After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 152 You want to know why?Hey, I won't tell you

Chapter 152 You want to know why?Hey, I won't tell you

Let alone Bai Jingfeng, no one, including Lan Ying, had expected it.

Bai Jingfeng looked at Lingmeng, his hateful eyes gradually became sober, he opened his mouth and said "Where am I?", then it turned into grains of sand and drifted away with the wind.

Lingmeng's strength also moved from the combined stage to the cave stage.

"how is this possible?"

Lan Ying kept shaking her head: "You turned out to be in the Golden Elixir stage. To upgrade from the Golden Elixir stage to the Nascent Soul stage, you need to go through a thunder tribulation! From now on, you will experience an upgrade every time you advance to a higher level. Even if you If you are lucky enough to be promoted, you should also experience thunder tribulation, why haven't you!"

Hao Pinwei and others below are also discussing this matter.

"Accordingly, shouldn't the doppelganger be available after the out-of-body period? Why is the Lingmengjindan period just fine?"

"Looking at the strength of Lingmeng's avatar, it's not weak at all. It's in the same realm as Lingmeng's real body. With this kind of strength, why is it also in the fusion period?"

"From the golden elixir stage to the combined stage of having clones with equal strength, crossing three major realms at once? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"But she didn't experience thunder disaster, why is that?"



Everyone wants to know why.

Lingmeng held the flame-splitting soul sword in her hand, and looked at Lan Ying, "Want to know?"

Lanying didn't speak, but it could be seen from her expression that she really wanted to know why Lingmeng's strength increased so much but she didn't survive the thunder tribulation.

Lingmeng chuckled, "It's a pity that I won't tell you."


Realizing that she was being tricked, Lan Ying was anxious, and raised her hand to attack Lingmeng.

While dodging Lan Ying's skills, Lingmeng taunted: "Hey, don't pretend anymore? Didn't you say you don't want to be my opponent? Didn't you say that gods will be punished if they beat monks? Why aren't you afraid now?"

Lan Ying obviously wanted to fight with Lingmeng seriously, but Lingmeng's mouth was like a machine gun, and she kept talking and was about to kill her ears.

The most important thing is that what Lingmeng said were heart-wrenching words.

Lan Ying was furious: "Shut up!"

Lingmeng laughed even more.

"Don't shut up, what can you do to me? Are you capable of killing me?"

Looking at the dazzling smile on Lingmeng's face, Lan Ying knew that Lingmeng was actually trying to make her angry on purpose.

When Lingmeng was still the God of War, every time he fought, he always liked to say something to make the enemy angry, so that the enemy would be angry, angry, and then become irrational, and finally full of loopholes.

Ling Meng will take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to achieve success.

No, she needs to calm down.

She couldn't be angry, and couldn't fall for Lingmeng's tricks.

Lan Ying took two deep breaths and adjusted her mentality, "Lingmeng, I won't be fooled by you!"

As soon as the words fell, she disappeared without a trace.

However, Lingmeng believed that Lan Ying should not have gone far at this time. After all, based on her understanding of Lan Ying, Lan Ying would definitely hide in the dark and watch her get fucked by the remaining male protagonist.

That's fine, she'll let Lan Ying see how these male protagonists she raised were defeated by her!

Lingmeng, who has become stronger, can deal with Shen Changqing and others with ease, as easily as one's palm.In the blink of an eye, Shen Changqing and Gu Qingchuan were killed by Lingmeng and her clone at the same time.

At this time, her strength has also reached the stage of transcending tribulation.

Lingmeng looked at the rest of Su Ziqin, Chu Bufan, Mo Chen, and Feng Wuxiu who had just grown into a human but hadn't opened his eyes, and asked Yelan.

"Gouzi, you said before that if I become a fairy, I can return to modern times and enjoy my 5 million yuan. Does that count?"

Yelan: ...

[What time is it, why are you still thinking about the 5 million? 】

"The story begins because of 5 million, and the story ends because of 5 million. Isn't there a beginning and an end?"

Yelan was silent for a moment before speaking quietly.

[I thought you would want to stay in the fairy world after knowing your true identity as the Goddess of War. 】

Lingmeng sneered: "Is there a spicy bar in the fairy world? Is there a malatang, skewers, and milk tea in the fairy world?"

[It’s not like you can’t open a shop like this in the fairy world. 】

Lingmeng's eyes lit up: "Yes, you are right! I can open a shop in the fairy world! Hahaha..."

During the jokes, Lingmeng had already removed Chu Bufan's head.

Looking at Chu Bufan's handsome face, Lingmeng sighed: "It's so pitiful, I will get a box lunch as soon as I come out."

[Not pitiful at all!In your eyes, he may have just appeared on the stage, but in the ghost world and the human world, he has been doing evil for a long time. Every night he kidnaps at least twenty women and takes their places. The blood of his son strengthens his gold. Dan, and then leave the souls of those women in the ghost world for the enjoyment of their officials in the ghost world. If you kill him, you will also eliminate a great disaster for the human world. 】

Lingmeng nodded: "If you say that, I don't feel any guilt at all."

[No need to feel guilty, the nine of them are all demons created by Lan Ying, not humans. 】

With Ye Lan's persuasion, Lingmeng was not relentless when she attacked again.

At this time, her strength has become immortal.

Of course.

Immortals, like monks, also have advanced levels.

The promotion criteria for immortals are: Earth Immortal, Heaven Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, Immortal King, Immortal Monarch, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Venerable, and Demigod.

After becoming a demigod, there is also a god upgrade.

All in all, all in all, one word: learning is endless!
Even if you become a fairy, you may not be able to lie down, there is still a long way to go.

As for Lingmeng's current state, it is the earthly immortal state.

She created two clones, one to fight Su Ziqin and the other to fight Feng Wuxiu.

As for herself, she was facing Mo Chen.


Su Ziqin is worthy of being a dragon, and his ability to control wind and rain can be said to be too strong!

When the raindrops hit people, it's like bullets penetrating people. It hurts, it hurts so much!
Lingmeng didn't take it to heart at first, but when the raindrops caused a wound on her arm, she immediately pinched herself a protective shield.

She didn't care about the other two people, but came to Mo Chen.

"The Longevity Sect owes you a favor. You saved so many disciples of the Longevity Sect, and you also saved me. I can't say anything on behalf of other disciples. The only thing I can repay you is my life."

Mo Chen didn't say whether he agreed or disagreed, but in his hand, there was a talisman and a sword like a jade flute, facing her heart.

Lingmeng smiled, spread her arms to the sides, raised her head, closed her eyes, and smiled.

"Come on, kill me, between you and me, both grievances and grievances will be settled."

Down below, Xiao Ting panicked seeing this.

"Lingmeng, what are you doing? The current Mo Chen is not the previous Mo Chen, you should run away! Just because Mo Chen helped the Longevity Sect, you are willing to die in his hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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