Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 111 Gu insect symbiosis

Chapter 111 Gu insect symbiosis
With the Exorcist, the Scourge's cottage is suspended, because neither the Puppet Gu nor the Avatar Gu is ready-made, and it takes time to cultivate.

However, the exorcist was very interested in Bai Yifei's corpse, and after asking Tian Hao about the location of the battlefield, he sent people to search for it.

Although there is little hope, after all, he is a person from Snow Cloak Castle, and there is a high probability that he will be taken back for burial, but what if he is still there?
Or was it buried on the spot?

Anyway, there is nothing to lose by sending someone over to look at it. If you can find it, you will make a lot of money.

The exorcist was busy cultivating Gu worms, and Tian Hao was not idle either. He came to Tianze with a bunch of newly written animal skin scrolls, and was stared at by a certain girl again, but this time Yan Lingji His expression wasn't quite right.

Looking at Yan Lingji who seemed to have some disgust and fear for him, Tian Hao didn't understand what was wrong with this girl, but he didn't think much about it.

Tian Ze looked at the rolls of animal skins stacked in front of him, and his eyes fell on someone, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"I once interrogated Mohism's non-attacking mind method from a Mohist master, and there is also a simplified set of mind-protecting methods. I think His Highness should be in great need of this kind of mental method."

Tian Hao said that the things transcribed on those animal skin scrolls were the non-attacking method and the protecting method.

In order to copy these two mental techniques, his hands almost became useless, and now they are sore and swollen.

"what do you want?"

Looking at it unexpectedly, Tianze's heart was moved.

The Mohist school is the top school, and it is one of the two most prominent schools in the contemporary era. The mental methods it possesses are naturally the top, especially the two chapters of Jianai Feigong.

Among them, Feigongpian knows that he is good at defense, including the defense of mind and will, which is indeed very helpful for him to refine the blood of Sanqi Orochi, which greatly improves the success rate.

But this is definitely not given for free, the other party must ask for something.

"I want His Highness's secret method to refine the blood of alien beasts."

He didn't hide anything, he just said what he wanted.

"I will give you the secret method after the refining is successful."

Amazawa did not refuse, but he would not give it immediately. Instead, he would give it after refining the blood of Yamaki no Orochi to prevent the other party from tampering with his mind.

Some things and people have to be on guard, not afraid of [-], just in case.

"Then I wish your highness success in refining the bloodline of Yamaki no Orochi."

Tian Hao smiled, having absolute confidence in Tian Ze.

After all, Tianze can successfully refine it, so there is no reason why it will fail after obtaining a non-attacking method to become stronger.

It's a pity that what he didn't know was that Tian Ze's original plan was to get a few drops of snake blood to refine it, but now because he and Xuan Jian's intervention can kill the Sanqi snake, Tian Ze has a bolder, even crazy idea , and even more dangerous.

"We have found some traces of the peasants, but we haven't found any master-level masters yet."

Telling another thing, after Tianze learned that the farmer had also sent people to sneak into Baiyue, he sent people to conduct targeted searches, and sure enough, he made some discoveries.

As long as you continue to search, you will definitely find the farmer's master, and then surround him and kill him.

"It's good news!"

Tian Hao laughed again, the farmer was the main purpose of his initiative to come to Baiyue, the battle of Baiyue could be defeated, but the farmer's skill of observing words and emotions and the method of invulnerability from a hundred poisons must be obtained.

That's a good way to save your life!

"I will take my leave!"

After not staying for long, Tian Hao cupped his hands and got up to leave.

"You even dare to use the supreme mental method of the Mo family to practice. It is worthy of being a trap."

Looking at the many animal skin scrolls in front of him, Tianze felt that Luo Wang was lawless and powerful, but he heard that Luo Wang had been hostile to the Mohist for a long time, so it was okay for them to do so.

"Your Highness, he is not a good man!"

Yan Lingji reminded that she felt that it was not a good thing when they first met, and the scene of eating people she saw last time made her even more sure.

"It's strange to have a lover in the net."

Tianze didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, the net had long been notorious, and the people who came out of it were good people and ghosts.

Nowadays, they are just cooperating and using each other. It doesn't matter whether the other party is a good person or not. As long as the other party wants something, they can cooperate and even use it.

