After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 145 Breakthrough at this time?Don’t be afraid of starving to death!

Chapter 145 Breakthrough at this time?Don’t be afraid of starving to death!

The first to bear the brunt were the few disciples of the Changsheng Sect who were held hostage by the puppets.

They were cut on the neck by the sword in the puppet's hand, and then collapsed to the ground.

In the secret realm, Bai Yun couldn't help crying when he saw this scene.

He yelled towards the sky in the secret realm: "Lingmeng, let me out!"

Lingmeng directly rejected it: "If you come out at this time, you will be sent to death."

"But I don't want other people to die because of me! One person does things and one person is responsible. What she wants is me, and I just follow her."

"Shut up! Just stay in there and be honest. Once you come out, not only the disciples of the Longevity Sect will die, but even the whole world will die!"

When Lingmeng and Bai Yun were talking, Hao Pinwei saw his apprentices and grandchildren being killed, and immediately turned red, and attacked those puppets in black.

The other seven elders also joined the battle.

But in the blink of an eye, the battle situation became Changsheng Zongsheng, and the puppet on Lanying's side couldn't stand it.

But Lan Ying didn't panic at all, she smiled proudly.

"Don't you think that I only bring these puppets?"

She flicked her sleeves, and in the blink of an eye, there were hundreds more puppets in black!
Originally, all the disciples thought that their Longevity Sect would surely win, but who would have thought that there would be a hundred more puppets!
And the current group of puppets are obviously much more powerful in terms of force and skill than the first few that appeared.

[These puppets are emperor-level puppets, you have to be careful. 】

Yelan reminded her in Lingmeng's mind.

Knowing that it was an emperor-level puppet, Lingmeng also summoned her emperor-level puppet.

No one else can hold back Lan Ying's puppet.

At least one more disciple of the Changsheng Sect can be safe.

"I didn't expect that you still have an emperor-level puppet."

When the cute emperor-level puppet appeared, Lan Ying was a little surprised.

Lingmeng ignored Lanying, but looked at her emperor-level puppet: "Xiaoxue, don't hit blindly, run away if you can't beat, you know?"

The emperor-level puppet that Chi Ruixing gave her was a woman. In order to prevent others from discovering that he raised the puppet, she named it and made it look like a maid, so it didn't attract other people's attention.

Xiaoxue nodded expressionlessly, and then flew towards Lan Ying's puppets as fast as lightning.

Hao Pinwei looked at Lingmeng with envy in his eyes, "My good apprentice, how many surprises do you have, the teacher doesn't know?"

Even if there is a secret realm, there are still emperor-level puppets!
"That's quite a lot. After this battle is over, I will tell Master well."

After Lingmeng finished speaking, he immediately raised the flaming soul-splitting sword in his hand and stabbed the puppet.

She had just discovered that the puppets didn't kill her, and didn't even bother to look at her.

"Gouzi, do you know the reason?"

【If these puppets kill you, it’s not enough to make you die. Even Lan Ying can’t kill you with his own hands, it must be the nine male protagonists. 】

That's it!

Lan Ying clearly hated her to death, but he didn't kill her himself, but spent a lot of time doing this and that.

They say that if a god kills a monk, he will be punished by heaven, but if Lanying is really so "law-abiding", how could she put this world under her jurisdiction?
Also tampered with his own fate book?
It doesn't matter if she or others kill her, only the nine male protagonists can do it.

After knowing where Lanying's weakness is.

Lingmeng was not afraid of death at all. After cutting off two puppets, Lingmeng flew towards Lan Ying with arrogance.

"Lan Ying, if you have the guts, you and I will be singled out."

Lan Ying looked at Lingmeng, wishing Lingmeng would die eight hundred times in her heart, but on the surface, she did nothing.

"Lingmeng, don't waste your efforts, you are not my opponent at all. But if you are in a hurry to seek death, I will help you."

Lan Ying waved her hand, and behind her were fifty puppets in black clothes.

The fifty puppets had the same goal and walked towards Lingmeng.

[These are also emperor puppets. ] Yelan reminded her in her mind.

"Gouzi, hurry up, open the Dark Night Domain."

After her voice fell, the distance of 20 meters around her instantly turned into darkness.


The fourth elder exclaimed: "She is a monk at the Golden Core stage, how come she has awakened the realm?"

Most monks in the Nascent Soul stage may not be able to awaken their own realm.

How did Lingmeng wake up?

Hao Pinwei had seen Lingmeng use the Dark Night Domain from the Lingjing before, so it wasn't that novel, but he was still very proud of it.


This is the apprentice he wants to pick up!
If he hadn't insisted on recruiting Lingmeng back to their Longevity Sect, I'm afraid this kind of precious disciple would have become someone else's family!
"Hao Pinwei!"

At this time, a voice came from midair.

Hao Pinwei kicked a puppet in black and looked up. When he saw it, his legs almost gave out.

I saw a group of people and rare beasts flying towards them in the dark sky.

Fortunately, he saw clearly who was coming.

The first one to land was Xiao Ting. He grabbed Hao Pinwei's arm and said, "Old brother, my little apprentice Mo Chen found out that your Longevity Sect is in trouble. Inform me to come to support you, and it just so happens that the suzerain of the Qingyin Sect is also there, we two discussed it, and finally decided to bring the Beast Sect and Ronghe Sect together to support."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Hao Pinwei burst into tears.

Lingmeng didn't know what was going on here during the fight. She was just concentrating on dealing with those emperor-level puppets.

Once those puppets were cut down by the flaming soul-splitting sword in her hand, they would turn into a puff of smoke.

Lingmeng was curious, "What's going on?"

[The Flame Soul-Splitting Sword is a sword specially designed to deal with evil. As can be seen from its name, if the opponent's soul is evil, then this sword will incinerate the opponent's soul with fire. 】


If her sword went into someone's body, if the other person wasn't incinerated, it meant he was kind.

Outside the realm of dark night.

Lan Ying looked at the other four sects with a displeased face.

"How dare a group of things I created resist me!"

If it weren't for the framework she wrote in this world, they might not be able to survive!
Xiao Ting, Yuan Si and the others didn't quite understand what Lan Ying was talking about, but they knew it well, their lips were dead and their teeth were cold.

The Longevity Sect was destroyed by the mysterious force, so they might be next.

Therefore, they don't care who the other party is, just help the Longevity Sect!
"Let's go together!"

Following the order of several big bosses, tens of thousands of disciples quickly attacked the hundred emperor-level puppets.

When Bai Yun saw this, his heart trembled.

He had an epiphany.

The most important thing in this world is not to pursue the woman you love the most, but to work with like-minded people to protect all lives together!

In the secret realm, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and pink thunder and lightning are constantly hovering in the sky.

Naturally, Lingmeng also sensed the movement inside. Looking at it, it was incredible that it was Bai Yun who broke through!
She was a bit dumbfounded: "A breakthrough at this time? You really know how to play. You are not afraid of starving to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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