Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 110 The Scourge Legion

Chapter 110 The Scourge Legion
"It seems to be Yanling Ji."

Tian Hao, who was holding a lung lobe, looked towards the window suspiciously, and felt that the scream just now seemed to be from Yan Lingji, what happened to that girl?

"Leave her alone, let's talk about the blood circulation of the lungs. I didn't realize that the lungs work like this before."

The exorcist holding another lung lobe ignored the scream just now and urged Tian Hao to continue speaking, very interested in this.

Tian Hao also felt that there should be nothing wrong, so he continued to dissect the course, explaining the relationship between blood circulation and breathing in the lungs and heart.

The explanation and teaching continued until the corpse's head was pried open, and then the wave of anatomy ended. While the exorcist was excited, he also became more and more convinced.

Sure enough, they are like-minded people!

The exorcist was not stingy either. He explained the witchcraft of refining corpses to Tian Hao, which was regarded as an exchange and learning among patients.

Not to mention the two people who became close friends, Yan Lingji on the other side ran out in a panic, her fair face as pale as paper. The scene she just saw through the window was too horrifying.

I only knew that the exorcist was a pervert before, but I didn't expect it to be so perverted. Just now, the two people's hands and faces were covered with blood, and they were holding two bloody pieces of meat. In front of them was a disembowelled corpse.

Are they eating people?

Thinking of this, Yan Lingji couldn't bear it any longer and started retching while holding on to a tree, which made the Hundred Poison King who was passing by look extremely pleased.

"Your Highness still knows about bloodline inheritance."

To be honest, as a person of the older generation, he has been worrying about Tian Ze, that child has too many things to worry about, and because of this, he is not close to women, Yan Lingji is the only woman in the entire Prince's mansion.

Even if Yan Lingji had not had the blood of the fire witch and awakened the ability to control fire, she would not have taken it in.

This is not possible. As the prince of Baiyue, he does not need to inherit the throne, but he must have blood heirs, so that Baiyue can be stable.

It's all right now, His Royal Highness has finally recovered. Judging by the intensity of the girl's vomiting, Yanling might be pregnant with triplets.

Yan Lingji didn't know the misunderstanding of the Hundred Poison King's thoughts, she retched as if she was going to vomit out all her internal organs, the impact of the scene just now was too strong.

"I will not give up!"

It took a while to regain her strength, Yan Lingji cheered herself up, she must keep a close eye on that thing, and never let it do anything bad.

But you have to slow down for a while, or you won't be able to hold it.

Tian Hao still didn't know that he had been misunderstood by a certain girl. At this moment, he was having dinner with the exorcist while continuing to communicate.

"That Bai Yifei's skills originated from his mother, that is, the Marquis of South Korea. As long as he sucked the girl's blood, he could maintain his own vitality. I guess it absorbed the essence and vitality of the girl's body. .

I think this exercise can be added to corpse refining, so that the blood of the corpse can continue to flow in the body, coupled with the stimulation of lightning skills, the heart can beat again, and the body can be revived, becoming a living dead without a soul.

Then we will find a way to let this kind of living dead practice independently and become more powerful, so that there is no need to frequently replace the body and keep it fresh..."

Tian Hao was gnawing on a roasted pig leg while telling the exorcist his thoughts.

He had heard the exorcist's exorcism explaining the corpse refining witchcraft before, and he had a lot of inspiration, for example, copying the zombies from the film and television dramas and novels in his previous life.

Zombies with supernatural powers are not easy to deal with, but it shouldn't be difficult to make armored corpses with high defense and strength, and then fiddle with iron armored corpses, bronze armored corpses, silver armored corpses, and golden armored corpses.

The exorcist next to him was also gnawing on another roasted pig leg and holding a pen to quickly record on the animal skin roll. He was very excited.

I thought it was just a confidant, but I didn't expect to be a big boss.

Although the ideas he put forward were just ideas, he felt they were promising.

"Complicated skills will definitely not work, but if it is a hard-fought military skill, it will not be difficult."

After Tian Hao finished speaking, the exorcist thought for a while, and set his target on the hard work of the military.

Military hard skills mainly rely on passive training and are much less difficult.

"You can also pair it with the powerful Gu to gain invulnerability and infinite strength."

