After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 147 Lan Ying’s plan is revealed and Mo Chen is captured by Lan Ying

Chapter 147 Lan Ying’s plan is revealed and Mo Chen is captured by Lan Ying

[Your strength is too weak now, I'm afraid you won't be able to absorb so much sea water in a short time. 】

Lingmeng frowned: "Whether you can smoke it or not, you still have to give it a try."

When she used the fusion of all things, Hao Pinwei and the other four sects also noticed Lan Ying's movements.

After all, the puppets over there have been almost eliminated by them.

Ye Miao immediately shouted: "Hao Pinwei, hurry up and open your guardian array!"

Following Ye Miao's reminder, Hao Pinwei responded and immediately stood on the eight lotus dais outside the main hall with the seven elders.

As they recited the mantra, the lotus platform began to glow with countless golden hexagonal lights, like dominoes, floating in the air, connected layer by layer.

Outside the sect-protecting formation, Lingmeng stood in the seawater with huge waves, sucking in the seawater wildly.

Gu Jingyu also shot his bow and arrow, and attacked Lan Ying, distracting Lan Ying's attention.

Even so, Lan Ying, as a "god", is also very powerful.

The sea water is still pouring in.

As Ye Lan said, her current strength is too weak, and the water she absorbs is nothing compared to the rushing sea water behind Lan Ying.

Is it true that this world can only end up as a purgatory on earth?

She knew the ending in advance, so if she didn't lick the nine male protagonists, wouldn't she be able to change the ending?
Lingmeng felt a little uncomfortable.

When she first transmigrated, she didn't feel that the common people in this world were her responsibility, but she still wanted to change their ending.

After all, she didn't want them to die because they were ugly or opposed to the heroine.

After knowing that all these lives were created because of her, Lingmeng didn't want everything here to be destroyed.

She didn't want to turn this place into a purgatory because of her alone, she wanted to make this place a thriving and vibrant paradise.

If you can find the magic weapon to hold it in the sea...

and many more!

A voice suddenly came to mind in Lingmeng's mind.

"Miss, the things you want are all in this purple supreme-level mustard bag. The space inside is so big that it can hold the entire Xuanyu Continent! Are you satisfied with it?"

Lingmeng's eyes widened suddenly, and the black pupils were full of hope.

A mustard bag that can hold the entire Xuanyu Continent, but it should be no problem to hold an ocean.

After all, there are three seas in Xuanyu Continent.

She immediately took out the mustard bag from Ye Lan, opened the bag, and said, "Collect the sea water!"

The mustard bag automatically opened the rope and began to collect seawater.

At this time, the sect-protecting formation has also been completed.

Hao Pinwei shouted from inside, "Lingmeng, come in! The sea will swallow you up!"

The seawater had already submerged Lingmeng's neck, and she stabilized her body without looking back.

"Master, the sea water will flow down from the sky, drowning the people below, we must find a way to suck the sea water away!"

Everyone in the guarding formation was silent.

Mo Chen walked out at this time and took out a few mustard seed bags of his own, "I'll go with you."

Lingmeng looked at Mo Chen and frowned: "Why are you here?"

Isn't he one of the male protagonists?
Shouldn't we follow Ling Yu and others to despise the common people?
"I informed Master that they are supporting your Changsheng Sect."

Lingmeng was a little surprised, and at the same time asked from the bottom of her heart: "Gouzi, what's going on? Why did he help us?"

[According to what the heartthrob system explained before, when Ling Yu met Mo Chen, he wanted to use the heartthrob system to control Mo Yu, but the huge resentment in Mo Chen's heart made the heartthrob system fail, and he still Kicked Ling Yu twice, cursing what you scolded Mo Chen before. 】

Lingmeng: ...

She planted trees, and Lingyu "enjoyed blessings".


When Lan Ying looked at Ling Meng out of the corner of her eye, she naturally also saw Mo Chen.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and then quickly looked back.

She is in no hurry.

After the matter is over, it will not be too late for her to take Mo Chen away.

