At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty as a god stick

Chapter 70 Three Great Ghost Generals

() Whoops, Mom!I really think they are cheap and looking for trouble.Wen Fei was so regretful that he wished he could slap himself twice. What could be wrong with doing nothing, but this ghost should show up?You must know that this ghost can maintain the appearance when it died, that is to say, when it was shot to death, it was shot seven or eight times all over the body, and it looked like a loophole when it was beaten...

"Ahem," Wen Fei coughed twice pretending to be dignified, and said, "Do you know that if Mr. Ben hadn't saved you, you would have died immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Fei realized that he was stupid again.It's a hell of a ghost if this ghost can's really evil.Although he is a dead ghost, his three souls and seven souls are already incomplete, and it is impossible to have a complete memory, let alone wisdom.

Forget it, anyway, no one wants to see it here, so it's not embarrassing.Wen Fei raised the jade seal of the ghost emperor in his hand, pointed to the small coffin, and shouted: "Disease!"

Even though the three ghosts didn't have any sense of sanity, they felt a kind of awe towards the ghost emperor jade seal in their nature.Obediently listening to Wen Fei's words, he flew into the small coffin in a flash of wind.

Wen Fei angrily drove the ghost into the small coffin and sealed it again.He said in his heart: This ghost way was created by that Taoist himself, and even the format of this official document is probably imitated from the imperial court at that time.I'm going to try it with a pioneering mind now.

Immediately, I used a pen to write down a letter of commission: "There are new dead ghosts..." After writing this, I suddenly felt troubled. I don't know what the names of these three ghosts were before they were alive.But it doesn't matter, all kinds of things in life will have nothing to do with them after death.In Maoshan art, there is a new name for offering ghosts. This one is called Jiayi, Jia[-], and Jia[-]!Anyway, zombies are also ghosts!

Wen Fei's evil taste was born, and he wrote: "There are new dead ghosts A[-], A[-], and A[-], with good conduct and firm party spirit... I am appointed as the seat by the order of Mr. Dangmo Fudao The devil will..."

The ghost emperor's jade seal was stained with cinnabar, and it was printed on it greatly.He burned the nondescript letter he wrote in front of the small coffin, and suddenly there was a muffled sound, and it exploded in the living room.Wen Fei felt as if his body was empty, and he had a feeling of being hollowed out by thieves.

Barely standing still, the coffin sealing amulet on the small coffin flew out, and the red thread broke.It made Wen Fei turn pale in shock, wondering if it was because of his reckless behavior that he caused some big trouble.

Then I saw three ghosts standing in front of me, they were no longer in the same miserable state as when I was just killed, but became clean and tidy.She bowed to Wen Fei and said, "Thank you, Mr. Fudao, for your kindness. A[-], A[-], and A[-] will definitely assist you sincerely in the next few days!"

After finishing speaking, it seemed that he couldn't hold on any longer, and returned to the small coffin.Only then did Wen Fei breathe a sigh of relief and wipe off his cold sweat.Only then did I realize that the format of this kind of giving to ghosts and gods is actually not important.The important thing is that I have the seal of the ghost emperor, and the ghost emperor's dharma!

In fact, Wen Fei also understood in his heart that Taoist spells and these external rituals actually have changes in each school.It's not something set in stone.What really matters is the mind.

Fortunately, that Taoist's memory is incomplete, although most of it is missing.But the most critical set of "Fengdu Ghost Emperor's True Law of Controlling All Spirits" has been passed down.

With this set of mental methods, even if the rituals are messed up by Wen Fei, the effectiveness is not lacking at all.It seems that the rules and regulations of the past dynasties are different.But none of them can hinder the administration of various dynasties!

Therefore, a real expert can use earth-shattering spells even without using rituals.And if you don't have the mind, but want to change the rituals randomly, then you are asking for bad luck.

Anyway, it's finally over such a difficult step.The next step is to raise ghosts. Even if your family wants to raise a dog for guarding the house, it must be fed and trained.Strong and agile to bite!This newly-dead ghost, even if it died violently, is actually very weak.It’s almost a little stronger than Wen Fei’s own ghost out of his body, at least it can bring a small whirlwind to scare people when he comes and goes. Sorry.

But this ghost, that's all there is to it.Of course, if one is particularly unlucky and physically weak, it is also possible to be entangled by this kind of ghost.But for normal people, these ghosts are no threat.

Such a weak ghost, even if it controls millions, is still a dish!Therefore, there is naturally a way to sacrifice ghosts.

And those folk teachings that have not been passed down, or the Sanmao spells, or even some sorcery.There is no way to strengthen these ghosts, only when collecting ghosts, try to choose those powerful ghosts.Then feed it with incense or your own blood.

These are still decent people, if those evil spells.In order to pursue the power of the ghosts they raise, they often use extremely cruel means to artificially create resentful ghosts to control and use them.These methods are too hurtful, and sooner or later they will end up in a backlash.

With inheritance, this is much simpler.Places are also readily available.Jinhua Building is the best place!

That place is the authentic eye of the earth, and it is the most fertile for spiritual bodies.Otherwise, why do so many wandering spirits gather together and come to this Jinhua Building?

Strictly speaking, the three ghost generals under Wen Fei are actually not very high-quality, and they are not good materials for refining ghost generals.For real ghost generals, one should choose the kind of ghosts who live and die in special days.For example, the yin year is born in yin, the yin is born in yin, and the yin dies in yin, etc., and there are many other things to pay attention to.It's not like Wen Fei just randomly grabs one and it's done!

But in this day and age, everything can only be done.I hope that in the Northern Song Dynasty, some high-quality ghosts can be found and sacrificed to become ghost generals.At this time, Wen Fei began to regret, what name he didn't know well, why did he choose A[-], and hoped not to learn from Chinese football...

Setting up a Taoist altar in the underground tomb under the Jinhua Building, and using secret methods to carry out sacrifices, it will take about seven days to achieve initial success. If it is a small success, it will take a full seven to seven days.

He didn't have that much time to waste, at most he had sacrificed for three days.Even if it is rough, Wen Fei is now in the ancient tomb under the Jinhua Building.Stretch out your finger, draw in the air, and shout: "Chi!"

The small coffin in front of the altar suddenly bounced away, and a chill came out.Indistinctly, there was a white shadow, bowing to Wen Fei.

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