Wen Fei snorted coldly, these ancient country bumpkins thought the place was too big, and built such a big house.We must know that with more than 20 acres, seven or eight tall buildings can be built in later generations.

At this time, Cai Jing laughed and said, "If Father Shang doesn't think my house is small, then take a piece of it!"

Although Wen Fei felt that having more than 20 mu was enough.But since Cai Jing is so generous, Wen Fei will naturally not be polite, and agreed immediately. Cai Jing's mansion is slightly larger than Wen Fei's house, only twenty or thirty mu. Adding it all up, it is estimated that sixty or seventy acres of land can be gathered, which is more than enough in Wen Fei's opinion.

He was thinking, since Daxiangguo Temple can become the largest market in the world.When the Taoist Lord, my Shenxiao Tiangong is built, I can also build a special shopping mall to steal all the business of Daxiangguo Temple!

But since it has such a large area, how to build it, you can't mess around, you have to go back and find an expert to design it.

Wen Fei thought of it and did it, and hurried back to the modern age.Disappearing in front of several people, Cai Jing couldn't help but smile wryly: "Father Shang is really impatient, but now I'm really curious, what kind of father is going to build the Shenxiao Temple?"

Zhao Ji also said: "Father Shang said that he wanted to imitate the appearance of the palace in the sky and build it. What will the palace look like that day?"

The two master craftsmen, you look at me, I look at you, but I also look forward to what kind of magnificent appearance the Shenxiao Tiangong will look like after it is completed...

Unbeknownst to him, Wen Fei suffered several sap shots when he returned home.I found several design offices.Although the designed building is beautiful, it would definitely not be able to be built in the Northern Song Dynasty.Among them, the design that Wen Fei likes the most is that the main building is entirely made of glass.The effect picture looks crystal clear, just like a crystal palace.

It's just that this building is extremely difficult. In modern times, it is not possible for ordinary construction companies to continue it. In ancient times, there is a lack of large-scale equipment, and the workers are even more... It is estimated that it will definitely not be able to build it.

Wen Fei sighed and went online.Go to Xiaoyu: "Beauty, I want to build an antique building, how do I design it?"

"Aren't you like last time? You said you built an antique fortress. In the end, there was no shadow at all?" Xiaoyu replied.

"I'll pay the design fee!" Wen Fei said, "The boss of my company pays the design fee just to make it spectacular and magnificent, but the difficulty of the building should not be too high..."

"Your boss is really difficult to serve. Tell me. How much will you pay. See if I can find someone to design for you?"

Wen Fei cheered up: "Is 100 million enough? As long as the architectural drawings are made, the designer doesn't need to care about everything else! It needs to be antique, with a classic style, solemn and solemn..."

After mentioning all the requests, Xiaoyu only replied: "I'll try!" Then there was no news.

Wen Fei sighed twice. Last time he went abroad, he bought a batch of munitions.Another group of employees were invited in Hong Kong to set up the company's shelf.The money was almost spent in such a few moments.There are still some real estate such as dry stocks left, and the Shenxiao Temple is to be built.That's far from it.After all, although most of the things had to be settled locally in the Northern Song Dynasty, there were still many things that could only be purchased in modern times.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the rebar used in construction, all relying on such a poor steel production in the Northern Song Dynasty, it can scare Zhao Ji to death.

It is said that during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty, the steel output in North China reached 15 tons.It has far surpassed the previous dynasties, and it has been said that it is quite a lot.But don't forget that this is the combined output of steel, and the output of steel must be a fraction of the output of iron.Moreover, such a large country, with millions of troops, needs steel everywhere.Whether it is agricultural tools and weapons, or daily necessities, such as kitchen knives and iron pans.

Based on the calculation of fifty catties per square meter, to build such a building complex would cost at least hundreds of thousands of catties, and millions of catties of steel bars. Even if Zhao Ji heard this figure, he would probably be scared to pee.

There must be so many steel bars that can only be purchased in modern times, but he doesn't know if he has enough money now.

Wen Fei left all the affairs in Hong Kong to Ren Lechen, and let her be responsible for everything.Ren Lechen was moved with tears in his eyes. It seemed that the boss didn't like her beauty... But what he didn't know was that Wen Fei was really underling and no one could use him. , for each condition.Besides, the last time Wen Fei let a girl from Ren Lechen come to Hong Kong alone with a smuggler like Wang Fugui, he didn't think about the safety of the girl.Really have no conscience!

Ren Lechen didn't recognize Wen Fei's true face, and thought that Wen Fei really trusted and valued her so much, and she was moved to tears.

Wen Fei is short of money, which is unbelievable, but it is true.Although his family wealth in the Northern Song Dynasty was no longer ten thousand guan, but several million guan.But it's not easy to cash it out. Among other things, he can't take copper coins to spend in modern times?

Although copper coins can be regarded as antiques in modern times, they are much higher than their face value.But think about it, a string of copper coins is seven or eight hundred. If you want to bring hundreds of thousands of copper coins back to modern times, you really don't know how far you can suppress the market price!

Wen Fei still has a few hundred catties of gold in his hand, just seeing how the price of gold has dropped so badly, he feels too flustered to make a move at this time!This kind of precious metal, in Wen Fei's mind, will only become rarer and rarer. Unless there is a way to artificially synthesize gold on a large scale, the price will only increase.The current decline, no matter how you look at it, is only temporary.

Originally, I wanted to get a few antiques out and sell them.It's just antiques, and now the most expensive things are calligraphy, painting, porcelain and the like.Needless to say, porcelain, Song Dynasty official kiln porcelain is very famous, and the price is quite reasonable.Helpless, the ones produced during the Northern Song Dynasty have not been baptized by the years, and they look too new to be antiques.I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the test of the instrument!

Those calligraphy and paintings are not easy to sell in the Northern Song Dynasty, but there are quite a lot of calligraphy and paintings in the previous dynasty.Whether it was Song Huizong, Cai Jing, or even gifts from others, there were also calligraphy and paintings for him.Among other things, Su Dongpo's "Cold Food Post" is in Wen Fei's hands, and Wen Fei is really reluctant to let Wen Fei take it out for money.

What's more, who knows that those calligraphy and paintings have been handed down to modern times, and have they been collected?If you get two identical ones, it's called an oolong! (To be continued..)

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