Chapter 164 Okay, let me reflect!

He seems to be quite reasonable in what he said!

"Who is your future girlfriend?" Lu Ning rolled her eyes at the other person. She found that this person was becoming more and more shameless recently.

"Of course it's you, otherwise who else could it be." Lu Shi'an answered gently, firmly and confidently.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" There were still many parents nearby, and Lu Ning was too lazy to break up with them.

"By the way, how did you do in the exam?" Lu Shi'an then remembered and asked.

"It's okay, I should be able to pass the preliminary round." Lu Ning said.

"Alright then, let's go!"

"Wait a minute, Song Tingzhi hasn't come out yet." Lu Ning stopped him.

"It's not like he doesn't know the way. Can't we just let him go back by himself?" Lu Shi'an said unhappily.Why do they need to bring a light bulb when they are together?

"We are going to take his car back to school, or are you going to take the bus yourself?" There is no direct bus from the provincial middle school to the city's No. [-] Middle School, and it would be too troublesome to have to transfer. The other party has to go back anyway. Uncle Li just said that Wait for them at the door. Since there is a ready-made car to sit in, why don't you want to drive and squeeze into the bus?
Lu Shi'an: "I think it's good to take the bus." If he was asked to take that guy's car, he would rather take the bus.

"Then you go and sit by yourself! I want to take Uncle Li's car anyway." Lu Ning was not used to his bad habits.

Lu Shi'an stared at her face deeply and said: "Sister, I found that you seem to like to piss me off recently?"

"Really?" When he said this, Lu Ning felt a little guilty for no reason and couldn't help but start to reflect on herself.

It seems, indeed.

I don't know when she started to stop disguising herself in front of the other party, no longer swallowing her anger, and started to release her bad temper.

It seems that they have decided that the other party will tolerate themselves.

this is not good!

"Okay, I'll reflect!" she said.

"That's so good!" Lu Shi'an was about to praise her.

Then Lu Ning said: "But you must also promise not to say any weird words again."

"I'm obviously speaking from my heart, how can I say something weird?" Lu Shi'an raised his eyebrows and disagreed.

Lu Ning: "Just say whether you agree or not?"

"...Okay, I'll try my best!"

It is impossible not to say it at all. Doesn’t love mean speaking it out boldly?Not to mention how this girl knew she liked her.

The two finally went back to school with Song Tingzhi.

Back in class, unfortunately, I ran into Li Xu who came to check discipline at the door of the classroom.

The latter's eyes fell on the two of them, his brows furrowed suspiciously, and then he looked at Lu Shi'an and said, "Didn't you say you have a stomachache and want to take leave to go to the hospital?"

"Yes! The doctor said that I just had a bad stomach and it was nothing serious. He sent me back without even prescribing any medicine. I thought that since there was nothing wrong, I rushed back to school to attend classes. After all, the monthly exams were coming soon. , I have to hurry up and listen to the class. I happened to run into classmate Lu Ning at the door, so I came in with her." Lu Shian answered as calmly as possible.

If Lu Ning hadn't come back from the outside with him, he would have thought what this guy said was true.

"So coincidentally?"

Li Xu still felt that something was wrong. His eyes swept over Lu Shi'an and Lu Ning. Seeing that the two children had calm and calm faces, he reluctantly dispelled his doubts and waved to them and said, "Okay. , you two hurry in, it’s time for class in a moment.”

Lu Shi'an, who successfully escaped, winked at Lu Ning: "How is it? Isn't my brother very powerful?"Have you ever been handsome by your brother?
Lu Ning: Liar!
(End of this chapter)

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