After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 144 Lan Ying comes to Changsheng Sect to ask for Bai Yun

Chapter 144 Lan Ying comes to Changsheng Sect to ask for Bai Yun
Hao Pinwei immediately took out the spiritual mirror and began to investigate.

It's just that the smoke and dust on Siguoya is too big, and the content in the smoke and dust cannot be seen clearly.

Ye Wuji ran over at this time, his face was full of panic.

"Master, Eldest Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother are still thinking about the cliff, and now that Siguoya has been razed to the ground, so did the Eldest Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother encounter something unexpected?"

Hearing this, Hao Pin turned pale and took two steps back.

Fortunately, the First Elder and Second Elder held him back, so he didn't fall down.

Everyone's expression is also very dignified.

Lingmeng stepped forward: "Master, the two brothers are fine."

Hao Pinwei thought that Lingmeng was comforting him, and said sadly: "Good boy, Master can bear the blow of reality."

Seeing that Hao Pin didn't believe her, Lingmeng said again: "Master, the two senior brothers are really fine. They are all in my secret realm."

"What? Secret realm?"

The fourth elder came over in disbelief: "You have a secret realm? You actually have a secret realm? Is it from the Ling family's property?"

Lingmeng didn't explain the source of the secret realm, just talking.

"Fourth master. Before the master let me go to Siguoya, the two senior brothers were convinced before allowing me to go out of Siguoya. Although the senior brother was convinced, the second senior brother was not convinced, but he exhausted his strength and strength. I don't want to take advantage of the 10-year-old golden core power of the fox family and throw him into the secret realm to practice and collect resources. The elder brother also wanted to practice, so we entered the secret realm together."

Unexpectedly, this unintentional move saved the two of them.

After learning that Tantai Luosheng and Bai Yun were fine, Hao Pinwei and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Hao Pinwei said happily: "As long as nothing happens, it's better for you to understand the general situation, sow good causes and get good results. I believe that after knowing what happened today, the two of them will no longer be hostile to you."

Lingmeng didn't care if these two were hostile to her, because her enemies were very clear from the beginning to the end, and they were the nine male protagonists and the female protagonist.

"Sovereign, look! There is a blue light coming from the sky!"

The third elder pointed to the sky above Siguoya.

Everyone looked over and saw that there was indeed a blue round light moving quickly towards this side.

Seeing this blue circular light, Lingmeng felt as if she had seen it somewhere before, but after thinking about it carefully, she couldn't remember it.

[It's Lan Ying. 】

Yelan reminded her in her mind.

Almost behind his words, the blue light and shadow had already fallen in front of them.

The leader was Lan Ying, and behind her was a group of faceless men in black.

The treasure clothes worn by Lan Ying are as bright as gems, shining brightly, very dazzling.

[Those men in black are puppets raised by Lan Ying, who are specially designed to kill me, Dahong and Sword Spirit. Of course, she mainly wants to kill me.She raised these puppets in this small world, not in the heaven, so no god in the heaven knew that she had raised the puppets.In addition, this world is controlled by her. Even if you die in the hands of these puppets, no god will redress your grievances. You should be careful. 】

Lingmeng pursed her lips and stared at Lan Ying, holding the Flame Soul-Splitting Sword in her hand.

Lanying saw Lingmeng's alert look and spoke with a high air.

"Lingmeng, don't be so sentimental, I'm not here to look for you."

After she said this, she glanced at Lu Yuan, who had a dark complexion, and a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes.

"It's really a waste that can't do enough to make things happen, and it can't do such a small thing well."

Lu Yuan became angry when she heard this, "Lanying, why are you taking advantage of me?"

"Use you?"

Lan Ying laughed wildly: "Didn't you do it voluntarily? It's your own greed, what does it have to do with me?"

Lu Yuan looked at Lan Ying's complacent look, and satirized her smile, why didn't she understand?
She was really used as a weapon by Lan Ying!
Even if Lingmeng didn't discover her conspiracy with Lanying today, Lingmeng was successfully arrested and brought back to the criminal law.

With Lan Ying's attitude of turning her face and denying others, Lan Ying will definitely kill her immediately.

Even if he didn't kill her immediately, he would push her out to take the blame.

After all, Lingmeng is the reincarnation of God of War!

The God of War has not returned for a long time, so the way of heaven must be investigated.

This investigation will definitely find her.

Since Lan Ying will end up dead anyway, it's better to stay in the hands of the sect master. As long as she begs the sect master, there may be a possibility of survival.

door master...

Lu Yuan took a look, where did Gu Jingyu go?
Why don't you see anyone else?
Isn't the sect master the kind of character who takes care of himself when he is in danger?
Lingmeng didn't want to hear about the grievances between Lan Ying and Lu Yuan, so she stepped forward and questioned in a cold voice.

"Since you are not looking for me, what are you here for? To kill Lu Yuan?"

"Not at all."

Lan Ying glanced at Lu Yuan with disdain, "Even if she is in the Dongxu stage, she is just a monk and is not worthy of my action. I am here to ask for someone from the leader of the Immortality Sect."

After Hao Pinwei learned about Lan Ying's personality from Lingmeng's mouth, he changed from the kindness he used to treat others to only coldness.

"No matter who you want, this sect leader will never give him to you!"

Lan Ying covered her lips and smiled, "You really have a backbone. I hope your backbone can last for a stick of incense."

After the words fell, Lan Ying clapped her hands.

The puppets behind her invariably placed their swords on the frightened Changsheng Sect disciples at the side.

When Hao Pin saw this, he couldn't help being startled and raised his voice.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing that Hao Pinwei was really scared, the smile on Lan Ying's face became even happier. She deliberately pretended to be elegant, raised her fingers, looked at her dyed nails, and spoke slowly.

"By handing over Bai Yun, I can save your Longevity Sect from the fate of destroying your sect."

When Lingmeng heard that she wanted Bai Yun, she immediately thought of Lan Ying's purpose.

Lan Ying rescued Ling Yu, and must have found that Ling Yu's body no longer had a heart-throb system.Without that system on Ling Yu, Ling Yu's heart-throb physique will naturally be greatly reduced.

And it can quickly replace the heartthrob system, and the effect is better than the heartthrob effect, naturally it is the 10-year golden pill in Bai Yun's body.

She took out a live photo stone, then threw it into the secret realm, and broadcast the scene to Bai Yun.

When Hao Pinwei heard that Bai Yun was wanted, he also knew Lan Ying's purpose.

Bai Yun just swallowed the golden elixir a few days ago, and the pink light reached the sky. Perhaps Lan Ying discovered it at that time.

Hao Pinwei sneered: "You want Bai Yun? Unless you step over my corpse, don't even think about it!"

The other seven elders also stepped forward.

"Yes! Step over our corpses!"

Lan Ying looked at the eight of them with one heart and felt jealous and hateful.

In the past, Lingmeng and Yelan, Dahong were so united.

Obviously those two are beasts, but Lingmeng has one heart with those two beasts, and is unwilling to give her any trust.

She will never get in between Lingmeng, Yelan and Dahong.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Lan Ying stepped back half a step, and ordered to those puppets in black.


(End of this chapter)

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