Seeing what Tianze said, Yan Lingji didn't want to say anything else, but she made up her mind to keep an eye on that thing, and even used the secret technique that she hadn't practiced for a long time to see what the other party's plans were.

He must not be allowed to murder His Highness and Baiyue.

Tian Hao didn't know that he had been further targeted by a certain girl. Not long after he returned, he was invited by the exorcist next door to check on a corpse, Bai Yifei's corpse.

"My face was taken away."

Looking at Bai Yifei's body that was still exuding cold air, especially the bloody face, I had some guesses in my mind.

"I'm afraid that the Marquise is out of seclusion, and may appear as Bai Yifei to avoid King Han's fear of her."

Telling his own guess, Tian Hao was sure that it was the Marquise who took off Bai Yifei's face. However, the layout at that time was also effective, making it impossible for the Marquise to judge their strength. In addition, without two swords in hand, there was no way. Come and do it easily.

But they will definitely meet on the battlefield next, but I don't know how powerful the Marquise can be without those two swords in her hands.

"In this way, we will definitely be able to face the White Armored Army."

With his eyes gleaming, the exorcist was drooling over the White Armor Army of Snow Clothes Castle. Whether he could make a corpse-refining army depends on the White Armor Army of Snow Clothes Castle.

"Bai Yifei's twin swords are still with me. If a swordsman loses the famous sword in his hand, his strength will definitely be greatly reduced, and judging from the fact that she didn't directly kill and grab the sword, he must not have broken through to the heavenly realm."

Pointing to the two swords wrapped in cloth behind his back, Tian Hao had expected that the Marquis would not be able to break through to the realm of heaven and man.

Because what he is practicing is the evil way, that kind of cultivation method is generally fast in the early stage, and it is good if he does not go crazy in the later stage, how can he break through to the realm of heaven and man.

"Can you kill her?"

The exorcist asked, he didn't like to keep hidden dangers, or such powerful hidden dangers, it was best to find opportunities to kill them.

"It's hard!"

Shaking his head, Tian Hao learned from Bai Yifei that the Marquise was terrifying, and that her strongest ability was to save her life. It would be too difficult to kill her, unless the master could take advantage of her.

But exposing the existence and strength of the Black Man with Six Fingers for the sake of a marquis is not worthwhile.

"Can it be repaired?"

Looking at Bai Yifei's body that was still exuding cold air, Xuan Jian cut off Bai Yifei's limbs, and then he stabbed it through the eye socket with a wolf gun, destroying the brain, and I don't know if it can still be used.

"The severed limbs are okay, but the blow to the eyes went deep into the brain, and it can't be used even if it is stitched up."

The Exorcist regrets that such a good material cannot be used. It is such a pity.

"In this way, I will use Bai Yifei's body, his sword, and your magic staff to create a well-known sword for you."

Looking at Bai Yifei's remnant body, and looking at the deeply covered staff in the hands of the exorcist, Tian Hao had a bold idea.

"Don't break it."

After hesitating for a moment, the exorcist finally handed over the staff.

This staff is a treasure passed down by their family. It has a history of more than 500 years and has been passed down for dozens of generations.

But he believed that this confidant would definitely be able to get him a suitable undead sword. At least Bai Yifei's ice sword was really suitable for him. Only in this way can we better control the undead army built by the White Armor Army in the future.

"You won't be disappointed for sure."

After receiving the staff, Tian Hao was very confident, and he had confidence in Master Xu and Mrs. Xu's mother and son.

As early as when he went south with Mo Ban, he already knew from his mouth that Master Xu and his mother would also go there, and now they must have settled there.

With those two master swordsmiths around, they would definitely be able to forge a suitable Undead Sword.

At the same time, we can also take this opportunity to destroy the double swords, so as to avoid being taken back by the Marquis.

I believe that the opponent will never be able to find a suitable replacement for the famous sword in a short period of time, so the next war with South Korea will be easy to fight, at least their side is worthy of the top combat power.

Of course, you have to wait for your teacher to come over and let him take the two swords and Bai Yifei's body back.

For such a big thing as my coming to Baiyue, the teacher will definitely come over to take a look after knowing about it, and I will communicate with the teacher at that time.

"One more thing. The living dead we made before can't last for too long. The heart will stop beating first, and the internal organs will dry up in many places."

