() The two souls of heaven and earth are not in the body, but there is a faint connection with the soul of life around the body.As for the so-called Yin soul coming out of the body, it is this soul that comes out, but it is not the Yin spirit that many people think. The yin god can only be the yin god after the Taoist golden elixir is achieved, and after the elixir is broken into a baby.

This is the secret of Taoism, and many who have not been truly inherited often regard the god transformed from the golden core as the sun god.In fact, it is not the case. The achievements of Daoist golden elixir are called fake elixir among all the true sects. The yin elixir has not yet adopted the innate qi and enlightened pure yang.Only at that time, what you get is the real pill of pure yang.

The three souls lie in the spirit, and the seven souls lie in matter.It is the method of the yin spirit coming out of the body, which is not as difficult as a layman imagines.But at the same time, it is far more dangerous than imagined.

Because the soul of life is not strong enough, and the connection with the two souls of heaven and earth is not close enough, children often lose their souls when they are frightened.However, cultivators use methods such as visualization, but it is easy for the yin spirit to come out of the body, but the yin spirit is too weak.The soul is incomplete, so it is inferior to many ghosts.If you go out, whether you see the wind, the sun, or even a lot of things with energy, it will be very bad.

Some people think that as long as the yin spirit is out of the body, although they can't control things, they can see anything they want and know all the secrets of the world.He even thinks that if he can travel during the day, he can be called an omniscient real person.But I don't know that things in the world are so simple. <Links, enshrined ancestor tablets, statues and so on.There are even Taishan Shigandang in the corner of the house, and all kinds of folk customs are not groundless, and they are all useful.You, a ghost weaker than a ghost, broke in, and you didn't even know how you died.

What's more, the big family pays attention to feng shui, has lions, all kinds of strange animals on the eaves, and so on.The official government is even more royal and protective, if you want to go in for a visit, you will be courting death.

Just like Wen Fei, who had nothing to do and wanted to go to a bank where no one was at night, but was almost scared to death by two stone lions, let alone others.Of course, nowadays most people don't pay much attention to the customs handed down from ancient times, so there is no danger for this kind of people to hang out.

Now that Wen Fei was practicing the Earth Shalei method, he gradually realized why Chen Niwan taught him this method.Master-level figures always teach students in accordance with their aptitude.Since he knew that Wen Fei often had ghosts out of his body, he asked Wen Fei to practice the Earth Sha Thunder Technique.Not only to collect the earth's qi, but also to understand the meaning of the stability of the earth, and use this divine will to strengthen the Yin soul.

In addition, Wen Fei is now being worshiped in a temple, although he doesn't know how to use it.However, Yin souls can still be assisted by strands of incense and faith, and their cultivation progress is extremely fast.

It's just that it's not good if the soul is strong and the soul is weak.So Chen Niwan taught Wen Fei the Five Qi Chaoyuan Kung Fu, using the five directions and five Qi to nourish the internal organs and strengthen the body, so the seven souls are naturally strong.To achieve the goal of strengthening the soul, it is really well-intentioned.

After many days, just when Wen Fei's patience was about to run out, the eunuch who read out the imperial decree finally arrived at Tiandubao.At this speed, it is said that Song Huizong wanted to see Wen Fei very much, and was afraid that Wen Fei would come running away, so he asked the eunuch who announced the decree to rush here day and night, five hundred miles away.

The imperial decree of the Great Song Dynasty is different from the TV series that Wen Fei watched, even the content of the imperial decree is different from the TV series.At least there was no panacea-like "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor's Edict", and even such a formal imperial decree did not make Wen Fei kneel down to accept the decree.

But what exactly is said in this decree.Wen Fei understood every word that the eunuch who announced the decree said, but when combined together, he couldn't understand the meaning at all.

"Congratulations to Immortal Master, Congratulations to Immortal Master!" After the decree was announced, the eunuch handed the decree to Wen Fei, and his face became a mess with a smile: "The official will give you the title of Mr. Slaughtering Demons and Fudao, and add the title of Master of True Martial Arts!" For the sake of You Sheng, Shun Zhen Wu Ling Ying Zhenjun!"

Wen Fei was overjoyed, thinking that not only himself became a husband. When I go out in the future, wherever I go, others will call me Mr. Sangmo Fudao, and that feeling is extremely refreshing.Moreover, the title of Emperor Zhenwu has also been added. Although it has not been completed in one step, adding the title of Emperor, but it has taken a step forward, and I am extremely happy in my heart.At least I can be regarded as repaying Wudang Mountain, who made this jade pendant probably uploaded from Wudang Mountain.

"That reward," Wen Fei remembered that after receiving the decree, it seemed that he was going to reward the eunuch who announced the decree, so Wen Fei yelled carelessly.He took out a large ingot of silver from his body and handed it to the eunuch who announced the decree.

The eunuch didn't know whether to laugh or cry, his eyes wandered, and he looked around.But I was complaining about Wen Fei in my heart, and I didn't know the severity, even if I gave money, I had to wait until no one was around, and give it secretly!How can there be such a reason for bribing in full view?

This is because the eunuchs in the Northern Song Dynasty were too strictly controlled, even though there were such strong eunuchs as Tong Guan.But most of the eunuchs followed the rules and were not as arrogant and domineering as those eunuchs in other dynasties. They even kept a gift hidden.If it was in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, those eunuchs would not only have collected the money generously, but they might even have thought that the amount of money was too little, that they were sending off beggars!

In the midst of embarrassment, Zhang Shuye said with a smile: "Doctor Yang, this is a wish from the immortal master. It is not ordinary money, but it has the magic power of the immortal family on it!"

That's right, when Yang Jian heard this, he changed his mind.This is really a good excuse, what I received was not money, but a treasure given to me by the immortal master!He quickly smiled his old face like a chrysanthemum, and took the silver ingot.You must know that in this era, there were quite a lot of silver ingots, and the depreciation of silver prices was also after the middle of the Ming Dynasty, when a large amount of silver from America flowed into China.At this time, silver and gold existed as valuables.

Seeing the eunuch accept the gift, Wen Fei felt happy, and couldn't help but spit out a few more words.Nima, a dead eunuch is also called a doctor, so I thought it was a doctor!It turned out that the eunuch was a doctor in rank, and his rank was not too high, and he had no other positions, so Zhang Shuye directly called him a doctor!

But at this time, when he heard that this guy was called Yang Jian, he immediately became furious.Almost shouted: "What, your name is Yang Jian? Isn't that Erlang Shen?"

Zhang Shuye and Yang Jian were puzzled, but Yang Jian came to his senses first and asked with a trembling voice, "Master Immortal, Master Immortal, do you mean that I am Erlang God?"

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