After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 142 Lingmeng, why does my poisonous needle obey your command?

Chapter 142 Lingmeng, why does my poisonous needle obey your command?
After all, Lu Yuan could not resist Gu Jingyu's pressure and began to explain.

"God Lan Ying promised that as long as her subordinates capture Lingmeng and lock her up in the criminal law gate, she will lead her subordinates to the heavens and become her right-hand man."

People want to become monks, monks want to become immortals, and immortals want to become gods.

She has been in the Criminal Law School for so many years, and it took her 400 years from the sweeping in the fit period to the current trial in the cave.

There is still a long way to go before the Mahayana stage, and there is still a long way to go before ascending to immortality.

If you practice honestly, you don't know how many years you will have to wait before you can ascend to the ascension.

She just helps Lan Ying to do something, and she can directly ascend to immortality, why not do it?

It's not about asking her to kill someone.


With a wave of Gu Jingyu's hand, Lu Yuan was thrown to the ground hard.

Lu Yuan rolled twice and rolled in front of Lingmeng.

Lingmeng looked down at her without the slightest sympathy, and nodded following Gu Jingyu's words.

"It's really stupid. I didn't know that I was used as a gun by Lan Ying."

Lu Yuan could accept that Gu Jingyu scolded her, after all, she was her superior, but Lingmeng, a small Jindan late-stage monk, why did she insult her?

Her eyes immediately turned sinister, "Who allowed you to scold me?"

As soon as the words fell, huge long water sleeves suddenly sprang out from Lu Yuan's clothes, swimming towards Lingmeng's face like a swimming snake.

Lingmeng had only seen people using water sleeves as weapons on TV before, but she had never seen one before when she came to this world, so she had the idea of ​​playing with Lu Yuan for a while.

There was still a sound of ridicule in his mouth: "Yo yo yo! Are you in a hurry? You can give me a death sentence regardless of the truth, and I deserve to die if I scold you? Lu Yuan's trial, you are really a great authority! .”

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the trick!"

When Gu Jingyu saw this, he wanted to stop it, but when he saw that Lingmeng's expression was not flustered, he still wanted to tease him. The suzerain and elders of the Longevity Sect had no intention of helping him at all, and even discussed who Lingmeng and Lu Yuan were. When he would win, he lamented that these people could play, then withdrew his hand that wanted to stop, and looked at Lingmeng.

Lu Yuan is also a master of the Dongxu period.

The golden core stage is far from the cave empty stage, but there are four major realms and 36 small realms (one realm is ninefold).

Even if you pull a 3-year-old doll and choose with your toes, you will always choose Lingmeng to lose.

Why is it that among a group of hundreds of years old men, some people are sure that Lingmeng will win?

Could it be that Lingmeng has some trump cards?
Under Gu Jingyu's probing eyes, Lingmeng and Lu Yuan had been fighting for a quarter of an hour.

Lu Yuan looked unkind and felt that she was almost losing face.

She is a master at the Dongxu stage!

To deal with a Jindan stage monk who has lowered his own four great realms, it is reasonable to only need two moves to finish the job!
But a quarter of an hour passed, not to mention she defeated Lingmeng, she didn't even touch the corner of Lingmeng's clothes!

If word of this battle gets out, she, Lu Yuan, will lose face.

If Lingmeng was originally sentenced to death, it was because she followed Lan Ying's orders, which was not her original intention.

But at this moment, Lu Yuan was a little more sincere.

She wants Ling Meng to die!
Lu Yuan suddenly dodged through the darkness, and immediately released the poisonous needle hidden in her sleeves.


Lingmeng was taken aback.

The picture of countless needles flying over is even more spectacular than the bows and arrows shot by soldiers in TV dramas!

Lingmeng knew that the other party had real murderous intentions, so she took it seriously now.

She quickly chanted the secret of integrating physique and mind, and the movements of her hands did not stop, "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three... I am used by all things, and all things are used by me!"

As the secret in her mouth was spoken, a transparent vortex appeared on her chest an elbow away.