The exorcist talked about the refining of the living dead, and pointed at the corpses that had completely turned into dead corpses.

Although they successfully revitalized the corpse and restored the heartbeat and breathing, it was contrary to common sense and was not sustainable. In other words, their method needed further improvement.

"It is certain that it will not last long. After all, it is not a real living person. I have expected this and have some thoughts."

After stepping forward to inspect the corpses, Tian Hao was not surprised. Although he had an idea, he still had a long way to go to realize it.

"what idea?"

The exorcist hurriedly took out a blank animal skin roll and took a pen to record.

Although this confidant is a beginner in corpse refining, he has many good ideas, which greatly inspired him and benefited him a lot. I believe he will do well this time.

"It is difficult for these corpses to maintain their vitality for a long time. My idea is to use external objects to help them maintain their vitality. This has to fall on the Gu worms. Find some Gu worms that can co-exist with the internal organs of the human body. If not, we will try to Directed training.

Use many Gu worms to cooperate to form a complete symbiotic system, and rebuild the functional operation of these corpses..."

Talking about his own thoughts, Tian Hao felt that this was feasible, after all, Gu art itself requires Gu insects and human body to co-exist and complement each other.

The voodoo techniques controlled by the exorcist can also be considered this category, but most of his voodoo techniques coexist with corpses. Now we need special voodoos that can coexist with this kind of living dead. ,

Of course, the system of refining corpses is not his way of cultivation. At most, he can come up with some ideas, and the real implementation needs to be done by professionals like exorcists.

"There are quite a few Gu worms that can co-exist with the viscera of the human body. They may be able to co-exist, or even drive the function of the viscera, but I can start cultivating them. Although the ability will be weaker, it is enough to drive the function of the viscera. In the future Think of ways to strengthen it."

After taking notes, the exorcist suppressed his excitement, closed his eyes and recalled the method he had just heard, and finally responded in the affirmative.

Although he is a sorcerer, many witchcrafts need Gu insects as a medium to perform them. To some extent, witchcraft and Gu techniques complement each other and are not separated, so he also has a lot of achievements in Gu techniques.

It is impossible to cultivate powerful and special Gu insects by yourself, but it is not difficult to cultivate some with simple and weak abilities.

The viscera of the human body are inherently fragile, and there is no need for too strong Gu worms to parasitize them, otherwise it will damage the viscera instead.

Even the current corpses are the best breeding grounds for cultivating Gu worms, so they can be regarded as waste utilization.

"Don't worry, we still have time. The Korean army stationed in the south has suffered losses of [-]. We also burned all the food and grass, and we also provided medicine for wounds. They will not be able to gather a large army to go out in a short time."

Tian Hao reminded them that they still have time now.

South Korea is already a small and weak country, and it is also internally rotten. It is not easy to raise food and grass that can support a hundred thousand troops in combat.

There is a saying that before the army moves, food and grass go first. That is a major point.


Tian Hao's guess is correct, some people in South Korea are depressed and annoyed to death, including Han Wangran.

"Father, Baiyue has been harassing our country for a long time. War breaks out every year, and this year it is even more extreme. It first murdered our two great commanders in Korea, and then ambushed our [-]-strong Korean army, and even killed the southern camp. All the food and grass were burned, and the hoarded medicine was also swept away.

This must be just a prelude. Those ambitious people may be plotting against us as a whole. I would like to ask you to lead the troops to go out and completely destroy Baiyue. "

After the courtiers were divided into offensive and defensive factions and quarreled for a long time, Han An saw that his father was impatient, and finally gritted his teeth and stood up to ask for orders to fight.

This was originally the plan they set up, and after the death of You Sima Li Kai, they would take the opportunity to launch a decisive battle.

It's just that many changes have occurred now, and he doesn't know whether the plan can succeed.

But the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it!
For that seat, he had to fight his way out.

As soon as this remark came out, the courtiers who were still arguing were stunned for a moment, and they all looked at Han An who stood up to ask for a fight. Even Han Wangran was stunned for a moment.

"My son has this determination, and I am very comforted for my father. This battle is agreed!"

Taking a deep look at his son kneeling below, Han Wangran looked at Xiangguo's open ground and said, "Zhang Aiqing, you are in charge of the logistics of all parties in this battle, and gather food and grass as soon as possible and transport them to the southern camp."

