Chapter 178
Ying Zichu's explanation to the outside world was that the late king was shot by an assassin's poisonous arrow and eventually died of the poison, but anyone with a brain understands that it is just an excuse, especially because Ying Zichu's response was too complete, too fast, and so on. By the time people react, the situation is a foregone conclusion.

Even those dissatisfied members of the royal family were sent to join the Longxi Expeditionary Force, preparing to pack up and leave Xianyang.

Although this reduced the power of the royal family in Xianyang by half, it also avoided internal chaos. It can be said that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Not to mention that there is still Gongzi Zhenghui in Longxi.

"You underestimated that cousin!"

In the mansion, Mi Ping read all the information in the past few days, and couldn't help feeling that the cousin was so ruthless that he really dared to do such a thing, and he did it.

"It's good for both of us. We can grant the title of king in advance."

There was a smile on the corners of his lips, and Mi Ping saw that this was an opportunity. Although the cousin was well prepared, he was enthroned after killing his father, and some problems could not be solved by preparing in advance. He wanted to calm down There must be a price to pay.

It just so happens that I can take advantage of the situation and become the king. As a king, I can go to Longxi, and many things will be much easier to handle.

"It's a pity that my nephew will be wary of my cousin next time."

As they thought about it, they couldn't help but think of their nephew Cheng Xi. Originally, they wanted to find an opportunity to support Cheng Xi to become the Prince of Qin, but now it seems that there is no chance.

Any king who seizes the throne through patricide is most afraid of the same thing and will be even more wary of his heirs. At this time, it would be uncomfortable to support Cheng Xi.

"That cousin made a good move and planned in Longxi in advance."

Thinking of his cousin Ying Zheng, Mi Ping guessed that his cousin must have known about this plan, because standing behind him were Huang Tianhou and Luo Wang Zhanri.

His previous calculations in Longxi were probably also based on this calculation, to plan for his own background, and this alone took away half of the royal family's manpower and background, and he was already in an invincible position.

As expected of the net covering the sun and Huang Tianhou, they are indeed terrifying characters, and what is even more terrifying is their plan in the land of Longxi.

"You are so ambitious!"

Turning his eyes to the map on the table, Mi Ping couldn't figure out what caused the Qin royal family to invest so much in the land of Longxi. At first, he just thought that he wanted to take this opportunity to weaken the Qiangdi and Yuezhi, so that he could concentrate his forces against six countries.

But on the night of the assassination, a letter appeared on his bedside. It described the Qin royal family's plan for Longxi, and even the entire Western Region, which made him break out in a cold sweat.

If the Qin royal family is allowed to take over the Western Regions, after the unification of the world in the future, maybe there will be a foundation to suppress the whole world and pass the running-in period, then neither the Chu State nor itself will have any chance.

"Do you want me to be a pawn to destroy the Qin royal family's plan for the Western Regions? I'll take it!"

Thinking of the letter that had been burned, Mi Ping knew that he was regarded as a pawn. Some people did not want the Qin royal family's plan for Longxi and even the Western Regions to succeed. They also did not want Qin to succeed. On this point, their position was Likewise, he doesn't mind being a chess piece.

In any case, no matter how much the price is paid, Qin cannot succeed.

At the same time, Ying Zichu and Lu Buwei, who were playing chess in the palace, were also thinking about someone.

"I am in a very unhappy mood."

A sunspot fell, and Ying Zichu looked depressed and had a toothache.

I had been planning hard for several years. Although I became the biggest beneficiary, a lot of things were taken away by my son. However, he basically did nothing, which was equivalent to eating and drinking for free.

Comparing the two, he felt so stupid and lost the joy of becoming a king.

"Your Majesty should be happy. With this Qilin'er, our great cause in the Qin Dynasty will surely be accomplished in the future. At least the West will be safe from worries."

Lu Buwei comforted him with a smile, although he was a little depressed, but the result was happy, otherwise he would have a headache if he kept those old royal family members making trouble in Xianyang.

However, Zhe Ri and that boy were really ruthless. Only now did he understand what that boy said that day. He thought it was just taking advantage of the trend to plot the land of Longxi, but who would have thought that half of the royal family would be abducted along the way? There is no way to say anything, and it can even be regarded as a happy situation.

Compared with it, his planning for several years seems petty.