Then he thought of the Vigorous Gu in Gu art. Although it is difficult to cultivate the receptors of Vigorous Gu, he has only seen one successful example of Wushuanggui so far, but that is the limited ability of living people. It's different.

"However, it can only be transformed with the bodies of martial arts practitioners, using the skills they have cultivated as the foundation."

Slowly completing this idea, the exorcist became more and more excited, feeling that it was extremely feasible.

"Brother Xing stay here for a while, I will bring some prisoners over."

Just do what he thinks of, and the exorcist goes out with ten perfect corpses and heads to the prison to find suitable materials.

In the past six months, in order to target their Baiyue, Chu State sent many martial arts practitioners to investigate, and they also arrested many of them. Those people happened to be the materials for the next experiment.

"I am a close friend with Brother Mo now. Isn't it too much to take a look at his collection?"

After the exorcist left, Tian Hao looked at a bookshelf in the room for the first time, rubbed his chin, got up and walked over to take a scroll of bamboo slips to read his memory.

Naturally, the secrets that can be collected by people like exorcists are records of witchcraft and Gu. They are quite precious, and Tian Hao is also very interested in them.

In fact, the content recorded on these bamboo slips and animal skin scrolls is not much, and Baiyue uses Yue characters, which Tian Hao has learned before and can understand.

This is what he wanted to complain about the most after he came to this world. There are several sets of foreign languages ​​in such a large place. If it weren’t for the similarities in most of the characters, it would definitely be a torture to learn. No wonder Qin Shihuang would unify the characters, otherwise Too bad.

Before the exorcist returned, Tian Hao read all the bamboo slips and animal skin scrolls on the bookshelf and wrote them down.

Of course, it's just memorized, and it's still far from understanding, let alone applying.

"These people are..."

Looking at the people who were carried back by refining corpses one after another, Tian Hao glanced at them and exorcised the corpse demon impatiently.

"The people who have sneaked into our Baiyue, especially Wangcheng, in recent months are mostly from Chu State. Once Chu State sends troops, these people will be taken to sacrifice the flag."

While the exorcist was talking, he manipulated the corpse refiner to move all the corpses out of the room, and then put those warriors who had been stunned by witchcraft onto the bed boards one by one.

Seeing what the exorcist said, Tian Hao didn't care.

After all, these people came to Baiyue with bad intentions, and they were already dead. Making a contribution now would at least make their death a little quicker.

You must know that the sacrificial flag is not as simple as cutting it directly. There are many ways. The most direct one is to cut the wrist open and let its blood drain slowly, so as to obtain more blood to sacrifice the flag.

As for the cruel ones, they either use bows and arrows to shoot hedgehogs, or use long spears to stab them continuously, or even use stone wheels to grind them into meat paste. According to the painting style and customs here in Baiyue, these people will probably go very badly when the time comes. serene.

"I've heard about the soul before, does that thing really exist?"

Tian Hao asked curiously. He had heard of the soul thing, and it also existed in this world. For example, the sword spirit of the Reverse Scale Sword, the Eight Linglong should be counted.

But I have never seen it with my own eyes, nor have I read the relevant records.

"Souls exist, and there used to be a lineage of shamans among our wizards. It is said that they can control the soul, and even train their own soul into a primordial spirit. .”

The exorcist spoke very earnestly and yearningly.

They can only control corpses in the exorcism lineage, but spirit witches can control mysterious and unpredictable souls and practice them. They are the most powerful wizards.

"Does spiritual witches also rely on the power of blood to inherit?"

Inquiring curiously, it was the first time he had heard the term spirit witch.

According to what the exorcist said before, wizards all rely on the power of blood to practice. The ancestors obtained special powers through certain methods, integrated them into the body, and then passed them on through the blood.

For example, Yan Lingji's fire control talent comes from the fire witch lineage, and its source is Zhu Rong, one of the witch gods.

The existence of witches has been passed down for a long time, even earlier than the era of Xuanyuan Huangdi. They were the earliest priests of human tribes to worship heaven and earth. They have extraordinary abilities, some of which are even recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas, especially some extremely powerful witch gods. , such as Dijiang, Qiangliang, Shebishi, Tianwu and so on.

