After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 134 Lingmeng, what are you doing with a bare sword hilt?

Chapter 134 Lingmeng, what are you doing with a bare sword hilt?

As Tantai Luosheng approached, Lingmeng felt as if his eyes had been splashed with sulfuric acid and could no longer open them.

Who can tell her why it's not just sarcoma, but dense apple snail eggs are also piling up?

Intensive phobia is about to be committed!

This is really ugly!

Lingmeng couldn't help admiring Lingyu.

This woman can really bear it in order to get other people's treasures!

I admire you!

No wonder they were able to get nine "dragon and phoenix among men" male protagonists.

Tantai Luosheng naturally noticed Lingmeng's reaction.

He was already angry with Lingmeng because of Lingyu's affairs, but now Lingmeng dislikes him so much, his sensitive and inferior heart made him hate Lingmeng even more.

Regardless of whether Lingyu's disappearance was really related to Lingmeng, she raised the fan in her hand and attacked Lingmeng.

Shi Yeye shouted in shock: "Little uncle, be careful!"

Even Xue Peixin, who was rolled his eyes by Lingmeng, couldn't help exclaiming: "Little uncle, get out of here!"

Although Lingmeng had her eyes closed at this time, the hearing in her ears was still there.

She could hear the sound of weapons coming fast towards her.

Lingmeng didn't use the sword field, nor did she use the dark field.

She stood there, motionless.

The heartthrob system is about to cry.

Is there anything wrong with this cute spirit?
The enemy's fan was about to hit her in the heart, why didn't she know how to hide?

Shouldn't it be waiting for it?

It seems possible too.

After all, she has never done anything in the past few days of binding Lingmeng.

Lingmeng probably wants to see its performance, right?
That's it.

With so many top-quality spiritual roots in Lingmeng's body, it will lend a helping hand and save her.

Just when the heartthrob system was about to set up an enchantment barrier to block the fan thrown by Tantai Luosheng, her stupid host finally made a move.

She quickly recited the contents of the "Integration of Body, Body and Heart Method".

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, and all things return to one, it is called Tao.

I am one, I am two, I am three, I am all things, the name is Tao.

I am the Tao, the Tao is me, respecting my original heart is the Tao..."

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

They know that the spirit is cute and evil, and can jump from the Qi refining stage to the golden core stage in a short time.

But they didn't expect that Lingmeng could even use air!
When Lingmeng was chanting something, the air in front of her suddenly turned into a huge vortex.

Tantai Luosheng's aggressive fan was spinning in the air vortex.

During the period, Tantai Luosheng also tried to call back the fan with spells, but the fan didn't respond in any way other than spinning in the vortex.

"I enter all things, all things become my form, my heart swims in all things, all things swim in my heart, I am used by all things, and all things are used by me!"

The moment Lingmeng crossed her hands, the fan immediately shattered into thousands of small particles, which floated into the center of the vortex and disappeared.


From the center of the vortex, a little breeze blew first, then turned into a small wind, and then turned into a strong wind, blowing up the pages of medical books, like drumbeats in wartime, falling on everyone's hearts, adding a bit of tension and confrontation Fear of unknown outcome.

Tantai Luosheng saw that his origami fan was sucked away by the weapon Lingmeng, and it was still destroyed, his eyes turned red instantly.

"Ling Meng! You actually ruined my fan? I'll fight you!"

He took out a white feather fan from the mustard bag, which had a star light effect.

When Lingmeng opened her eyes, she saw this fan.

Her eyes lit up, "I want this fan too!"

After saying this, she raised her hand, and the fan in Tantai Luosheng's hand flew into Lingmeng's hand with a "xiu".

As if deliberately falling in Qi Tantai, Lingmeng raised his left hand, and tens of thousands of particles gathered into an origami fan, which was exactly the one Tantai Luosheng used.

Lingmeng has an origami fan in her left hand and a white feather fan in her right hand, fanning gently.

The wind feeling of the white feather fan is stronger, and wherever the breeze passes, there is a piece of green grass.

Tantai Luosheng broke his defense upon seeing this.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? This is my natal fan! Why can it obey your commands? Why can you fan out Cangshengchun fan?"

He has held this fan for nearly 20 years, and he only fanned out the heat of summer, but he never fanned out anything other than summer.


Lingmeng raised her eyebrows, "What you mean by this is that this fan can not only fan out the meaning of spring, but also fan out other seasons?"

She looked at the fan playfully and said tentatively: "Little feather fan, I want snow to fall in winter."

Almost as soon as she said these words, the whole hall suddenly became much colder.

Some disciples with lower cultivation levels were shivering with cold.

As for the monks around the golden core stage, they quickly summoned their spiritual power to keep themselves warm.

In the huge school, it became a world of ice and snow in the blink of an eye, and snowflakes were slowly falling from the sky.

Lingmeng said again: "I want to see the red maple leaves in autumn."

The next moment, the house turned into a maple forest again.

"Oh my God!"

At this time, Bai Yun, who was behind Tantai Luosheng, came in and happened to see this scene.

He couldn't help but marvel: "The natal fan has become a cute one? Who else is her opponent in the world?"

When a monk fights, he summons his own life to help him fight and hit the enemy quickly.

But today, Bai Yun discovered that if he wanted to fight with Lingmeng in the future, he must not summon natal beasts or natal weapons.

Otherwise, you won't be able to help yourself, and you will waste your life in vain, adding help to Lingmengtu.

"Don't grow others' aspirations, destroy your own prestige!"

Tantai Luosheng gritted his teeth and looked at Lingmeng who was playing with his real name fan, "It's my senior brother, let's beat her together, and then forcefully ask her about Lingyu's whereabouts!"

This time, Tantai Luosheng didn't dare to use any weapon at hand to fight against Lingmeng.

He was afraid of those things and eventually became a cute one.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have any particularly good weapons now, so he gave them to Ling Yu.

So Tantai Luosheng hit Lingmeng with his bare hands.

Seeing this, Lingmeng shouted inwardly: "Goofy, put the fan in!"

As the fan disappeared in Lingmeng's hand, the heartthrob system exclaimed: "There are actually other consciousnesses in your body!"You are the variable! 】

The heartthrob system was dumbfounded.

It always thought that Pei Yue was the variable, so it encouraged Ling Yu to target Pei Yue.

I thought there would be no change when Pei Yue died, so she could continue to encourage Ling Yu to practice seriously, let Ling Yu cultivate immortality, so that Ling Yu could go to the fairy world with that face to work for the person behind it, who would have thought that there would be a real change The person is Lingmeng!

There can be such a variable, except for the arrangement of heaven, it really can't think of anything else.

Realizing its existence was discovered by Tiandao, the heartthrob system began to struggle, trying to escape.

But it's a pity that almost as soon as it tried to take back its four legs that were rooted in the Lingmeng root, it was snapped off by a strand of silver-white dragon-shaped consciousness...


The heartthrob system screamed.

【Master, don't worry, it's under my control. I've reported the source of the demon power behind it to the Dao of Heaven. Now you can rest assured to fight against Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun. 】

Yelan's voice sounded in Lingmeng's head.

Lingmeng had never thought Yelan's sunny boy's voice was so beautiful.

She took something out of the mustard bag.

After seeing clearly what was in Lingmeng's hand, Bai Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Lingmeng, what are you doing with a bare sword handle?"

(End of this chapter)

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