tucao return to Tucao, Mo Chen is still very polite to Xiao Ting, he replied with a spiritual sense card: "Understood."

I thought that the relationship between their master and apprentice had come to an end, but Xiao Ting sent another sentence.

Mo Chen clicked to listen: "Good apprentice, don't have any contact with people from Gu Jianzong in the near future, especially Ling Yu."

"Ling Yu?"

Mo Chen murmured the name, thought for a while, didn't know the name, so let it go.

After putting away the spiritual consciousness card, he set off in the direction of the Longevity Sect.

These days, he has been following Lingmeng secretly.

However, since the Yan family had the third elder of the Longevity Sect and the imperial palace had a Mahayana master, he didn't dare to get too close for fear of revealing his whereabouts.

Although he didn't know what Lingmeng looked like, Mo Chen really wanted to make friends with Lingmeng now.

He appreciates Lingmeng's national scientific examination.

After all, he was born as a commoner.

Because he does not have a proud family background, he has been targeted and ridiculed by the children of aristocratic families over the years in the world of cultivation.

He has always longed for a fair chance to compete with the children of the aristocratic family, but unfortunately, there was no chance.

In order to make those annoying people shut up, he can only practice hard, so that he is so strong that those children of the aristocratic family are afraid.

After he becomes the supreme powerhouse, he will help thousands of ordinary monks and ordinary people.

He didn't expect that someone had already achieved his dream for him.

Someone who has the same idea as him to help ordinary people is definitely not a bad woman.

So he didn't quite understand why those people would itch with hatred when Lingmeng was mentioned.

Obviously Lingmeng is very good.



As soon as Lingmeng arrived at the Changshengzong, she kept sneezing.

She rubbed her nose, thinking that Lan Ying or Ling Yu must be scolding her behind her back.

When you find these two scammers later, you must scold them well.

"My little apprentice—"

Suddenly, a distressed voice came from the front.

Lingmeng looked forward and saw Hao Pinwei striding towards him.

He still said distressedly in his mouth: "Look, these few days, I'm so thin that I don't look like a human being. My heart as a teacher hurts."

Lingmeng raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then can I rest for a few days?"

Hao Pinwei sternly refused: "No! Dogs can rest, but you can't."

Lingmeng: ...

Why does it feel like you are scolding someone?

Hao Pinwei also realized that this sentence was a bit ambiguous and said it quickly.

"Master is not saying that you are inferior to a dog. Hey, no, Master wants to say that you are worse than a dog. Hey, that's not right, Master..."

The more you explain, the darker it becomes.

The third elder was afraid that Hao Pinwei would say something stupid again, so he hurriedly walked between the two of them and said seriously, "Sect Master, it's better to summon all the elders to the main peak to hear about Ling Meng."

"Oh right."

Hao Pinwei also thought of something serious.

Before they came back, the third elder told him that the origin of Lingmeng was not simple, and he had some grievances with some gods in the God Realm, but Lingmeng said that he would wait until the sad things were dealt with.

Right now, the coup d'etat and the plague in the Southern Kingdom have been resolved, and the Second Elder of Fucheng has returned, leaving Nangong Linlang to guard there.

Soon, the elders of Qifeng gathered together.

Lingmeng was stared at by eight people, and she didn't feel nervous at all, but calmly told them all about her experience and the original direction of the world.

This said, it is a day and a night.

If it is an ordinary person, he must speak with dry mouth and hoarse voice.

But Lingmeng didn't feel tired, and even her voice was as crisp and clear as ever.

Hao Pinwei couldn't recover for a long time after hearing this, so he murmured.

"It turns out that this is the millennium catastrophe prophecy left by the ancestor..."

Their male disciples of the Longevity Sect will be obsessed with Ling Yu's appearance, and their female disciples will fall in love with the nine male protagonists crazily, take out the treasures of the Longevity Sect, and finally become the nine male protagonists to please Lingyu The souls of the men...

No wonder when she met Lingmeng, she would say that she wanted to hit the love brain...

Seeing that no one spoke, Lingmeng stood in the middle of the hall and raised her head, "If the masters are worried that I will be involved in the Longevity Sect, this disciple is willing to leave the Longevity Sect and has nothing to do with the Longevity Sect."

Although she had only been in the Changsheng Sect for a short time, these eight masters really had nothing to say to her.

She doesn't want to drag down such good masters.


After Hao Pinwei came back to his senses, he was the first to stand up: "You are my master's little disciple. Don't tell me that you want to kill those nine male protagonists and one female protagonist, and then go to the immortal world to take revenge. You will be the one to expose them." Until the end of the world, Master will stand firmly behind you. What’s more, your original intention is to save the world’s common people, which is the Dao! Master is even less likely to think that you will implicate the Changsheng Sect. On the contrary, Master will also feel that he can share your kind of thoughts. It’s an honor to fight as a hero on the avenue!”

The fourth elder jumped down from his chair, flew to Lingmeng's side, and then landed in front of her.

"Your sect leader and master are right, and I am willing to fight side by side with you to change the pattern of this world, break the rules of heaven, and seek explanation from heaven!"

The other elders also stood up and looked at Lingmeng firmly.

The fifth elder stood up and said with a smile.

"Lingmeng, if you want to do it, just do it."

Since the Longevity Sect is dead anyway, it's better to fight with Lingmeng.

What if, spell out a bright future?

Lingmeng burst into tears instantly.

"Thank you, masters!"

From this moment on, Lingmeng felt that something had changed.

Time has sped up, and all the disciples of the Longevity Sect have become extraordinarily hardworking.

In addition to urging her to study, the eight elders also discussed the method of sealing the demon god.

All are trying to get stronger, except certain licking dogs.

When Lingmeng was learning how to save people and kept giving Xue Peixin needles, causing him to roll his eyes, an angry voice came from behind her.

"Ling Meng!"

Lingmeng turned around and saw a man with a tumor on his head walking toward her angrily, asking questions.

"Ling Yu disappeared, was it your fault?"

(End of this chapter)

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