Chapter 148: His intestines were filled with regret

Lingmeng catches up with her sword.

But even if Lan Ying is injured, she is still a god.

Her speed is much faster than those of them monks.

In the blink of an eye, the blue light disappeared.

Even Xiao Ting did not catch up.

When Lingmeng caught up with Xiao Ting, she saw Xiao Ting sitting on the spirit beast, crying.

"Sect Master Xiao, are you alright?"

Seeing someone coming, Xiao Ting quickly raised his hand to wipe his tears: "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm just worried that Mo Chen will be killed by that bad fairy."

Ling Meng thought that Lan Ying would still rely on the nine male protagonists to kill her, so she comforted Xiao Ting, "Mo Chen is in Lan Ying's hands, nothing major will happen."


Xiao Ting asked in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"It's a long story. In short, Sect Leader Xiao can rest assured that Mo Chen's life will not be in danger."

The facts are indeed as Lingmeng thought, after Mo Chen was taken away by Lan Ying, she was just thrown by Lan Ying in the magic circle she set up in an unknown cave, so that Mo Chen could not get out, and could not escape. There is nowhere to ask for help.

Mo Chen took a look, there was not only him, but also a mortal.

He knows the rest.

Ye Xuan, Bai Jingfeng, Gu Qingchuan, Shen Changqing.

Mo Chen squinted his eyes, this old and ugly woman, what did she do to catch these handsome men?
Do you want to harvest yang and nourish yin?

While Mo Chen was thinking wildly, Lan Ying stood outside the magic circle and looked at Mo Chen angrily.

"As a pawn I planted against Lingmeng, you dare to resist me and help that bitch Lingmeng!"

Lan Ying's eyes were full of fear: "After I complete the plan and let Lingmeng's soul fly away and never reincarnate, I will be the first to kill you brat!"

After saying this, Lan Ying shook her sleeves and left.

Now that Yuqing is in the lower realms, he will definitely come to her to settle accounts.

Even if she died, she would still have Lingmeng as her backer!
Why can she be favored by heaven and become the goddess of war respected by everyone?
Is it because of that fusion physique?

When Lingmeng dies, she will snatch that fusion physique over!

Now, what she has to do is to use Ling Yu to find Chu Bufan, Su Ziqin, and Feng Wuxiu, and build the God-Destroying Formation as soon as possible!
After Lan Ying left, Mo Chen looked at Ye Xuan, Bai Jingfeng and the others, "Sect Master Ye, with your Mahayana cultivation, can't you escape this magic circle?"

Ye Xuan raised his head slowly, with a cold expression.

"Why are you escaping? Her target is Lingmeng, and our target is also Lingmeng. She is the god who helps us. We are grateful to her for providing us with the opportunity to take revenge on Lingmeng before it is too late. How could she find a way to escape?"

Mo Chen thought he heard it wrong, was this what a sect master said?

Although he was quite angry when he was kicked by Lingmeng and wished Lingmeng died.

But after following Lingmeng for more than a month, he gradually changed his view of Lingmeng.

Lingmeng is not a person who discriminates between good and evil. She takes revenge on those who targeted her first, including himself.

If he hadn't insulted Lingmeng first, Lingmeng would not have stepped on him, let alone scolded him.

Most importantly, the photo stones in Lingmeng's hand prove that she is innocent.

She never hurt Ling Yu at all, why does Ye Xuan still think that Ling Meng is targeting Ling Yu?
What surprised Mo Chen even more was that Bai Jingfeng and the others were also muttering there as if they were chanting sutras.

"Lingmeng is bad, Lingmeng snatched the top-quality sword bone of Lingyu Saintess, Lingmeng dug away the top-quality sword bone of Lingyu Saintess, Lingmeng should die, Lingmeng should be smashed into pieces..."

He walked up to Bai Jingfeng and talked to Bai Jingfeng, but Bai Jingfeng couldn't "see" him, his eyes were empty, and he kept thinking about Lingmeng's damnation and the excessive things he did to Lingyu.

Mo Chen looked at Gu Qingchuan again. Like Bai Jingfeng, Gu Qingchuan's eyes were dull and empty. Although he didn't speak, when he heard Mo Chen's question, he only answered: "Sha Ling Meng."

That mortal was even worse, his eyes were scarlet, and there was a little bit of black air on his body, "Destroy the spirit and turn it into ashes!"

"You are all possessed? Have you been brainwashed?"

Mo Chen waved his hand in front of several people's eyes.

Except for Ye Xuan, no one could "see" him.

Ye Xuan opened his mouth.

"Don't waste your efforts. We are all trapped here voluntarily, waiting for the Lord God to take us to find Lingmeng and kill him."

After saying this, Ye Xuan closed his eyes.



When Lingmeng took Xiao Ting back to the Changshengzong, he found that the seawater of the Changshengzong had disappeared, and everything returned to normal. If it wasn't for the Siguo Cliff that had been razed to the ground, Lingmeng would have thought it was just her dreaming.


At this time, a woman wearing a blue shirt with special effects of buling buling walked towards her with an apologetic look on her face; "It's because Yuqing doesn't know people well, and mistakenly believes that Lanying treats you sincerely, so I send you to her." The little world where I live is entrusted to her for safekeeping. If Gu Jingyu’s mount hadn’t gone up to the heaven to reveal Lan Ying’s true face, we really don’t know how long we would have been deceived by her! It was Yuqing who neglected his duty, and I asked the God of War to punish him. "

When the words fell, the woman knelt directly on the ground.

Lingmeng realized that this woman was the Yuqing Shangxian who was in charge of the Three Thousand Small Worlds.

She calmly pulled Yuqing Shangxian up.

"Shangxian Yuqing has defeated me as a monk. The God of War you mentioned has no impression in my mind. I am just a small monk now. I cannot afford your kneeling, let alone punish you."

Immortals break the law and have their own rules.

A monk can't control her.

Shangxian Yuqing felt a little sad when she saw that Lingmeng was indifferent to her, and at the same time understood Lingmeng's mood very well.

After all, it turns out that Lingmeng's fate in this world is smooth sailing.

In the end, it was changed to a love brain, and I still saw a nympho girl who loves one another.

Anyone who becomes such a person will not like it.

She can only find a way to make up for the mistakes she made.

"God of War, don't worry, the Heaven Realm has removed Lan Ying from her position as God of War and expelled her immortal status. She is now a demon, so I will go and take orders to arrest Lan Ying and let her confess to the God of War."

Lingmeng was speechless for a while.

Why is this God similar to some modern companies?
If you make a mistake, you will be called a temporary worker and then fired?
After complaining, Lingmeng thanked Yuqing Shangxian, "Thank you, Yuqing Shangxian, for your hard work, to capture Lan Ying as soon as possible, and restore peace to the world."

Shangxian Yuqing bowed to her and left.

After Master Yuqing left, Xiao Ting found his tongue and asked Lingmeng.

"Hey, what's going on here? That goddess, why did she call you God? And kneel down to you?"

Could it be that Lingmeng is a god who came down to earth to experience calamity?

If so, his intestines will regret it!
(End of this chapter)

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