These are not the twelve ancestral witches in ancient novels. They are not that powerful, but they still possess extremely powerful power, and they pass their power to future generations through their blood. It was the era of witches at that time.

It's a pity that the bloodline inheritance will become weaker and weaker, and it will become more and more difficult to awaken, so that the number of wizards will continue to decrease, and the power will become weaker and weaker, and eventually evolve into the current state, and the declining ones are about to die out.

Even in Baiyue, there are not many wizards, and there are only seven wizards under Tianze, including Yanling Ji and Exorcist, and the other five are not very talented, and their strength potential is lower than that of Yanling. Ji and the Exorcist are far from it.

"The power of our wizards all comes from the ancient beasts. It is the wizard gods who integrate the blood power of the ancient beasts into themselves, obtain the power of the beasts, and then pass them on.

It is a pity that since the ancient beasts became extinct one after another, our wizard lineage has been unable to perfectly awaken the bloodline power with the same beast essence and blood, resulting in a continuous reduction in potential and strength, leading to the current situation.

However, spirit witches are different. According to legend, spirit witches signed a mysterious contract with the gods and possessed the power to control the gods. Their inheritance is not in the blood, but in the soul. "

Telling this secret, the exorcist regrets the severance of the spirit witch's inheritance, and that is the most powerful wizard.

"His Royal Highness Tianze wants us to kill the Yamaki Serpent, is it also to refine its bloodline power?"

Tian Hao was thoughtful and roughly understood what Tianze was going to do.

Nodding, the exorcist said worriedly: "It should be, maybe His Highness still inherits the secret technique of refining the blood of alien beasts in ancient times, but the Sanqi snake is a fierce beast, and it is extremely ferocious. The big snake has only grown six heads and it is still terrifying, with His Highness's current cultivation..."

Speaking of which, the exorcist didn't go any further, and was very worried about it.

The blood of alien beasts is not so easy to refine, let alone a fierce beast like Sanqi Orochi, which is more difficult and dangerous.

Regarding this remark, Tian Hao suddenly had an idea, maybe he could use this to trade for that secret technique.

When he got the dragon's blood, he had some ideas about it. If he could refine it using secret techniques such as bat blood, he might be able to gain the power of the dragon.

But the bat blood technique is not as advanced as the secret technique used by ancient wizards to refine the blood of alien beasts. If he could get that ancient secret technique from Tianze, he could go back and refine dragon blood.

Temporarily suppressing that thought, Tian Hao suddenly asked: "Isn't the legendary Xiangliu also a wizard who refined the Yamaki Orochi?"

"In the legend, Xiangliu is not only the mountain snake who has cultivated to the extreme, but also an ancient wizard. Many historical figures you know in the Central Plains are wizards, such as the Yellow Emperor and Chi You. It is said that the Yellow Emperor refined the blood of the dragon. It was strength that defeated Chi You."

Nodded, the exorcist knows these secrets.

Their wizard lineage is ancient, and some can even be traced back thousands of years ago, even before the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.


Secretly, Tian Hao believed in the theory of exorcism, and the Ji lineage in this world did have a mysterious blood inheritance. Some of them were able to cultivate the spirit of Longyou like Concubine Yan. It is probably the result of stimulating the blood in the body.

As for why Concubine Dongjun Yan inherits the three-legged Golden Crow's Longyou Qi instead of Shenlong's, it is estimated that Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor may have had a dewy marriage with a wizard who inherited the three-legged Golden Crow's bloodline.

"He is dead!"

At this time, the exorcist will take away the palm that is pressing on the heart, where there is a charm on the skin of the heart.

He had just used a technique to stop this person's heartbeat and prevent his blood from flowing, causing the body's vitality to slowly die and turn into a corpse.

At the same time, his witchcraft can't perceive this person's soul breath, and he should have left his body.

Tian Hao didn't delay, he pressed his palm on his heart, and stimulated the opponent's heart to beat again with electric current internal force.

The blood that has not yet coagulated continues to flow, and the body's vitality is slowly recovering.

Before it was over, the exorcist kissed him directly and performed the artificial respiration Tian Hao had mentioned before to help the corpse recover its breathing.

Just like that, a vegetative person without a soul appeared.

The exorcist repeatedly used witchcraft to check, and after confirming that there was no breath of soul in this person's body, his face turned red with excitement.