Hao Pinwei's eyes turned red as he watched the two young men fend off the enemy together outside the sect-protecting formation.

Yuan Si smiled brightly: "Hahaha...Hao Pinwei, Xiao Ting, you two really took in a good disciple for the sake of the world! She was right, the sect protection formation only protected this sect, But he didn’t protect the people outside the sect. As a monk, isn’t the first thing to do is to protect the weak? I also followed Little Friend Ling to collect sea water with mustard bags!”

One has two.

Yuan Si took the lead out of the protective formation, and Xiao Ting followed suit.

Ye Miao looked at Hao Pinwei and followed him out.

Hao Pinwei raised his hand to wipe away his tears, "That's right, the Longevity Sect shouldn't protect itself, but protect the common people in the world!"

He looked at the disciples in the formation and said, "Disciples with earth spiritual roots will go down to the foot of Zongmen Mountain and build a city wall to prevent the sea from overflowing the Changsheng Sect."


"Water spiritual root disciples control the water within their own range and let the water flow stay around them."


"The disciples of the ice-type spirit root followed the disciples of the water-type, and turned the water that had stabilized into ice, and cast it into an ice wall to wait for it to subside and then transfer it."


"Disciples of the wood spirit root, hurry down the mountain, check if there are any flooded villages around, and use your skills to build boats and save people."


"As for the disciples of other departments, they all opened their mustard bags and collected seawater as much as possible!"


The fifth elder came over with a smile, "Sovereign, don't forget that we still have many water-type spirit beasts, even if they are not water-type spirit beasts, they can still come and drink some sea water."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he squeezed a hand formula, and immediately above the Wanshou Peak, many spirit beasts flew over, some were sucking water in the sky, and some were following the instructions of the fifth elder to gulp down the sea water.

Lingmeng couldn't help tears welling up in her eyes as she watched the scene of all beings united as one.

Suddenly, I understood the meaning of united will.

Different species but one mind.

There is nothing more wonderful than this.


As long as you look at it, you should also do something to express it.

But Tiandao didn't respond.

Lingmeng pursed her lips and continued to absorb the sea water.

Fortunately, because everyone was united, the sea water temporarily reached Lingmeng's knees.

Lingmeng looked at Gu Jingyu who was hitting Lanying, he was already at a disadvantage.

Lan Ying said that Gu Jingyu would definitely die.

Gu Jingyu smiled: "Lan Ying, do you think I dare to face you alone because I have no cards?"

Lan Ying was startled.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Jingyu raised his head and laughed, "When you showed up at the Longevity Sect with a puppet to ask for Bai Yun, I had already recorded your every move and sent my mount to send the evidence to the heavens. Kill me and go back to heaven, can those gods tolerate you?"

Lu Yuan, who was in the protective formation below, suddenly realized.

No wonder, she said that Gu Jingyu is not that kind of selfish character.

Unexpectedly, he secretly hid and collected Lan Ying's criminal records.

Lu Yuan smiled.

Lan Ying, you also have this moment.


Lan Ying cursed, then put away her sleeves, and was about to turn around and fly away.

Who knew that when she turned around, she felt a pain in her chest.

Lan Ying was startled, raised her eyes and gritted her teeth: "Ling Meng! How dare you sneak attack me!"

"For an enemy who wants to drive me to pieces, sneak attacks are still an advantage. What I want to do most is to kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, the flaming soul-splitting sword in Lingmeng's hand circled around Lan Ying's chest.


Heart pain, Lan Ying screamed.

At this time, a woman's angry voice came from the sky.

"Lan Ying, how dare you lie to me!"

The next moment, a silver "shooting star" flashed across the sky. Seeing this, Lan Ying knew that Shangxian Yuqing had discovered her purpose and came down to settle accounts with her.

If you continue to stay here, you may die.

She had no choice but to pull out her body from Lingmeng's sword, and with a fake dodge, Lingmeng chased after him, then suddenly dodged to another place, grabbed Mo Chen and left.

"Ink dust!"

Lingmeng and Xiao Ting shouted in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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