( ) These are all participants in that operation.From then on, Wen Fei understood a truth, it was all because of a lot of money!

Zhang Yu smiled, and didn't care about Wen Fei, but said: "If you want to make good wine, go ask Xiaoyu. Her family is an authentic brewery. Although the wine is not as famous as Moutai Wuliangye, but get some original wine. It’s much better than some Moutai!”

Xiao Yu's face was flushed, and she also looked like she had drunk too much.In fact, it was an illusion. Most of the bottle of Wuliangye went into her stomach, and her face turned so red after the first sip, but after five or six ounces, her face was still so red.Wen Fei reckoned that if he drank another half a catty, it would still look like this.

"Small, keep it on me. When you want it, just tell me, and you can call me. You can also call this fat man!" Xiao Yu, who seemed quite quiet at first, also let go at this time, and yelled directly road.

It was two or three o'clock at night after seeing off the couple, but Wen Fei was so bored that he didn't want to sleep.It suddenly occurred to me that it had been a long time since I went shopping next door, the last time I scared people so badly.I also cheated on the human treasure jade pendant, I am really a little embarrassed.

Soon Wen Fei went back and forth with his ghost out of his body, feeling a little regretful in his heart.The room was empty, the pretty mistress had already moved out, leaving only an empty house.

He lay on the bed and thought wildly: What should I bring with me next time I go to the Northern Song Dynasty?Although buckets and basins are easy to sell, they cannot be made.I am so courageous that I dare to grab the business of the fourth patriarch of the Nanzong. It really is ignorant and fearless!

Don't sell those plastic buckets. Is it really a change to sell plastic bags?Doesn't seem to be much use?

It would have been fine if I had studied marketing at the beginning, but what I learned was actually useless to Wen Fei.Because he was in college for four years, he rarely went to class...

Xiaoyu's family owns a winery, why don't I get some wine and sell it.After going to the Northern Song Dynasty a few times, Wen Fei already understood that at that time, wine and tea were monopolized by the state just like tobacco is now.If you want to sell privately, in case you are arrested...

Yes, this time I will get cloth to sell.No, I seem to have learned it when I was in middle school. Huang Daopo of the Yuan Dynasty went to Hainan to learn the craft of weaving. It seems that there was not much cloth to wear in the Northern Song Dynasty!

Nonsense, don't wear cloth, don't men and women run around with bare buttocks?For the first time, Wen Fei had doubts about the records in the history books. After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly remembered that the clothes that the people in the Northern Song Dynasty seemed to wear were of rough materials, which looked like those sacks... Could it be that they were all wearing sackcloth?

It seemed true, Wen Fei recalled.It seems that those people are really wearing sackcloth.Seeing that the fabric is thick and poor, it is not very comfortable to wear.I want to get some fabrics to sell. I wonder if I can make a profit?

He went to the Internet to check and was completely dizzy.No one can say clearly how long this piece of cloth is.The most common answer is that a piece of cloth is 33 meters long. Wen Fei really wanted to spray that guy in the face.

In ancient times, a piece of cloth was just like a suit of clothes. Every time I saw anyone wearing clothes, it took more than 30 meters to be made, unless it was the kind of wedding dress that dragged on the ground for tens of meters.

These things on the Internet are too unreliable, Wen Fei thought distressedly.It seems that the cloth is really not easy to sell.There are so many types of fabrics, it is really interlaced like a mountain!Wen Fei looked at the ocean and sighed.

I racked my brains and couldn't figure out what to sell in that shabby market. The place was so poor that there was really nothing to sell except the necessities of life.After finally finding a way out, I was afraid of ruining Chen Niwan's job. Alas, this business is really difficult!

And it's impossible for me to get a lot of copper coins back every time?Although luck is good among these copper coins, if I encounter valuable ones, I will get rich.But most of these copper coins are worthless, and there is nothing wrong with only a few thousand now, but if there are too many in the future, will it impact the current ancient coin market?For example, my business has grown, and I can get tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of them back?

I see that place is so poor, except for vegetable sellers, fruit sellers, and meat sellers, who are all agricultural products anyway, and there is nothing else.Could it be that I have to change my career to be a vegetable vendor after all the college students from the third-rate universities come out?Even if I am willing, how much can I pick up with these two hands?It seems that it is not an easy task to make a fortune in ancient times!

For a moment, Wen Fei sighed!Always look for ones that are light in weight and easy to hold.It is said that the price of books and paper in ancient times was extremely high, but at that time, the country market could not sell them even if they wanted to.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

A few days later, the mules and horses gathered in the Northern Song Dynasty.A Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes picked a place early, laid out a plastic sheet, and put various small objects on it.

Ge Erlang pulled a pair of shoes and squatted in front of Wenfei's small stall, looking at Wenfei's needles and threads with curiosity: "Ah, fake Taoist priest, I really have yours, why did you exchange them again? Don't sell them?" Bucket!"

Wen Fei laughed and said with a smile: "How dare you steal your business? How about your master? I'll buy you a drink when I'm free."

Ge Erlang said carelessly: "Thank you, I have nothing to do to be courteous, if you steal it, you steal it!" He waved his hand and went on his own.

Wen Fei muttered, but didn't dare to scold.Looking up, I suddenly realized that there was a pack of needles missing on my stall...

As the sun rises gradually, the flow of people is getting bigger and bigger.Many people began to be interested in Wenfei's small stall. There were a lot of things that needed to be mended in the countryside. At this time, ethics had not yet flourished, and it was even more rural.There are a lot of women shopping, almost all of whom are in their 40s, with old faces and rough skin.Wen Fei really didn't have much interest in watching.

But those women like to go to Wen Fei's stall, those needles and threads, although they are worthless.But the quantity is large, and almost every household needs it.A few of these, and a few of that, quickly sold more than a dozen packs of needles, threads, thimbles, scissors and other messy little things.

When the people who went to the market dispersed, Wen Fei's things were already sold out, and he was really happy.Don't look at these things as inconspicuous, but the profit is really not small.

At this time, the ironmaking technology was very backward, and the output of steel was very small, which was not enough at all.Not to mention being used to make these needles and other small objects.They are all made of iron, and they are of different thicknesses, so they will rust in a short time.Where can it compare with the needles of modern crafts?

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