() However, these methods that have been circulated among the people are the lower methods of Maoshan methods, that is, some unpopular methods of exorcising ghosts.In fact, the authentic Maoshan is from a famous family, and the patriarch is the famous Tao Hongjing!

Having said so much, that is to introduce a few words casually.Anyway, Wen Fei didn't plan to have any relatives with the Maoshan faction, who made the Maoshan faction miserable, and was merged into the Zhengyi sect in the Yuan Dynasty...

Thoughts were running wild all the time in his mind, but Wen Fei never slowed down.I turned on the bright flashlight in my hand, mainly because I was afraid that if I turned on the light, some light would leak out from the crack in the door.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, Wen Fei always feels that after the light is turned on, it will be white and miserable, which makes people panic.Of course, Wen Fei is not the same as Wuxia Amon in the past, and he has experienced some big scenes anyway, so Wen Fei cannot be intimidated by this level.

Fortunately, the corridor is not long, and soon I saw the lights of the emergency lights, reflecting the three characters of mortuary.This is the inner door. Fortunately, it is not locked.Otherwise, it will take a lot of effort!

This morgue is smaller than the ones Wen Fei saw in movies and TV shows.The temperature is very low. Originally, the morgue was built underground to keep the temperature low and slow down the decay of the corpse.At this moment, Wen Fei turned on the light, and the light jumped a few times before turning on.

To practice Maoshan magic, according to the rules, it takes 49 days to set up the Liujia altar.Wen Fei didn't want to practice Maoshan Taoism seriously, so he naturally omitted this step.He just wanted to try Maoshan's technique of raising ghosts!

According to the requirements, it is necessary to select a man and woman who died unmarried and to be buried for more than one year.Then at the fifth watch, go to get a finger bone.Just this one stumped Wen Fei.At this time, cremations are everywhere, except for remote mountain villages, there must be no burials.So the first one is not easy to do.Wen Fei could only do something simple, first find a corpse in the morgue, and see if it could be used.

Anyway, folk magic is like this.All of them are arranged in a crude and simple way, and there are even a lot of mistakes in the transmission of talismans and incantations.But it does not hinder the use!

Wen Fei searched for a long time, but there were not many corpses in it.Not far from the hospital is the affiliated medical school, where teaching seems to involve a lot of autopsies.

Wen Fei had already found out.The three gangsters were killed and sent here after an autopsy.Although Wen Fei was mentally prepared, he was still a little shocked when he opened the freezer and saw a dead body.It looked like a dead body that had jumped off a building.Jumping off the stairs, the appearance of death is really not ordinary miserable...

Wen Fei didn't dare to look at it, so he quickly closed the freezer.After searching a few, they finally found the dead body of the bandit.Hastily took off a little finger of the corpse, feeling guilty in his heart.The corpse was brittle from the cold, and when it was broken hard, a section was broken off, and even tools were useless.But that process really made Wen Fei feel chills in his heart!

The three corpses were placed in adjacent places, which saved Wen Fei a lot of effort.Cut off the little fingers of the three corpses, put them in the small coffins prepared in advance, and then pushed the freezer in.Not daring to be negligent, he burned seven soul-absorbing talismans, and saw a cloudy wind suddenly blowing towards the small coffin in the middle of the mortuary.

The wind was extremely gloomy and cold, needless to say it was the soul-absorbing talisman that collected the ghost.He said his blessings according to the rules, it was nothing more than that I took your Yin soul away, and I will make offerings to you in the future.Burned seven more soul-absorbing talismans, and quickly covered the lid.The small coffin was tied seven times with red thread, and then the coffin sealing talisman was pasted on, and he was slightly relieved.

The clothes were drenched with cold sweat.Wen Fei thought to himself, Nima, this matter is too exciting.Master Dao, I don't want to do it again in the future, so I wiped off my cold sweat and slipped outside quickly.Fortunately, Wen Fei was lucky today, and there were no oolong incidents along the way, otherwise he would really not be able to cry.

This reflects the advantage of the house being next to the hospital. It is also close to stealing the corpse, at most ten minutes.Wen Fei returned to his house.

According to Maoshan's Taoism, after the ghost comes back, it has to be made offerings on the Liujia altar for a period of time before it can be used.In the future, you can order this ghost to do all kinds of things, and there is even a human-ghost fusion technique, that is, to invite the upper body of the ghost you raise to use various magical powers.

Of course, these are all low-level methods, which are already close to heresy.It's not authentic.The ghost way method in the memory of the Taoist priest is much more advanced than this.Although there is no method of how to collect the soul to listen to in the first step, it may be that this kind of Taoism is too low-level, and every school of Taoism has it.So there is no special memory.

But the Taoism of the ghost way, at this stage, has to sacrifice the ghost, and even canonize it as a ghost general.Putting the small coffin on the altar, Wen Fei heaved a sigh of relief.He hurriedly took out the essays that he had written earlier, and the various essays and articles of Daomen all had fixed procedures.

But, Wen Fei couldn't remember these key contents again.At this point, it doesn't matter if you can't remember, anyway, there is the simplest way.That is to hit him!

I lit three sticks of incense outside the small coffin, and waited patiently for the burn to finish.Incense has incredible power, it can not only protect Yin souls who have left their bodies, but most importantly, it can support ghosts and gods.

This kind of found ghost is inherently weak, and it will only be useful if it is supported for a period of time to make it stronger.Then the coffin-sealing talisman and red thread on it were uncovered, and three yin winds were generated in the living room in just one turn.It seemed that he felt fear and danger, and wanted to run outside.

It's just that Wen Fei pasted so many talismans on his house, and it wasn't for looking good.This is the situation to guard against, the Yin wind drifted around to see if there was no chance to escape.He didn't rush towards him as Wen Fei thought, but hid in the small coffin again.

Unexpectedly, after these desperadoes were beaten to death, they were still cowards, Wen Fei was immediately happy.If so, I can really save a lot of energy.In fact, the time of death is still short, it has not been seven days, and the memory has not been recovered yet.Wen Fei yelled: "Wu that little brat, my celestial master is here, why don't you hurry up and show yourself?"

After calling, I realized that I was too stupid.How could such a weak ghost have the ability to show itself?Wen Fei sprinkled incense sticks with paper money, and the wind made a whirlwind.This is how it really comes out!

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