"The Yueshi and Qiang Di war horses are necessary for the future of our Great Qin."

With a serious expression on his face, Ying Zichu had also been coveting the war horses of Yueshi and Qiangdi for a long time. Even if they couldn't be used to form cavalry, they could still get a horse-drawn cart, which would be of great help whether it was transporting troops or food.

"A horse is indeed a good thing!"

Lu Buwei is also very greedy for those war horses. With enough war horses, they can do many things, and they can be applied to all aspects. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a kind of strategic material.

"Yuezhi and Qiangdi are Zheng'er's targets, and the King's targets are the six eastern countries, which are even more difficult to deal with."

After a while, Lu Buwei turned the topic to the six kingdoms of Shandong, which were the targets they were planning to deal with.

"Chu and South Korea have suffered heavy losses, and it is impossible to make any big moves in a short period of time. Zhao has not yet recovered from the trauma of the Battle of Changping, so there is nothing to worry about. Currently, only Wei has the best preservation of strength, and Wei Wuzu is always a problem."

Ying Zichu looked at the map hanging on the wall and scanned the six eastern kingdoms. He mainly looked at the four kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, Han and Chu that bordered Qin. As for Qi, it was almost abolished, and Yan was just a mouse. .

"According to Zheng'er's battle plan, once they capture the bay of the Yellow River, they will lead their troops northward after repairs and completely capture the inner territory of the Yellow River.

They don't want the land here, so we have to send people to take over the management. But the Zhao State in the north is a hidden danger. We need to completely occupy the Yellow River and use the Yellow River as the basis to organize the defense line. Then we will have no worries in the future. All we need to do is plan carefully. Six countries will do. "

Lu Buwei also looked at the map. In the map, the northwest of their Qin State was the Yueshi State, and the north was the Zhao State. Even part of the inner region of the Yellow River was occupied by the Zhao State, which was a big threat to them.

The Great Qin built the Western Great Wall partly to resist the Yue clan and other alien races, and partly to resist Zhao's cavalry. It was often attacked by Zhao's things before.

"After General Meng Ao beats Wei State and gets enough horses from Yuezhi Qiangdi, we will plan this place."

Ying Zichu had the same idea. If he didn't get that piece of land, he wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully.

"I'm a little worried."

Lu Buwei said something suddenly, looking at the map worriedly.

"You mean that Zhao Guo and Yuezhi will join forces?"

Ying Zichu has real talent and learning, and he has stayed in Zhao State for a long time and knows the inside of Zhao State very well.

"Although the State of Zhao hates other races, it mainly hates the Xiongnu in the north. It doesn't have much conflict with the Yuezhi. There is a possibility that the two sides will join forces."

Lu Buwei is most worried about this. If Zhao and Yuezhi join forces, the problem will become very difficult.

"Is Baiyue's steel-making method effective?"

After staring at the map for a long time, Ying Zichu suddenly asked about the method of making steel presented by Tianze.

When Tianze returned to the Qin Dynasty, he presented the inheritance of the Yue Jia swordsmen, including the sword-making method and the steel-making method. They had been secretly preparing to try it, and once they mastered it, they could cultivate it on a large scale.

"Compared to refined steel, it is too brittle and has almost no toughness. It is easy to break or even shatter. It can only be used to make arrows, and it is difficult to reuse. It is easy to rust and needs to be maintained with grease."

Lu Buwei replied that he paid enough attention to that kind of steel-making method, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Although that method of making steel is much easier than the method of making steel, it also has major flaws. The steel produced is too brittle and hard, and it can only be made into disposable arrowheads when used for making arrows. Not enough to replace bronze weapons.

But this is enough. As long as arrows can be produced in large quantities, the method of bows and crossbows can be expanded and used on a large scale. This is also the combat method that their Great Qin army is good at.

I used to be troubled by the cost of arrows, but now I can reduce that cost.

"It depends on whether they will reveal something new in this battle of Longxi."

Ying Zichu suddenly laughed. He didn't believe that Tianze and that boy would offer everything. They would definitely have reservations. This battle in Longxi may reveal something, and he was looking forward to it.

Immediately, his expression changed, and he said with a headache: "The more than 20 prisoners of Chu State are troublesome."

