Wen Fei said: "That's right, it's cement. It's made by my immortal family's secret method, and it's stronger than stone. It can not only repair my Yuqing Zhaoying Palace, but also the city wall of Tokyo City. Although it is majestic, it is also built of rammed earth." , we will replace him with a stone in the future!"

Wen Fei thought to himself, Master Dao made the city walls of Tokyo City into reinforced concrete. Even if the Anxin Jurchens call, they will only be unearthed under the city. It can be regarded as something I made for Da Song Good thing!

Zhao Ji was overjoyed when he heard that, the emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty felt very insecure.It is also the boundary between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom in Hebei.There is no danger to defend along the way, Henan and Hebei are all flat, and hundreds of thousands of cavalry from the Liao Kingdom can fight all the way to the city of Tokyo without any hindrance.This is also one of the reasons why the Jurchens destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty so easily in the future.

In fact, this place in Tokyo City, although prosperous, is definitely not a good place to be the capital of a country.Even though Song Taizu established his capital here, he couldn't sleep at ease every day, and he always wanted to move the capital to Xi'an.

Although Zhao Ji was overjoyed, deep down in his heart he was afraid that the iron cavalry of the Liao Kingdom would sweep down... Hearing Wen Fei's words that he could replace the city wall of Tokyo City with stones, he was overjoyed.Holding Wen Fei's hand, he said affectionately to Wen Fei: "Thank you so much, Father Shang!"

Wen Fei was terrified. He had been in the Northern Song Dynasty for so long.Now that his status is high, and there are eunuchs like Yang Jian taking refuge in him, he naturally knows some palace secrets.It seems that Song Huizong and that Wang Fu have a relationship that is a little beyond ordinary people...

Wen Fei quickly shook off Zhao Ji's hand, and said with a dry smile: "It's just a trivial matter. Although these things can be transported from the heaven, it is still difficult after all. I can only supervise the construction in the mortal world."

Zhao Ji waved his hand proudly: "Just tell me how many craftsmen Shangfu needs!"

What is needed to make cement?Wen Fei really couldn't tell.But fortunately, we learned a lot from a pit, and Wen Fei's current notebook has recorded a lot of recipes that can't be separated from the time traveler.Such as cement, glass, gunpowder, papermaking, printing, etc...

However, Wen Fei came to the Northern Song Dynasty to be a magic stick, not to enlighten the people's wisdom and spread technology.Therefore, Wen Fei naturally wouldn't take it out casually.Cement is nothing but a fine powder ground into limestone, loess, and iron ore in a certain proportion.And then calcined at high temperature.To be more particular, a certain proportion of gypsum, slag, fly ash, etc. should be added later.This kind of simple cement is naturally inferior to the cement of later generations, but it should be enough.

These things were not difficult to obtain even in ancient times.In ancient times, building houses and the like were also inseparable from lime.There are many charcoal kilns for burning lime in Tokyo, and other wastes are even easier.

Wen Fei didn't expect to build a high-rise building with hundreds of floors. One was tens of meters high, and it was estimated that it could become Tokyo City if it was built tens of meters. No, it would be the tallest building in the whole world in the Northern Song Dynasty!So it doesn't matter that the cement label is almost in Wenfei's mind.

I have to say that Wen Fei was a little too optimistic.Don't say anything else, just say that it is the Kaifeng Iron Tower that has been preserved to future generations.That is to say, the iron tower of Kaibao Temple is more than 55 meters high.

As soon as Zhao Ji gave an order, Meng Kui, the servant of the household department, and Li Jie, the general supervisor, were called into the palace.Speaking of which, Meng Kui was Gen Yue's supervisor. Now that Gen Yue had stopped working, this guy happened to be sent to help Wen Fei.

And Jiang Zuojian supervised the maintenance of palaces, city walls, bridges, and boats and vehicles.These things can't be done without the general as the supervisor!

I've heard of this Meng Kuiwenfei, last time he tried to please his father.I bought a copy of "Tokyo Menghualu" for my father. That book was written by Meng Yuanlao. Many people in later generations always think that the author of this book, Meng Yuanlao, is Meng Kui.

As for Li Jie, the prime minister who will be the supervisor, Wen Fei is ignorant and has never heard of it.Little did he know that this Li Jie was even more famous. He once wrote and organized the compilation of the most complete book on architectural technology in ancient my country, and his name has passed down to future generations.Of course, with Wen Fei's character, it's normal if he hasn't heard of it!

Wen Fei originally thought about these ancient craftsmen, and their skills might be very limited.How did they know that these two people were skilled craftsmen, such a famous person would naturally understand what Wen Fei told him at a glance.

Li Jie smiled and said: "I don't know what effect Shangfu wants us to burn these things!"

Wen Fei said brazenly: "Naturally, we want to build the Shenxiao Temple. Although the mortal craftsmen are limited in their ability, we still have to build one ten-thousandth of the real Heavenly Palace. It is enough to overwhelm all nations and become the number one in the world!"

Zhao Ji was even more happy when he heard that, and said with a smile: "It is not magnificent without its prestige. Now my Song Dynasty is in the age of prosperity, prosperity and Yuda, and I am going to overwhelm other countries with such magnificence and show the grandeur of my glorious Song Dynasty. "

After hearing this, Meng Kui said in embarrassment: "Every inch of land in Tokyo is expensive, where does the land come from to build such a magnificent building!"

Wen Fei said: "Didn't Gen Yue stop? I think it's good to build there!"

Song Huizong suddenly became embarrassed. Although Gen Yue had stopped working, he was a little bit reluctant and expected to resume work in the future.

Wen Fei waved his hand: "That's it, what's so interesting about the man-made rockery. When I'm free, I'll take you to see the real landscape..."

Seeing Zhao Ji's wink at him, Cai Jing knew that Zhao Ji was too embarrassed to stand up against him.Crying in his heart, he had no choice but to say: "This... Shenxiao Tiangong is built near the imperial palace. Doesn't it mean that you can see everything in the palace clearly from a high altitude... There are so many noble concubines in the harem Di Ji, I'm afraid this is inappropriate?"

Wen Fei thinks so too, when a Taoist temple is in a mess, people come and go, and they can see those things in the harem, which is really not very appropriate.He hesitated, which made Zhao Ji heave a sigh of relief.Quickly said: "Father Shang, don't worry, I will definitely find a place for Father Shang to build the Shenxiao Heavenly Palace!"

Wen Fei was ruthless: "The big deal is to demolish the Daxiangguo Temple and build my Shenxiao Temple!"

The faces of several people turned green when they heard this, and even Zhao Ji smiled apologetically and said, "Don't worry, Immortal Master, there will be a place for you!"

Before he finished speaking, Wen Fei's eyes lit up: "Yes, isn't the mansion given to me by the government? I think it will be demolished there, and it would be good to build Shenxiao Tiangong." Thinking of building a few tens of meters here After the building was built and pressed against the heads of those monks, Wen Fei became even more determined.

"It was built in Shangfu's mansion?" Zhao Ji was stunned: "That mansion occupies only about [-] acres of land, not even a fraction of Daxiangguo Temple!" (To be continued...)

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