"Sure enough, it will work!"

Although it is only the first step of success, it is a new beginning. As long as he keeps walking along this path, he will be able to develop the exorcist lineage to an unprecedented peak.

"The next question is how to enable him to practice on his own."

Tian Hao proposed the second step of the plan. He needed to allow this person to practice independently. After all, even the practice of hard military skills requires the assistance of internal skills, which requires the practice of breathing skills.

"There is a kind of Gu insect called Incarnation Gu, which can control others, but Incarnation Gu is extremely difficult to control, and it cannot control too much. If it cannot form a sufficient scale, it is difficult to have a big advantage."

After thinking about it, the exorcist revealed a kind of Gu insect, which can be implanted in the brain of others to control the other person's body movements. The incarnation outside the body in ancient times was talking about this kind of incarnation Gu.

"Then what if you don't carry out complicated controls, but simply practice breathing and breathing skills, and add some fighting instincts? You can also imitate an army formation in action, and the pressure should be much less."

Tian Hao thinks it can be simplified, and this is indeed a difficult point. Although this new corpse refining system can make corpse refining more powerful, it is not as good as a living person after all.

What is lacking in quality can only be made up in quantity, so scale is important.

"When you said that, I remembered that there is a kind of puppet Gu that also acts on the brain. People controlled by the child Gu will make the same movements as the mother Gu, but the Gu has no wisdom and cannot manipulate others to make complex actions, but if It should be enough if the battle formation cooperates."

His eyes lit up, and the exorcist thought of another kind of Gu insect.

Puppet Gu is a kind of mother voodoo. The mother voodoo can control the child voodoo and use a special resonance to drive the child voodoo to move.

Originally, it was just a weak point, because the control ability of the puppet Gu is limited, and it cannot control a conscious person, let alone a warrior. Even if the controller wakes up halfway, the control ability of the sub-gu will be invalidated, which is of no great use.

But the living dead they created are bodies without souls and consciousness, but they are not corpses. They can be perfectly parasitized by the puppet Gu.

Even if it is still impossible to make complicated movements, the battle formation coordination does not require complicated movements.

For example, the spearman only needs to repeat the stabbing action, and other moves are not required.

"How many puppet mother Gu can control?"

Tian Hao became interested and asked about the limits of puppet Gu's control.

"Up to ten."

After thinking about it, the exorcist came up with a number. If it was too high, it would affect the control of the mother Gu, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Then we will form small teams for coordinated operations. I know a little about the military formations, and I will teach you later."

Patting the corpse exorcist on the shoulder, Tian Hao felt that the path of corpse refining was considered a broad road, and it was not impossible to even create a natural disaster army.

He was overjoyed at first, and then said distressedly: "It's not that simple. Whether it's the Incarnation Gu or the Puppet Gu, it will not only be affected by the consciousness of the person being controlled and the number of people controlled, but also the skill cultivated will also be affected. If it is too If it is complex, it will limit the amount of control.”

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of scale. If it does not reach a certain scale, even if he comes up with this new body refining system, it will be difficult to form enough combat power.

There are too many constraints!

"Then just use people who practice the same technique."

Tian Hao doesn't think this is a big problem, there are many people who practice the same martial art in this world.


The exorcist immediately thought of the farmer's family. He had heard from the prince before that the farmer's family had also sent people to infiltrate their Baiyue with evil intentions.

And the Nongjia claims to be the school with the largest number of disciples among the hundreds of schools, and the exercises they practice must be the same.

"And the White Armor Army!"

As a reminder, Tian Hao has long been eyeing the White Armored Army in Snow Cloak Fort. He used to think about getting rid of the White Armored Army with the help of this Battle of Baiyue, but now he has another way of thinking.

"The White Armored Army is the elite of Snowcloth Fort's training. Some methods have long been integrated into the body's instincts. If the body is used as the foundation to train the corpse, it will definitely be easier to control."

He prefers a professional army like the Baijia Army. Their cooperation in combat is better than that of the peasant family. After all, the peasant family is just a martial arts sect and cannot match the professional army in terms of cooperation.

Of course, Wei Wuzu of Wei State is also good material.

It's just that I can't plan it at this stage, I can only wait for the opportunity in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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