The whirlpool swallowed up all the poisonous needle coefficients that attacked her!
When Lu Yuan saw this, she was stunned and murmured: "What? How is this possible?"

She continued to collapse, "How could a small Jindan stage monk have such a wide range of spells?"

This is something that even a master in the Dongxu stage cannot do!
Why can a golden elixir stage monk do it?

Lingmeng smiled slightly: "What you can't do doesn't mean that others can't do it. I will return all the poisonous needles you gave me to you now."

Lingmeng clasped her hands together and pushed one out.

I saw the transparent vortex, like a huge fist, striking quickly.

Lu Yuan did not dodge too much, nor did she care about these poisonous needles.

Because these poisonous needles are her weapons, they already have weapon spirits and only listen to her call.

Without her permission, it is impossible for the poisonous needle to hurt her even the slightest bit.

But when the poisonous needle really pierced her heart, Lu Yuan was stunned.


Lu Yuan vomited blood.

She raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth, looked at the bright red blood on her finger, and broke her defense.

"How is it possible? Why does my poisonous needle follow your command?"

Lingmeng smiled.

"Maybe it's because I am the light of righteousness?"


Lu Yuan wanted to scold Lingmeng, but the toxin from the poison needle had quickly spread to her whole body, so she had to hold her breath first.

Unlike Lu Yuan's breakdown, Gu Jingyu stood up abruptly and looked at Lingmeng in great surprise.

"It's you!"

Listening to Gu Jingyu's surprised tone, Lingmeng's expression was a little dazed.

Why does Gu Jingyu's tone sound so familiar to her?
But she had never seen this man before.

For this reason, she was still asking Yelan in her mind: "Gouzi, Gu Jingyu and I knew each other before?"

"do not know."

Ye Lan gave an explanation very straightforwardly.

Since she and Gu Jingyu didn't know each other before, why was Gu Jingyu so happy and excitedly said "It's you"?

But soon, she heard the answer from Gu Jingyu.

"You are the reincarnation of the female war goddess!"

Lingmeng looked at Gu Jingyu with some surprise: "How do you know?"

Is he also the one who holds the script?
Gu Jingyu hurriedly stepped down from the high platform, walked up to Lingmeng, and bowed to Lingmeng.

"Junior Gu Jingyu has met the female God of War."

Lingmeng was a little embarrassed by this move and took two steps back: "I can't bear such a big gift."


Gu Jingyu said earnestly: "If the Goddess of War hadn't suppressed that demon thousands of years ago, this junior would have died in the hands of the demon long ago. At that time, this junior had already vowed in his heart that he would ascend to immortality as soon as possible. Becoming a member of God of War under your command is just..."

He sighed, "When I ascended to become an immortal queen, you left the heaven and disappeared into the Three Thousand Worlds. You didn't appear for 1000 years. I thought you had fallen, but I didn't expect you to still be alive!"

"I see."

No wonder he knew her real identity: "But you didn't tell me, how did you recognize it?"

"It's the skill you use that fuses all things. For thousands of years, this junior has only seen it on you, the God of War. And everyone in the heavens said that you are the only one in this world with a fusion physique that can fuse all things for your use. And this junior I just thought about it, the real name of the Goddess of War is Lingmeng."

Lingmeng asked Gu Jingyu some things about her in the heaven, because Lingmeng had won many battles in the heaven and would always address her as "Goddess of War" except in the mortal world.

Over time, Lingmeng lost her real name.

Everyone only knows that there is a Goddess of War in the heavens, but they don't know that the real name of the Goddess of War is Lingmeng.

Ling Meng understood.

No wonder the files of the Changsheng Sect only contain the words "Female War Goddess" but never the name of the female War Goddess.

It turned out that I didn't know.

Lu Yuan's defense was completely broken.

If Lingmeng is really the reincarnation of the goddess of war, wouldn't her end be tragic?

Not only that, but she really confirmed what Lingmeng said, is she stupid?

Was Lan Ying used as a weapon?
(End of this chapter)

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