In the previous Battle of Baiyue, they defeated the army of Chu State, killed tens of thousands on the spot, and more than 20 prisoners survived. After calculating the time, they should have left Baiyue and entered South Korea. They will arrive in Qin in at most two months. country.

Before they arrived, the people of the Chu clan could no longer sit still. Even King Huayang... who was now the Queen Mother, had come to talk to her several times and was very concerned about it.

He didn't want the more than 20 captives, Qing Zhuang, to come into contact with people from the Chu family, otherwise the Chu family would surely grow further, and he would not do such a thing of breeding tigers.

"We can only break up and integrate into Daqin, it's too dangerous to get together."

Lu Buwei also knew that this was a troublesome matter, and the only solution for now was to break up those captives and integrate them into Daqin, so as to speed up the integration.There is no way, there are people from the Chu family, it is obviously not possible for them to send those prisoners to do hard work in the mines. The people from the Chu family will definitely make a fuss, they can only find a way to break up and integrate into the entire Great Qin, and they can't be Bashu and the side close to Chu State, otherwise it will be a big hidden danger.

But in general, Qin and Chu have a basis for integration, and the marriage over the years has some benefits, and the integration will not be too exclusive.

Of course, the most important thing is that the boy cleaned up all the officers and generals captured by the Chu army, leaving only civilians and ordinary soldiers, which was much easier to subdue.

"That's all. Da Qin really needs some rest and recuperation."

Keeping an eye on the area within the Yellow River on the map, Ying Zichu was determined to win it, and only by winning it could the whole country further recognize him and stabilize his throne.

After all, the Qin State prioritizes military merit, and the greatest military achievement is the expansion of territory.

And after taking it there, people must move there to open up wasteland and occupy it, and then multiply and live there, completely turning it into the land and heritage of the Qin State.

The 30 captives of the Chu army were all young and strong, especially those soldiers who had been trained for a long time, had better food than ordinary people, and had stronger physical fitness. They were good labor for opening up wasteland.

He doesn't need those people to serve as soldiers on the battlefield, as long as they can plant land and supply food, it is a contribution.

"The people from South Korea have to be sent to Zheng'er."

Thinking of the captives from Chu State, Ying Zichu thought of the group of people brought from South Korea.

That kid's operation was a show off to everyone. First, he used the Korean prisoners as bait to lure most of their families over, and then he used the pretext of helping South Korea clean up the banditry to lure over hundreds of thousands of victims. s population.

And after a lot of hard work, most of the remaining ones are young and strong, and they are all hard workers.

He really wanted to keep that group of people, but his son needed it more, otherwise he would be full of Baiyue people, which would be a hidden danger after all.

Even if those Baiyue people agreed to switch to the status of Daqin people, there are some things that can't be just talked about.

"We are already relocating it. Once the land to the west of Longxi is cleared, we will almost arrive."

Lu Buwei replied, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, I think Huang Tianhou's original suggestion is very meaningful. In the past, when our Qin army conquered the enemy's city, we had no choice but to massacre the soldiers of other countries, and even the people. Because there were too many hidden dangers and there was no extra land in the country for resettlement, we had no choice but to kill them.

But things are different now. The Western Region is vast and unmarked, and far away from the six countries. It is the best place to settle. "

He is also aware of the importance of population. In the future, when the Great Qin will rule the world, it is impossible to kill all the people of the six countries. However, if you want to suppress it, you need enough background, and population is a key.

Now transfer the people of those six countries to the Western Regions, give people land, and live for decades, or even generations, and they will all become Qin people. This will be very helpful for the great cause of unification in the future.

"Zheng'er once said that if you save people, you will lose land, and you will gain both people and land. If you save land, you will lose people, and you will lose both people and land. This statement can also be understood in reverse."

Ying Zichu said a sentence he heard from his son. This can not only be used on himself, but can also be used on enemy countries. For example, this is how it was done in South Korea.

Gaining those populations will make Qin stronger, while South Korea will be greatly weakened if it loses those populations. This is also a way to weaken its opponents, and is much better than direct war.

During the Battle of Changping, if they had this way, they would not have caused public outrage and had all the countries unite to besiege.

"Can Yun'er hold him?"

Suddenly, when it comes to the adopted daughter, it's hard for that kid to handle it.

"Who in the world can hold him?"

Speaking of this matter, Lu Buwei was quite helpless.

