The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 355 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 48

Chapter 355 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 48
The latter probably wanted to straighten up, but didn't want to get drunk, so he staggered. Jian Nian hurriedly stepped forward to support him.Shen Yu took advantage of the situation and pressed most of his body on her.

Jian Nian was forced to take a step back and was directly pressed against the wall behind him.

Hot breath accompanied by a hoarse voice rang in her ears, seeming to be happy and coquettishly saying to her: "Jian Nian, are you here to pick me up?"

It was like a drop of water falling into a pan of oil, completely disrupting the already restless inner lake.

Her heart was burning, and at that moment, Jian Nian admitted that she had softened her heart.

Well, isn't it just a love affair?What's so scary, change your mind as soon as you change your mind, break up as soon as you break up, there is no rule, love must have a result, right?

Will she still be unable to live because her boyfriend has changed his mind?

Made up her mind, Jian Nian looked up at the man in front of her and said, "Well, you drank too much, I'll take you home!"

"Okay!" A certain person was unusually easy to talk, leaning on her shoulder so obediently.

"Wait for me first." Jian Nian took out his phone and sent a message to Xie Yan, telling him that he was going back first.Then he helped Shen Yu out of the KTV.

The KTV is near the school, so there is no need to call a car. Jian Nian glanced at the man leaning on her and said, "Can I go?"

"Yeah!" Shen Yu responded, rubbing his head on her shoulder with nostalgia.

Jian Nian stretched out two fingers, pushed his head outward and said, "Then stand still and walk by yourself."

"Not good!" Shen Yu looked like a koala, wishing he could wrap his whole body around her.

Jian Nian had no choice but to help him walk, attracting the attention of many people along the way.Jian Nian still felt embarrassed at first, but as more and more people watched, she no longer felt it.

After finally walking downstairs to the dormitory, it was still very cold, but I felt like I was sweating all over.

"We're here, go up and have a rest!" Jian Nian said to someone.

In the end, someone leaned against her and didn't move.

Jian Nian frowned, stretched out her hand to push him again and said, "Shen Yu, don't pretend to be dead, let me go quickly."

Someone's hand wrapped around her waist tightened and said, "Don't let go!"

Jian Nian:......

People were coming and going in front of the dormitory. If you didn't pass anyone, you would stare at the two of them for a long time.

Jian Nian almost lost her temper. She turned around and looked at someone leaning on her shoulder and said, "How do you want to let go?" It was hard for someone who was 1.8 meters tall to press her 1.7 meters tall. On the small body that is not full of rice.

Not too tired.

Shen Yu: "Unless you agree to be my girlfriend."

"Ha!" Jian Nian laughed angrily, "You are quite sober when you are drunk!" You also know how to negotiate terms.

"If I don't agree, are you going to hold me like this all the time, and don't plan to let go?" Probably feeling the anger in her voice, the people around him let her go and stood up obediently, looking at her with small eyes It's full of resentment and grievances.

It looks like an abandoned dog waiting to be comforted.

Jian Nian never thought that he would look like this when he was drunk.

Seeing him like this, he suddenly lost his temper.

Jian Nian then stood up on her tiptoes, kissed him quickly on the lips and said, "Can you go back now?"

Shen Yu's originally drunken eyes suddenly burst out with strange colors, and he stared at Jian Nian with burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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