"As the leader of my Taoism, Immortal Master doesn't live in a palace, but lives in this mansion. I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate?" Xu Zhichang said seriously.

Now that Wen Fei has been identified as the leader of the Taoist sect, Xu Zhichang naturally has to fulfill the responsibility of admonishing him.

Xu Zhichang, whom Wen Fei met at Cai Jingfu last time, seemed to have a very good relationship with Lin Lingsu, and Wen Fei didn't dare to be too negligent, but Wen Fei had already considered this issue.So he said lazily: "You Taoist temples are not very suitable for me. I want to ask the officials to build a new Taoist palace for me!"

Wu Yan was the first to express his position: "The leader is right. Originally, I saw the palaces of the Song Dynasty, and the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace was the most important. There are more than 2000 districts, including the Changsheng Chongshou Hall and 3610 houses, covering an area of ​​480 mu..."

Wen Fei heard it: "I heard that the Daxiangguo Temple covers an area of ​​560 mu. How can Yuqing Zhaoying Palace be so much smaller?"

Wu Yan originally wanted to flatter, but when he heard this, he didn't know whether to smile bitterly or cry, so he said in a muffled voice: "The Yuqing Zhaoying Palace was originally planned to be built on the former site of the Inner Hall Zhibanyuan. The Qing Palace was later expanded to outside the Tianbo Gate in the northwest of the Imperial City. This was not easy. The city of Tokyo has always been expensive, so there is so much open space to build. I still don’t know how many houses were demolished before it was built. !"

As soon as Wen Fei heard the word demolition, Wen Fei immediately lost interest.Originally, he wanted to build a Taoist palace in Tokyo that was even bigger than Daxiangguo Temple.It's just that the slightest ordinary citizen who traveled from later generations shuddered when he heard the word demolition.Although Wen Fei wasn't very serious, he was asked to carry out forced demolition.He also refused to do it.

"Forget it, who is promoting Yuqing Zhaoying Palace now? Move him to another place, and I will promote this Yuqing Zhaoying Palace?" Wen Fei said with some reluctance.

What Wen Fei said made people laugh bitterly.Wu Yan secretly hated himself for talking too much, so he could only say: "Not long after the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace was built, it was burned down in a thunderstorm night!"

Wen Fei was furious: "I am a Taoist who has magic powers and acts on behalf of the heavens. How could it be possible to be thundered and burned? Why didn't the Daxiangguo Temple be burned?"

Wu Yan felt unlucky, but said in his mouth: "This is also the reason why my Yuqing Zhaoying Palace is too magnificent. People call it magnificent and magnificent. It took two years of Zhenzong's annual income to complete it. There is a poem that says: Shangmou Emperor Que The scale is beautiful, and it is far away from the Ming Dynasty. I am afraid that this Yuqing Zhaoying Palace has been built too high. That's why it attracts thunder and lightning!"

What is Wen Fei afraid of if he has a high level of cultivation? Isn't it enough to add a lightning rod?There are hundreds of stories of high-rise buildings in later generations, but no one has been struck by lightning.I wondered in my heart, whether Master Dao wanted to build a real tall building in the Northern Song Dynasty.as a landmark building.Those monks under pressure couldn't hold their heads up!

Do as soon as you think of it, Wen Fei came up with the idea.So they sent this group of Taoist officials and went directly to the palace, asking Song Huizong to build a temple for himself.

Seeing Wen Fei's turmoil, a group of Taoists were left looking at each other.Xu Zhichang said with a wry smile: "I never thought that our leader would act like this!"

The rest of the people just sneered in their hearts.It is said that it is only for the benefit of words and deeds, but the real thing is that there is a lot of turmoil.Said the wind is the rain.

Lin Lingsu smiled and said: "My junior brother has such a temper. But he has the ability, so he should be able to make my religion great. Fellow Taoists, the time for my Taoist sect to prosper is coming soon!"

A few Taoist officials were not very convinced, Xindao thought that this protector of the country, the leader of Taoism was an extraterrestrial expert, an earthly immortal figure, but he was greatly disappointed when he saw it today.

Not to mention what these Taoist officials think of Wen Fei, but the current official Zhao Ji heard it and asked directly: "Oh, what kind of temple does Shangfu plan to build?"

Zhao Ji was very interested when he heard it. He himself is a very happy person. Hearing that Wen Fei wanted to build a palace that would overwhelm the Daxiangguo Temple, he sent someone to call Cai Jing over while asking.

When Wen Fei saw Cai Jing, he was startled.That is, I haven't seen him for a few days. This Mr. Cai's face is swollen, and his eyes are even red like light bulbs.Can't help but concerned: "Cai Xianggong, are you healthy? You still need to take care of your health, don't work too hard!" This Cai Jing is good at making money, and if he wants to build a temple, he naturally has to count on Cai Jing to pay for it.Can't let him have trouble!

Cai Jing smiled wryly and said, "Thank you, Father Shang, for your concern." After taking a look at Zhao Ji, he found that Zhao Ji's eyes were red and swollen like rabbits.

Only then did Wen Fei realize that it seemed that he was the cause of the noise bombing a few days ago, so he couldn't help laughing.Rubbing his hands together, he said, "Cai Xianggong, I'm going to build a Shenxiao Temple, which will be even more magnificent than the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace. Look, how much money is left in the left treasury!"

Even people like Cai Jing were startled when they heard what Wen Fei said. The construction of the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace cost almost hundreds of millions of dollars.It was the annual income of two years during the Zhenzong Dynasty, but now Cai Jing is good at making money, but he wants to build Genyue, and what kind of Shenxiao Temple is going to be built here, that's really...

Seeing the embarrassment on Cai Jing's face, Zhao Ji asked with concern: "But the money doesn't come together?"

Just kidding, Cai Jing was able to stand in front of Song Huizong for 20 years because he was good at making money. At this time, the money was not enough, so didn't he smash the signs by himself?Immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry about the officials, don't worry about Shangfu. The magnificence of this Shenxiao Tiangong will be comparable to that of the Tiangong!"

Wen Fei was overjoyed when he heard this, and slapped Cai Jing heavily on the shoulder: "Lao Cai is good, I like you!"

Cai Jing was stunned for a long time. After all, he was also a scholar-official, and his behavior was very polite. Even Zhao Ji treated each other with courtesy. How could he experience such vulgar and rude behavior?

Zhao Ji was curious by nature, and he imitated Wen Fei and patted Cai Jing on the shoulder: "Lao Cai is good, I also like you!"

Cai Jing couldn't laugh or cry, seeing Wen Fei and Zhao Ji laughing together.This face is very good-looking.

Seeing that Cai Jing couldn't stand the joke, Wen Fei hurriedly said, "Mr. Cai, don't worry too much. Although my Shenxiao Temple is going to be built, it won't cost so much money? Naturally, my fairy family has the ability to turn earth into stone." , I plan to build the main body of the Shenxiao Temple with this level of skill, and the cost will be much less."

After hearing this, Cai Jing breathed a sigh of relief.Zhao Ji said, "Is it cement? I heard from Zhang Jizhong that Shangfu's cement in Tiandubao seemed to be of great use!"

Wen Fei originally wanted to pretend to be a ghost, but forgot that he had shown it when he was in Tiandubao.He wanted to brag that it was the magic of turning earth into stone.It's embarrassing to say that again at this time. (to be continued..)

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