After this series of events, he has already seen that boy's ability. It is difficult to grasp it. Even he can't find a breakthrough, let alone his stupid girl.

Now I can only expect that kid to be emotional with his daughter. Only the word of love can lock that kind of character. Other methods are useless, and even a bad one will backfire.

"How can such an excellent junior be someone who hides the sun?"

Ying Zichu sighed, he admired that boy's talent very much. If he could stay by his side to do things, he would be a lot less worried.

"Is there such a capable person in the net?"

Suddenly thinking of the snare, Ying Zichu paid more and more attention to it, but he had underestimated it before.


With a gloomy sigh, Lu Buwei was quite disappointed with Luo Wang. Among the sword slaves of the Eight Swordsmen of the Yue Dynasty, one of them was hiding the sun. The others only knew how to kill people, could not accomplish big things, and might even be incited to rebel. For example, Xuan Jian and Frightened salamander.

However, this should also be cultivated in this way by the people behind Luowang, so that it can be easily controlled. Otherwise, if everyone was as flexible as that boy and Zhanri, Luowang would have exploded long ago and would not have been able to last for so long.

"Those of the Chu clan will definitely not miss the military exploits of this Longxi battle. They may even have other thoughts and have to guard against it."

Lu Buwei dropped a white stone to remind that although they have stabilized the overall situation, the matter is not completely over yet.

If you want to be completely stable, you still need to exchange interests with some forces. The royal family has been taken care of by that kid, and the next step is the Chu family.

"That's what Zheng'er and the others should worry about. I'm more concerned about the role those people played in the previous assassinations."

After falling a sunspot, his face turned cold, Ying Zichu was still very angry and afraid of the attack that day.

Xianyang is the core of the state of Qin, and it has been run by him for several years. Especially in the past year, he has planned a lot, but there are so many deadly assassins coming in under his nose.

Fortunately, it was the black dragon who was targeted. If it were targeted at him, he might not be able to withstand the scene that day.

Especially the swordsman who severely damaged the black dragons was too threatening.

"The other party dealt with it very cleanly, and did not find any clues, but because it was too clean, it was a kind of evidence."

After dropping a white piece, Lu Buwei sneered. He was absolutely sure that someone from the Chu family was definitely involved in the last attack, but it was difficult to determine who it was, and it was difficult to investigate, especially at this juncture.

There is no way, the Chu faction is too united, and if you really want to investigate, it is equivalent to poking a hornet's nest, and you will be attacked by a group of people, which is not good for the current stable situation.

"Then lure the snake out of its hole, give them a piece of hope, and then catch them all in one fell swoop."

With a colder face, Ying Zichu became more and more disgusted and defensive about those people from the Chu family. They would definitely be his enemies in the future and they must be eliminated, otherwise he would not be able to sleep well.

"Your Majesty, do you mean Your Highness Cheng Yu?"

Lu Buwei narrowed his eyes slightly, guessing what Ying Zichu meant.

"The only suitable bait is him. The power Zheng'er possesses now is enough for everyone to be afraid of. Only in this way can he deceive those from the Chu family."

Ying Zichu really wanted to use his second son Chengyu as bait to lure those people from the Chu family into taking the bait, and then create excuses to catch them all.

As for the sacrifice of the second son, it was worth it.

As a king, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed for the sake of his own throne and future hegemony. Those who really want to be kind to women are not qualified.

"I will make arrangements, but His Highness Cheng Yu is young now and needs to plan slowly."

Lu Buwei accepted the order. This matter was not difficult for him, but it just took time.

After all, Cheng Yu was still too young, and he didn't have enough attractiveness to attract those people from the Chu family to join him.

"There is no rush. The top priority is to stabilize the situation and prevent the six countries from taking this opportunity to collude again."

Ying Zichu was not in a hurry to deal with those from the Chu clan. The top priority was to stabilize his throne, eliminate all internal instability factors, and at the same time guard against the schemes of foreign enemies.

The period of succession to the throne has always been a time when a country is at its weakest, especially for someone like me who took the throne by killing his father. It will take a long time for him to be completely stabilized.

At this time, it is the weakest. Once the six countries unite, it will be a big threat, and they must be fully prepared.

"I have been monitoring various countries with the help of a net. I will receive news if there is any change."

Lu Buwei responded that he had been guarding against this for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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