After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 151 Lingmeng kills two male protagonists in a row

Chapter 151 Ling Meng kills two male protagonists in a row
Ye Xuan was angry, then put his palms together, and said some formula in his mouth, and the Yushuang sword merged with him.

In the true and literal sense, "human and sword unite as one"!
Wherever his palm touched Lingmeng, thin and long cuts were blown out.

Lingmeng gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, he is a master of the Mahayana period.

Most people really can't stand this kind of injury.

Fortunately, this was within her sword range.

Lingmeng glanced at her right elbow, which was bleeding because of Yexuan's injury.

She put her palm on the injured part and stroked it lightly, and the wound healed immediately.

Yexuan didn't give up attacking Lingmeng after her elbow was injured, but attacked Lingmeng's vulnerable place like crazy.

While hiding, Lingmeng took out the flaming soul-splitting sword, her eyes were fixed on Yexuan.

Looking for Ye Xuan's flaws.

Probably because her speed is always a little faster than Yexuan.

So Ye Xuan attacked fifteen more times, but still couldn't hurt Ling Meng, Ye Xuan became irritable.

He immediately went crazy, and shouted angrily to the sky, then his eyes were scarlet, and black gas was dripping from his head.

Hao Pin from below was surprised when he saw it, and then shouted at Lingmeng: "Lingmeng, get out of the way! Yexuan is going to blow himself up, and wants to die with you!"

Ye Xuan also reminded Ling Meng in her ears.

[A monk in the Mahayana period blew himself up, as powerful as two round bullets, hurry up! 】

Hearing that it was as powerful as two round bullets, Lingmeng put on a straight face.

"You can't leave. Once Ye Xuan succeeds in self-destructing, I won't be the only one who will die."

The other monks below, as well as tens of thousands of ordinary people, will encounter catastrophe. She can't just live for herself and harm other people.

Yelan smiled, [Okay.Sure enough, you are still the master in my memory who takes the responsibility of the world as his own, and his subordinate Yelan is willing to face all difficulties with the master! 】

At this time, Dahong jumped out of her secret realm: "There is still me, and there is me!"

Seeing Dahong coming out, Lingmeng asked in surprise, "Why did you come out? What's the matter with Mao?"

Dahong stroked her hair that had been split and scorched black, and replied to Lingmeng resentfully.

"Isn't it because Bai Yun's soaring lightning strikes me, an innocent bird, hmph!"

I understand, I couldn’t stay in there any longer, so I came out.

"At the moment of life and death, you still have time to talk to a bird?" Ye Xuan was angry, "A woman who doesn't know how to live or die!"

Lingmeng provoked, "You don't know how to live or die! You're a fool! You idiot!"

Ye Xuan became even more angry, and immediately accelerated the speed of gathering the power of the golden core.

Lingmeng opened the mustard seed bag, and the dark sea water flowed out of the mustard seed bag instantly, submerging Yexuan.


The sudden sea water made Ye Xuan so disturbed.

He immediately stopped the action of self-explosion and began to dodge the current of sea water.

Taking advantage of Ye Xuan's effort to wipe off the water stains on his face with his hands, Ling Meng instantly manipulated the sea water, transforming it into tens of thousands of ice picks, piercing Ye Xuan's body everywhere.

While he was unable to move because of being stabbed by the ice pick, Lingmeng stabbed the flaming soul-splitting sword into Ye Xuan's heart.

Ye Xuan said that the nine male protagonists are demons.

And the flame cracking soul sword can purify the magic energy.

If Ye Xuan was a demon, then he should disappear in thin air.

However, Lingmeng still had two things to do before he vanished into thin air.

The first thing is to dig out Ye Xuan's sword bone.

The second thing is to dig out the golden core in Yexuan's body and ruin his cultivation!

Ye Xuan's shrill and painful voice immediately spread throughout the sky above the cliff.

Under the cliff, Liu Xu couldn't believe it after seeing his sect leader die in Ling Meng's hands.

Lingmeng can kill Ye Xuan...

Can kill Ye Xuan...

Isn't it as simple as pinching an ant if Lingmeng wants to kill these low-level monks?
Liu Xu really couldn't bear the end of Lingmeng's revenge that he imagined, and was scared to death.

Tsk, what a hasty death.


A gust of wind blew by, Ye Xuan was like grains of sand, drifting into the distance with the wind.

Lingmeng only felt that her body had undergone powerful changes. For example, she had directly entered the distraction stage.

In other words, she can control her clone now!

A person can do two different things at the same time, or the same thing!

Not only that, she also had many memories that she had never remembered.

For example, she remembered how she recovered Yelan from the East China Sea to be her mount, and how she picked up the dying Dahong in the center of the volcanic lava.

and also……

She rescued Lan Ying, who was a mortal, from the demons who were doing such humiliating things to Lan Ying...

Lingmeng retracted her thoughts, raised her hand and rubbed Da Hong's head, and then spoke to Ye Lan in her mind.

"It's better to kill the male lead to advance faster, and I already understand why I have to kill nine male leads."

【oh?Appreciate further details. 】

Lingmeng looked at the remaining seven male protagonists, and Feng Wuxiu, who had a human form but could not see his face clearly.

"In addition to the fact that the nine male protagonists will turn this world into a living hell, the most important thing is that my power is sealed in the bodies of the nine of them. Heaven and you don't let me lick it, because they have already expected that my temper If I am irritable, I will not understand the behavior of the male and female protagonists, and I will beat them or even kill them. Every time I hurt them, a little bit of my strength will come back and a little bit of memory will come back, right?"

[Yes, Master, you are really smart, you guessed all this correctly! 】

Lingmeng: ...

"Stop praising me for being smart, I think you're scolding me."

Ye Lan quickly admitted his mistake.

Lingmeng glanced at Dahong on her shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you two, I will let you return to your peak as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, she flew into the mid-air of the Wanzhang cliff, and shot mercilessly at the remaining male protagonists, including Lan Ying.

This time, her target was Pei Yu.

Even if Pei Yu was a demon in real life, he used to live as a mortal, so even with the hatred and spells blessed by Lan Ying, in Lingmeng's hands, he would die after only a few moves.

Like Ye Xuan, Pei Yu also turned into grains of sand and flew away with the wind.

This time, Lingmeng's cultivation has reached the fusion stage.

In other words, her current clone has flesh and blood, and its strength is the same as her main body's cultivation level in the integration stage!
Why not have a clone to assist me?
The corners of Lingmeng's lips curled up again, and she picked up the Flaming Soul Splitting Sword and flew straight towards Bai Jingfeng.

Seeing Lingmeng stabbing towards his chest, Bai Jingfeng immediately took out his real name Luding to block his chest.


The flame-splitting soul sword was blocked, and the weapons collided with each other and made a sound.

Seeing this, Bai Jingfeng smiled. Just as he was about to say some flirty words proudly, the next moment, there was another "ding" sound.

But this time, his chest was pierced.

The feeling of fire burning my heart is so painful!
But in the blink of an eye, cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

He looked down at the sword on his chest in disbelief, then looked up at the expressionless Lingmeng in front of him, and turned back again, only to see Lingmeng again!

It's just that this cute spirit is full of smiles.

"Tiezi, I didn't expect that I could summon a clone, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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