After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 135 When Ye Ye opened the market, everyone placed bets on Ling Meng to lose.

Chapter 135 When Ye Ye opened the market, everyone placed bets on Ling Meng to lose.
Everyone looked over.


Apart from the hilt of the sword, there was nothing else in Lingmeng's hand.

After Shi Yeye saw it, he took out a sword from his mustard bag without saying a word: "Uncle Master, give me my sword..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Lingmeng rushing towards Tantai Luosheng like lightning.


A scream sounded.

The sarcoma on Tantai Luosheng's head was cut off.


Everyone else was startled.

"Can a sword without a blade still hurt people?"

"Is this because you are ignorant?" Someone explained: "That is the Cold Light Glazing Shadow Sword. I was just a little skeptical at first. After all, the Cold Light Glazing Shadow Sword sells [-] high-grade spiritual stones in Lingbao Pavilion. And even if you buy this sword , and you may not be able to get its approval. If you don't get its approval, then this sword will be like tatters. But once it gets the approval of this sword, then wherever there is light, this sword can turn light into Sharp blade.”

Lingmeng looked at Tantai Luosheng, who had no tumors on his forehead, and nodded, "Finally it's pleasing to the eye!"


Tantai Luosheng covered his forehead. He was originally in pain, but when he heard Lingmeng say this, the inferiority complex and anger in his bones swept over him again.

He put down his hand covering his forehead, gritted his teeth and attacked Lingmeng again.

After Bai Yun knew that it was the Cold Light Skimming Shadow Sword, he began to take Lingmeng to a place without sunlight, so as to prevent the Cold Light Skimming Shadow Sword in Lingmeng's hand from exerting its strength.

But what he didn't expect was that Lingmeng had a fusion physique, and under the influence of the fusion physique and mind method, he had already integrated himself with the cold light skimming sword.

Even if there is no sunlight, she can still transform the sword into shape by virtue of her physique!
The two brothers, one from the left and the other from the right, pinched Lingmeng, and the fight was inseparable for a moment.

Shi Yeye was worried that Lingmeng would be at a disadvantage, but her strength was low. If she and Lingmeng beat Bai Yun and Bai Yun together, not only would they not be able to help Lingmeng, but they would even hold Lingmeng back.

She had no choice but to decide to go find the second elder.

But she was dumbfounded when she ran out into the yard.

Because she saw the second elder and the suzerain were eating melon seeds with a handful of them, as if they were watching a performance.

After seeing her, he even asked her kindly, "Do you want to eat melon seeds together?"

Shi Yeye:......

Are these the elders and heads of a serious sect?
She was speechless and anxious.

"Sect Master, Second Elder, aren't you afraid that Lingmeng will be injured by Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun?"

The second elder waved his hand, "Don't worry, Lingmeng's strength is not that bad."

Shi Yeye was still worried, "But between the two of them, Lingmeng is the only one, and they have been fighting for a while."

"Alright, alright. Lingmeng is teasing the two of them. It only takes the blink of an eye for her to end it."

After Lingmeng confessed her grudge against Lan Ying, Hao Pinwei casually asked Lingmeng if she was the one who injured Ye Xuan in Kyoto.

Lingmeng admits.

Although I don't know why a monk at the Jindan stage can injure a monk at the Mahayana stage, the addition of Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun is not half of Yexuan's strength.

A person who can hurt Ye Xuan is nothing more than a drop of rain against Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun.

Shi Yeye turned her head in disbelief, Lingmeng is really so powerful?
But the person who said this was Hao Pinwei, the leader of the sect.

They shouldn't lie to her.

After figuring this out, Shi Yeye put her heart back into her stomach.

She folded her hands and bid farewell to the two, then went into the house, took out a table and a chair from her mustard bag, and the old god was sitting there.

"Come, come, everyone, come and place your bets. Will Lingmeng win, or Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun will win."

This shout attracted some people who were watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

Someone said, "I bet on Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun to win! Regardless of how long they have practiced, they are two against one, so Lingmeng must lose."

"Then Lingmeng must lose. Brother Bai Yun is a fox anyway, and their fox family is best at deceiving people. After a while, Lingmeng may be encouraged by Senior Brother Bai Yun to admit defeat."

"Obviously, two versus one has a greater chance of winning."

Seeing that there was nothing in Lingmeng's side, Shi Yeye raised her eyebrows and said kindly.

"Brothers, do you want to bet that Uncle Lingmeng will win? Don't you want to pay ten to one?"

Everyone waved their hands and refused.

"It's true that Lingmeng has some strength, but the people she defeated before were not very powerful. Senior Brother Tantai Luosheng was the strongest in our sect in the previous term. Lingmeng and Tantai Luosheng were fighting in singles There is no guarantee that we can win, not to mention that with Bai Yun’s help, Lingmeng may be defeated miserably after just a few moves.”

Originally, there were some people who were hesitant to vote for Lingmeng after hearing Shi Yeye's words.

However, after hearing this man's opinions, he gave up trying to surrender to Ling Meng Ying, and instead chose Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yunying.

Until everyone finished placing their bets, no one from Lingmeng pressed her to win.

Shi Yeye simply took out her money and put Lingmeng on it.

At this time, another money bag was placed on Lingmeng's side.

Shi Yeye looked up very happily, just about to say that this senior brother has a good eye, but when he saw clearly that the person who placed the bet was the third elder, he was taken aback.

Why are these three elders here?
When Shi Yeye was stunned, another voice came from under the table.

"I also bet on Xiaomengmeng to win."

When Shi Yeye stood up quickly, she saw that the fourth elder was also there.

"I've met the third elder and the fourth elder!"

Shi Yeye saluted quickly.

The two waved their hands, "Keep watching."

"You two have made a bet, so how can I not make a bet?"

The great elder walked forward with a smile, took out ten money bags and placed them on Ling Meng Ying's side.

Hao Pinwei, the second elder, and the fifth elder also came.

The disciples were all dumbfounded.

The suzerain and the seven elders all bet on Lingmeng to win, which means that Lingmeng must be stronger than Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun, and Lingmeng must win in the end.

Someone regretted it: "I didn't bet on the two senior brothers and won, I bet on Lingmeng to win, you transfer my fifty top-grade Lingshi to Lingmeng."

Shi Yeye smiled hypocritically when she thought that she had kindly persuaded them to bet on Lingmeng just now, and these people looked down on Lingmeng.

"I'm sorry, once you make a bet, you can't repent."


The man wanted to reprimand Shi Yeye, a new student, how could he contradict his senior brother.

But when he saw the eight bosses standing next to Shi Yeye, he couldn't say any words of warning.

He could only look at Shi Yeye coldly, thinking that he would settle the score with Shi Yeye again if he had the chance.

Others saw that they could not change their bets, so they could only place their hopes on Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun, hoping that they could defeat Lingmeng.

"Senior Brother Tantai, Senior Brother Bai Yun, you two must win. We are betting all our fortune on you to win!"

(End of this chapter)

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