After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 141 Lingmeng advises the criminal law sect to disband as soon as possible

Chapter 141 Lingmeng advises the criminal law sect to disband as soon as possible
The man next to Lu Yuan saw that she was about to take the photo stone and told her specifically: "Although the other party did not produce the photo stone at the time of the incident as evidence, he said that there were twenty former disciples of the Changsheng Sect behind him to testify. Said they saw with their own eyes that you killed your father and mother, mutilated your two brothers, beat more than 20 fellow disciples, and killed Qin Jixian."


At this time, the second elder stood up a little irritable.

"It was obviously the Ling family and those disciples who were expelled from the sect who provoked them first. They deceived others too much, and Qin Jixian also left the Changsheng sect alive!"

Lu Yuan glanced at the second elder, then looked at Lingmeng again, and asked interestingly, "Seeing the anxious look of this elder, it means that you really did something at that time?"

Lingmeng replied very calmly, "I didn't say that I didn't beat them. What I said is that I don't admit those charges."

The man held his chin in one hand, "There's no need to argue so much. If you have evidence, just show it."

Lingmeng glanced at the man and felt that this kind of person was refreshing.

When sending Lingya down the mountain, she made a video recording to prevent Lingya and others from turning around and dying. Lingzeyi and the others used Lingya to tarnish her reputation as a backup, but they actually used it!

She opened the image stone.

In the picture, she used a wooden stick to perform the dragon sword technique in front of Ling Ya and the others.

At that time, Lingya was obviously able to open his eyes and speak.

Whether it was Ling Ziqi, Ling Zeyi, or Shen Qinglian, they were all alive and safe.Although Qin Jixian is miserable, he can move and speak, and his head and body are not separated.

After the content of the recording stone was played, Lingmeng looked up at the people from the criminal law sect and asked.

"I'm just giving gifts, why do you say I killed people?"

Lu Yuan squinted her eyes, surprised that Lingmeng, a little Jindanqi, could use a wooden stick to show sword intent...

"Although you didn't kill anyone yourself, you used your actions to destroy the hearts of everyone in the Ling family."

Lingmeng made a serious face, "Is it guilty for me to become better and stronger?"

"At least you are not innocent. As a monk, you do not respect mortal parents, do not obey your brother's instructions, and kill your own sister..."

"Disrespect your parents? Disobey your brother's orders? Harm your own sister?"

Lingmeng smiled, but the smile was full of sarcasm.

"As a parent, do you have the responsibility to love your children? Does the brother have the responsibility to protect the sister? Does the sister follow the rules of the sister? People kill you time and time again. If you can't resist once, do you deserve to be beaten to death?"

Lu Yuan was ridiculed and immediately became unhappy. She raised her hand and slammed the table.


"I want to be bold!"

Now that she has already offended the world's biggest boss, she is not afraid of offending two more.

Lingmeng spoke convincingly: "As a criminal law school, you have no fairness and justice in judging cases. You don't have your own opinions and judgments. It all depends on the way of heaven to strike people. How do you know whether the thunder was struck by the way of heaven or framed by others?" ? How do you know that the monks who were struck by lightning really killed innocent people indiscriminately? Those who were not struck by lightning are all innocent? You don't investigate anything, just wait for the action of heaven, and when the other party is not dead, you will kill them again. What's the difference between people's broken bones and ashes, and those rubbish who take advantage of other people's troubles!"

"Blazingly insulting the Criminal Law School, I think you are getting impatient!"

Lu Yuan stood up and raised her hand to cast a spell on Lingmeng.

"Lu Yuan, sit down."

The man sternly reprimanded her, and Lu Yuan had no choice but to sit down reluctantly.

The man looked at Lingmeng: "Continue talking, it's been a long time since anyone scolded the Criminal Law Gate, and it sounds good to me, you continue."

I'm afraid this is not an undercover agent in the criminal law, right?
Lingmeng felt that the other party's idea was very unique, and she appreciated it very much.

"Everyone says that the criminal justice system is fair and will show no mercy to monks who harm mortals. So let me ask you two, the stone that I placed on the Ling family's birthday banquet where Ling Yu was killed by me has been there for two or three months. Why hasn't the criminal law sect arrested Ling Yu so far?"

Lu Yuan said bluntly: "You are a monk."

"But at that time, my sword bones and golden elixirs were mined, and I was just a defenseless mortal!"

Lu Yuan remained silent.

Seeing that she was silent, Lingmeng spoke again.

"Okay, even if I was still a monk at that time. But how do you think Lingyu killed so many innocent children? Are you saying that those children are monks? Are you saying that you have never seen those image stones? Content, right? Could it be that no one reported it? Could it be that you just sit in the criminal law gate and wait for the criminals to come to your door, and never investigate the truth of the matter and avenge the suffering people? If that is the case, I advise Your criminal law sect should be disbanded as soon as possible!"

"Ling Meng!"

Lu Yuan stood up again, her face flushed, "You are the one who insults the criminal law?"

"Go to Heaven to listen?"

Lingmeng sneered: "The one you mentioned that Shang Datian listened to, couldn't it be Lan Ying?"

Lu Yuan's face was shocked.

Lingmeng would guess it!
When starting from the criminal law gate, God dedicated himself, and must let her bring Lingmeng back to the criminal law gate, and convict Lingmeng desperately, and it is best to lock her up when she is brought back to the criminal law gate.

Although Lu Yuan was also surprised that a small golden elixir stage monk could actually offend the God of War in the upper world.

But she had to obey God's command.

What she didn't expect was that Lingmeng guessed who she was taking orders from in a short time!

The man also stood up at this time, looking at Lu Yuan with a gloomy expression.

"What happened? Why did you listen to Lan Ying instead of obeying the will of heaven?"

Lu Yuan looked at the man in front of her, panicked, and quickly knelt on the ground.

"Master, subordinate...subordinate..."

Lu Yuan hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

However, Lingmeng took a strange look at the man. According to the original records, Gu Jingyu, the head of the Criminal Law Sect, traveled around the world after the Criminal Law Sect started operating normally and did not appear until the finale.

As for why the original book will write criminal law?
It's because the acting sect master of the Criminal Law Sect, as well as other immortals or monks, in the middle and later stages of the plot, regardless of gender, will become the licking dogs of the male and female protagonists.

Because of these licking dogs, when the hero and heroine began to massacre mortals, they were not frustrated.

Of course, in the end, because of their licking of the nine heroines and heroines, all the female fairies died. The handsome male fairies are reduced to one of the harem of Lingyu, who are occasionally responsible for maintaining the spirit. The order in Yu's harem eventually became a knife that could only kill some men Ling Yu disliked.

Gu Jingyu stretched out his hand, and an invisible force pinched Lu Yuan's neck and said sternly.


(End of this chapter)

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