() Later, the Yin world slowly appeared. The earliest gods were all gods of mountains and rivers, each in charge of his own area, and protecting the ghosts and gods under his rule.So in the earliest days, the mountain god was also the god of Yinsi.The place they ruled to protect the souls is called the blessed land, which has different attributes and is not connected.So the ancient alchemists called it the blessed land of cave heaven!

Later, Buddhism was introduced to China, and the world was in chaos at the end of Han Dynasty.Many people of insight were stimulated by this.Decided to recreate man and heaven, and rearrange the order between humans, gods and ghosts.With the emergence of Taipingdao and Wudoumidao, Taipingdao tends to govern people and wants to reorganize the order of humanity.But Wu Dou Mi Dao turned his attention to Yin Shi Dao!

At that time, Zhang Daoling passed down the five buckets of rice Taoism in Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan, also known as the Tao of Tianshi.But in the early historical records, the Taoist school he inherited was called ghost way.Taoists are called "ghost soldiers" and "ghost soldiers", and Taoist leaders are called "ghost officials".

The celestial masters of later generations are upright, and they are best at catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits.This is not without reason!

Whether it is the land of Bashu or the land of the Central Plains of Xia, Shang and Zhou, in ancient times.The most popular ones are ghosts and witches.With the gradual evolution of the Central Plains dynasty, only in the land of Bashu, that kind of remote place at that time, still retains the witchcraft of ancient times.

According to legend, when Zhang Daoling preached, he cut down mountains and destroyed temples, and beheaded all kinds of ghosts and gods at that time.Not even ancestral beliefs are allowed.There are also legends of fighting against eight ghost commanders and six ghost kings.These are actually the community forces of those primitive witch religions.

Later, foreign monks were fond of chanting scriptures, and Zhang Daoling defeated the power of those primitive witch religions.Either behead them, or suppress and surrender.After the eight ghost commanders of the witch religion and the six demon kings failed to fight, they were transformed and assimilated by the Tao of Heavenly Masters. The "Magic Subduing Stone", "Throwing Pen Slot", and "Xinxin Pond" on Qingcheng Mountain today are legends after the fighting at that time.

At that time, the Taoist priest inherited the orthodoxy of the early ghost way.What is important is to control millions of ghosts, kill gods and ghosts, and recreate humans and heaven.It's more similar to when the Heaven of Taipingdao is dead, Huang Tian should set up this set!Therefore, it was the first to put forward the idea of ​​equalizing the rich and the poor.

I want to recreate the three ways of heaven, earth and man, and completely expel Buddhism.Let the world be peaceful and all people live and work in peace and contentment.Establish a Taoist dynasty that combines politics and religion.I don't know if this Taoist's idea is great...or ridiculous!

Leave him alone, Wen Fei is an ordinary person.Don't worry about these things at all, anyway, the world is still peaceful now.Although there are still various problems that make those angry youths very dissatisfied, the life is not too bad...

Wen Fei has the temperament of muddling along, and doesn't get entangled in these things.I just want to find the method of cultivation from this Taoist's memory.Speaking of which, this Taoist has worshiped quite a few sects, even the spells of the Tianxin School, which had not yet been formally established at that time, this Taoist has learned some.However, what he mainly practiced at first was the Taoism of the Northern Emperor School.

The most important thing in the Pak Tai sect seems to be the Canopy Mantra. It is said that by reciting the Canopy Mantra, the Canopy General will be invited to descend to the earth to exorcise demons and evil spirits.Of course, this canopy general is a great god who sat down by the Northern Emperor, and he is very dignified.At that time, his status was somewhat similar to that of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who had the great ability to follow the sound and save the suffering.Definitely not the Canopy Marshal from Journey to the West!

However, after the mid-Song Dynasty, the Northern Emperor School declined, and few people recited the Canopy Mantra.There are very few people enshrining and worshiping General Canopy, and the status of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the future cannot be compared.

Wen Fei wondered if it was related to this Taoist, which provoked the Northern Song court to vigorously attack the Beidi sect, which almost wiped out the great Taoist sect at that time in the long river of history.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Wen Fei, he just said a few random words of emotion and threw it aside.Although the Canopy Curse is powerful, no one has enshrined this great god for thousands of years. Even if it still exists now, the divine power is probably very low.Or look at other spells!

In fact, Wen Fei is most interested in the magic of ghosts. Thinking back when Wen Fei was short of money, he only wanted to practice the five ghosts' wealth fortune method, so that the five ghosts could move some money from the bank for him to spend...

But to master this spell, one needs to sacrifice a ghost emperor seal.Represents the power of the ghost emperor, commanding all ghosts.The most important instruments of Taoism are the sword, the seal, the mirror, and the bell.There are many places where these four instruments are indispensable, but there are no strict regulations on the materials used to carve them. Wood, stone, jade, and metal are all fine.

Of course, the better the material, the better.Wen Fei remembered that there was a seal of his ancestor Yang Pingzhi's capital. The jade was seven cents thick and one and a half inches long and square.One is called Dayang Ping Zhidu Gongyin, which is seven fen thick and two and a half inches long in each direction. It is made of jade and gold inscriptions.

There is also a seal bestowed by the imperial court in the fifth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, engraved in silver, double-patterned, seven cents thick, five centimeters long and five centimeters long, Ganoderma lucidum Ruyi.It can be seen that even the style has no certain rules!

Wen Fei thought about it for a long time, and suddenly remembered that he still had a piece of good jade in his hand.

It took a few days of hard work to find a master craftsman to carve this piece of mutton fat jade into the jade seal of the ghost emperor.After carving, the whole body is crystal clear, with almost no blemishes.If others saw this piece of beautiful jade, their eyes would pop out.

It turns out that Wen Fei has quite a bad taste, and actually made the imitation of this jade seal in the appearance of Chuanguo's jade seal.You ask which jade seal passed down to the country?Nonsense, it is naturally the one carved by He's Bi.Qin Shihuang ordered Li Si seal script "Ordered by the sky, long life and eternal prosperity" horoscope, there is also a Kowloon hub on it.The famous treasure in history, which was passed down from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Five Dynasties before mysteriously disappearing!

Of course, these are just Wen Fei's little mischief.Of course, the printed text below will not be "Ordered by heaven, long life and eternal prosperity".It was an ancient seal that was even more difficult to recognize than Yunzhuan. Wen Fei didn't know what it was about.

This jade seal is really a priceless treasure now, but in Wen Fei's hands, it really doesn't matter how much it is.

Don't forget, he is a space-time dealer, but he sold a lot of Hetian jade ore back.The Hetian jade of the later generations is about to be used up, so the price will naturally rise all the way, and it is extremely expensive.And the Song Dynasty was blocked by Xixia, and the Hetian jade from Xinjiang is naturally extremely precious.But in Xixia, the price of this Hetian jade is just average...

The territory of the Xixia people is today in the northwest of Gansu, northeast of Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and northern Shaanxi.It ends at the Yellow River in the east, reaches Yumen in the west, connects with Xiaoguan (now Tongxinnan in Ningxia) in the south, and controls the desert in the north, covering an area of ​​more than [-] li, even extending to Xin Jiang.This Hetian jade is also an important export material of Xixia.Wen Fei traded several times, except for those medicinal materials, the fur and horns of the Tibetan antelope, this jade was the most bulky.

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