() But seeing Cai Jing hugging such a little bastard like this, I still feel uncomfortable.Cai You's mother is already quite old, so it is conceivable that this Cai You was definitely not born with his mother.However, although he was jealous in his heart, he didn't dare to show it. He just asked, "Father, what did the officials say? Is it because of the magic stick?"

Cai Jing suddenly changed his face when he heard this, and scolded: "Shut up, stop talking nonsense!" After a pause, he slowed down and said: "The official is very eager to see that Wenxian teacher now, don't you want to offend the official?" Cold water at home!"

Cai You was stunned and immediately reacted.This is a figure personally recommended by Tong Guan to the officials.But it must not be neglected.Otherwise, if I spread my words, not to mention offending Tong Guan, even the officials would be very unhappy!This romantic son of heaven is very superstitious about Taoist priests!

Cai You was afraid in his heart, and lowered his head to agree.He followed Cai Jing to the study to discuss matters. Originally, among Cai Jing's many sons, he was the only one who had this honor, but now the little villain in Cai Jing's arms actually followed him.The honored Cai You clearly knew that this little brother, who was only a few years old, could not understand what they said at all.

"I don't know if this fairy master has any real skills, but I saw him through the binoculars given to the officials by Tong Daguan, and it was extremely skillful. I asked the craftsmen who were used by the queen, and they said that it was used by that treasure. The materials used here are neither gold nor wood, and they don’t seem to belong to the world!” Cai Jing said in a deep voice.

Although Cai You was afraid in his heart, there were only father and son in the study room at the moment, and of course such a small Cai Tao was not counted by Cai You at all.He still couldn't help but said: "There are real immortals, who doesn't practice hard in the deep mountains. The one who is willing to climb the dragon and the phoenix must have the idea of ​​taking the shortcut to the south in the haze!"

The so-called shortcut to the south is in Yanxia, ​​but it comes from an allusion in the Tang Dynasty.Back then, many people wanted to be reused by the imperial court, but they didn't want to climb up slowly step by step.So he went to live in seclusion on Zhongnan Mountain near the capital of the Tang Dynasty, trying to gain great fame by this means and attract the attention of the court.

"This is not the case," Cai Jing shook his head and said, "Immortals also have the place to ask for the emperor of the world. Just like Chen Tuan and Chen Xiyi, what kind of person? You must ask for the canonization from Taizu Taizong in order to be an immortal and a god. The word "Tianzi" is not called casually!"

"Immortal, do you still want the emperor to be canonized?" This kind of thing greatly impacted Cai You's values, and he was a little too shocked for a while.

"The emperor's mouth contains the constitution of heaven, and his words follow the law. Those who are in harmony with the North Star, feel the five emperors and sit on the stars. With the five virtues, you rule the world, and you govern the people with luck. When you live, you will be protected by hundreds of spirits. Are you waiting for nothing?" Cai Jing said solemnly.

Cai You's expression changed when he heard this, he was born in a scholarly family, so he had heard these words a lot, and he never took them seriously, only taking them as flattery to the emperor.After all, he is a close minister of the official family, and Riri saw the emperor.The so-called awe is naturally produced because of the distance.The close ministers around the emperor like him not only met the emperor, but also talked and laughed freely with each other.Even, last night, they disguised themselves together and went to the famous Quyuan Street in the capital to play in the middle of the night, drinking and having sex.Under such circumstances, how can Cai You seriously regard the emperor as the real "Son of Heaven" and "God".

"Ignorant child, don't think that the official is close to you, so you don't know your surname!" Cai Jing scolded: "What did you take the official to do last night? Don't think that I don't know!"

Cai You has always been in awe of his father, although he is almost thirty, but he still looks like dirt after being scolded by his father.

Seeing his eldest son's hopeless appearance, Cai Jing was even more angry: "I told you to read more books, but you don't read. Every day you only know some crooked things... Sooner or later, our Cai family will Corruption is in your hands!"

After Cai Jing scolded Cai You bloody, he just said: "Our Cai family's wealth and power are all in the official's mind. The official is close to you, but you have to remember the measure. The official is Your Majesty, you are a courtier, so you must not exceed your limits. Otherwise, the future officials will have a grudge against you...hehe..."

Cai You was dripping with cold sweat, and quickly responded.After Cai Jing finished his son's lesson, he turned to the main topic: "Since Master Wenxian is willing to help me Da Song, he has such supernatural powers. What he wants must be nothing else. Naturally, he must use my Da Song's luck to become a fairy." Dao. In the future, the Immortal Master entered Tokyo City, you remember to get closer..."

Naturally, Wen Fei didn't know that he was so attractive to others, and finally waited for the dust to settle, and it had been three or four days.Every time he thinks back to what happened that day, Wen Fei feels chills!If it wasn't for good luck last time, with the protection of Lei Yin, I would have been occupied by that old ghost.I shudder just thinking about it.

It's a pity that the thunder seal has also exploded now. If this kind of thing happens again in the future, there will be nothing to save lives.No, you have to find a powerful guy to be with you!

He recalled the experience of that Taoist priest, and the Taoist priest in his dream should be the monster that Chen Zhiyuan said was suppressed by Zhang Tianshi.Now that I think about it carefully, this Taoist is really awesome. He not only got the inheritance of Taoist Tianxin School, Beidi School and other Taoist schools at that time, but also showed the oldest traces of Tianshi Taoism.Find the origin of Taoism and find ghost magic.

This Taoist priest whose name and surname has not been left behind is really an unborn talent, and the way of heaven, earth, man, gods and ghosts should be a new theoretical system proposed by this Taoist after integrating the Taoism he got in the middle of Sichuan.

If this person is smarter, don't rebel.To spread one's way with peace of mind, at least in the history of Taoism, the status will not be lower than that of Kou Qianzhi, Du Guangting, or even Wang Chongyang, Zhang Sanfeng and other giants!

"So what's going on with ghosts..." Wen Fei muttered to himself, he was afraid that the world would grow old and he would forget all the things in his dreams.So I began to desperately recall all the details.

"In the early days, the heaven and the earth opened up, the Yin and the world were not separated, and the ghost way was not established, but humans, gods and ghosts lived together between the heaven and the earth. The emperor was noble, and a temple was set up to protect the ancestors. The common people sacrificed in their sleeping places. It is a place where humans and ghosts are mixed. ..."

It is said that in this world, there was no Yin world originally, and there was no heaven.Human beings, ghosts and gods all live together, in a state of chaos.It's normal for all kinds of ghosts to travel at night.Only the emperor and nobles at that time could set up shrines and ancestral temples to worship ancestors and protect their souls.

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