The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 356 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 49

Chapter 356 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 49
Jian Nian looked uncomfortable, so she kicked him in the foot and urged: "Go back quickly, I have to go back to the dormitory." After saying that, he was about to turn around, but his wrist was suddenly held.

The young man held her slender wrist and pulled hard, and Jian Nian returned to her arms.The next second, there was an overwhelming kiss accompanied by a faint breath of malt.

There was a burst of exclamations from all around, and the only two words that came to Jian Nian's mind were "It's over". Maybe the two of them would have to log on to the campus network again soon.

But, go ahead!
After a while, someone finally let her go, stared at her scorchingly for a while and said, "Why don't you hit me?"

Jian Nian:......

This is the first time I see someone looking for a fight.

Jian Nian coughed lightly and said: "I kissed you just now, and now you kiss back, so we are even."

The next second, I saw someone kissing me again, tossing and turning. Compared with the previous superficial taste, this time the kiss was obviously much deeper and more affectionate.

After a while, someone reluctantly let her go and said, "Now I've kissed you one more time, do you want to kiss her again?"

Even though Jian Nian had a good psychological quality, she couldn't help but feel ashamed when people were watching her kissing her. She blushed, kicked him and said, "It's almost enough, but it's too little."

Looking at that person, he looked like a well-fed wolf, not even the slightest bit drunk.

"Okay, you're not drunk at all. Have you been lying to me just now?" Jian Nian glared at him.

"Hey, I'm so dizzy!" Shen Yu pretended to lean his head on her shoulder again.

But Jian Nian pushed him away hard and said, "Okay, stop pretending! I'm going back, whether you love me or not." After saying that, he left.

However, Shen Yu grabbed her wrist, pulled her back, intertwined his fingers with hers, and raised their linked hands in front of her and said, "So, are we together now? "

Jian Nian cleared her voice and said, "Who said we were together? It's a probationary period at most."

Shen Yu chuckled lightly when he heard this and said, "That's okay. The probation period is just the probation period. I will work hard to become a regular employee."

Jian Nian shook their clasped hands and said, "Then can you let me go now?"

Shen Yu held her hand reluctantly and said, "What should I do, I don't want to let you go."

"Why didn't I know you were so clingy?" It seemed that girls had clung to him before, but this guy always looked sober.

Shen Yuxiao said softly and affectionately: "Probably because those people are not you, but you are the only one who makes me miss you and wish I could stay together all the time."

Jian Nian gave him a big roll of her eyes and said, "Stop being so glib. Your tricks won't work on me." If she hadn't seen him coaxing other girls before, she might have believed him.

Shen Yu grabbed her hand and pressed it on his chest and said, "I'm obviously telling the truth, so why don't you believe me? Can't you feel my strong love for you at all?"

"Okay!" Jian Nian rubbed the goosebumps on his body and said, "It's almost done."

"Okay, go up and have a rest early, good night." Shen Yu reluctantly let go of her.

"Well, you too." After Jian Nian said that, she walked towards the girls' dormitory building.

As soon as I entered the dormitory, someone's video popped up.

Jian Nian couldn't help but touched her lips, and then pressed the connect button.

(End of this chapter)

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