"Sir, take orders!"

Zhang Kai also took a deep look at Han An, and immediately stepped out and bowed to accept the order.

Although there are many strange things, but the matter has come to this point, it is impossible not to fight, and South Korea really needs a war to prove its strength, so as not to be targeted by the three neighbors around.

"Ji Aiqing, in your opinion, how many troops are needed to destroy Baiyue?"

Han Wangran looked at Ji Wuye on the other side. This man once led an army to defeat the Chu army that invaded their South Korea. Although the victory was a bit strange, this man was indeed very capable in marching and fighting. Now it is even more so in South Korea. The general.

How to defeat Baiyue next is up to the general.

"Baiyue's terrain is complicated, if it's only our Korean side, at least 30 troops are needed to destroy Baiyue with minimal losses.

But now Chu State is also dispatching troops and generals, preparing to destroy Baiyue, and Baiyue has also deployed its troops in the south to guard against the Chu army's attack.

We can join forces with the Chu army to attack Baiyue, and make Baiyue suffer from the enemy. In this way, only [-] troops can completely destroy Baiyue.

At the same time, we can first occupy some dangerous places in Baiyue and build city walls to prevent the Chu army from invading our Korean territory from Baiyue. "

Ji Wuye endured the pain in his chin and eyes, and said the words he had prepared a long time ago. In fact, he wanted to use the power of the whole South Korea to dispatch all the troops to destroy Baiyue, but that was unrealistic.

After all, there are several powerful neighbors around South Korea, especially the Qin State, which has to be defended. The limit of the troops that can be mobilized is only [-], and this is plus the remaining [-] troops in the southern camp.

In the final analysis, South Korea is too weak to bully Baiyue.

"Okay, this battle will be handed over to Ji Aiqing. Baiyue must be completely destroyed within this year, and next year's spring plowing must not be delayed."

Han Wangran was overjoyed and heaved a sigh of relief.

His family knew their own affairs and understood that it was impossible to deploy too many troops. One hundred thousand was already the limit, and the supply of food and grass was also a big burden.

Most of their military system today refers to the farming and warfare system of the Qin State. In wartime, they are soldiers, and in peacetime, they are civilians, so farming is also very important. Otherwise, once it affects the spring farming next year, the grain production will inevitably decrease, and there may even be a famine. That would be a big mess.

"Sir, take orders!"

Ji Wuye bowed to accept the order, and looked at Han An from the corner of his eye, everything was kept silent.

The ministers discussed the war with Baiyue before leaving the court, and Han An quickly caught up with Ji Wuye.

"How sure are you?"

After looking around, Han An asked in a low voice.

Although Tianji Wuye didn't say anything these days, he also knew something from his own intelligence system. Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei seemed to have suffered a lot in the south, and Ji Wuye even lost one eye.

He didn't care how much Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei suffered. What he cared about was whether it would affect the next battle to destroy Baiyue.

This battle is related to whether he can become the prince, and he can't have it at all.

"Young master, please rest assured, with the White Armored Army here, we will surely win this battle!"

He showed a confident smile, but it was a pity that Ji Wuye's appearance was too low, and it looked more like a sinister smile.

However, his confidence in this battle is real. Although he suffered a big loss in the trick last time, it was mainly because of his own carelessness, not how powerful the opponent was.

And in the next battle, he will not be careless anymore, he will choose to fight steadily, advance layer by layer, and not give the opponent an opportunity.

Of course, you have to recover your body before going into battle.

Although he was pierced through the cover last time and even had his vitals removed, it was a blessing in disguise and he broke through the bottleneck. It was a kind of breaking and then standing.

If he confronted that person next time, he would definitely be torn to pieces.

"The White Armored Army is indeed the strongest army in Korea!"

Seeing Ji Wuye mentioning the White Armored Army, Han An deeply agreed with it.

The White Armored Army is the strongest army in South Korea. Although there are only 3000 people, they are all warriors, and they practice cold-attributed skills.

With the White Armored Army in the lead, Baiyue is absolutely hard to resist.

It's a pity that the White Armored Army is loyal to Xueyibao, not their Korean royal family, what a pity!

(End of this chapter)

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