The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 165 Never seen such a brazen person

Chapter 165 Never seen such a brazen person

A month of intense campus life has passed by in a blink of an eye, and the long-awaited National Day holiday has arrived.

But before everyone had time to be happy, they saw Li Xu walking in with a stack of test papers and said: "Don't just be happy, everyone, the first monthly exam will be held when you come back from the holiday. You should also review well during the holiday. Study. Being a tyrant is not scary, but being a tyrant is something you are afraid of on weekends and holidays. While you are having fun, others are still studying hard. You know, the National Day holiday is your last chance to work hard. Don’t think that everything will be fine once you enter the experimental class. The rule is that if your ranking in the monthly exams declines three times in a row, you will be withdrawn from the experimental class. I hope that after three months, everyone can still stay in this class."

Everyone who was originally discussing with great interest where to go during the vacation suddenly felt as if someone had poured cold water on them.

Li Xu looked at the "cabbages" who seemed to be wilting for a moment, and said with a satisfied expression: "Okay, the squad leader will come up and distribute these sets of test papers, and everyone will use the holiday to finish them. In addition, pay attention to safety during the holiday. , wish everyone a happy holiday!”

Ru Yuan saw everyone's expressions of mourning after getting the papers, and then he walked out slowly.

Oh, if he, the head teacher, didn't put a tight spell on them, these monkeys really thought they could make a difference.

Lu Ning got the test paper and was opening it when she saw Lu Shi'an knocking on the table and asked: "Hey, what are your plans for November? Where do you plan to go?"

Lu Ning raised her eyes and glanced at him and said: "I didn't listen to what the head teacher said. After the vacation, we will have the first monthly exam. If you fall in the exam rankings three times in a row, you will be kicked out of the experimental class. At this time, you don't want to review well, but you still... Are you in the mood to hang out?"

Lu Shi'an: "Didn't I hear from Lao Li that the holidays are reserved for the top students to study? I'm not a top student, so of course the holidays are for fun." It's not practical for him to study hard.

Lu Ning: ...

I wonder if Li Xu would be so angry that his hair would stand on end if he knew that his words were understood so well.

"Who said you should study hard and use your strength to slap someone in the face?" Lu Ning glanced at him sideways, "You won't forget what you said so quickly, right?"

"Ahem, I didn't say I won't study. It's not just thinking about studying. You should relax when you should relax. According to research, studying for a long time can easily make you bored. We must learn to be reasonable. Allocate your own time properly and combine work with rest, so as to effectively improve learning efficiency."

Lu Ning: "You are the only one with more reasons."

Never seen such a brazen person.

"Seriously, it's rare to have such a long vacation, don't you want to go out for a walk? You didn't go out during the previous summer vacation, so I just took this opportunity to relax." Although the summer vacation lasted for two months, the two of them competed together. One of them was in a tutoring class, and they never went out to play.

He would be lying if he said he didn't want to. "What are your plans?" Lu Ning asked.

"Why don't we go camping? Three days and two nights, or two days and one night is fine. Call a few of them. Let's go out together and have some fun. What do you think?" Lu Shi'an suggested.

Lu Ning thought about it and it wasn't impossible.

"Then it's settled. I'll inform them. You can also call your friends, by the way..." At the end, he specifically added, "Except for the boy named Song."

Lu Ning: ...

(End of this chapter)

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