Chapter 179

Not to mention the thoughts of the major forces and people in Xianyang City, Tian Hao has already left Xianyang City and reunited with his master, the Six-fingered Black Man.

That's right, my [-] personal guards, Baiyue's [-] legions, and [-] natural disaster legions have all arrived, as well as the thousands of craftsmen who escorted them all the way.

There are also the Wei River and the Yellow River, otherwise it would be difficult to come here so quickly.

Wulingjun Yingqi, who was in charge of the defense of Xianyang City, had sent people to set up a camp in advance to provide these people with a temporary rest.

After all, after traveling for so long, people will have problems if they don't take a rest.

After washing up, all the people gathered in the big tent of the Chinese army, and Yingqi was also there.

This time he came here specifically to meet a person, a person who was being speculated.

"It is indeed you, General Sima!"

Seeing Sima Jin walking into the Chinese army tent, Ying Qi stood up abruptly and looked at it for a long time before opening his mouth, with a very complicated expression on his face.

In fact, their Daqin royal family has been sending people to pay attention to the Battle of Baiyue, and they have detailed information. He found some clues in the information, and now they are indeed acquaintances.

"Aren't you sorry to see that I'm not dead?"

Sima Jin sneered, he didn't like Yingqi very much, not because of Yingqi, but because he didn't like the whole Qin royal family.

"What happened back then..."

Yingqi opened his mouth to explain, but was interrupted by Sima Jin coldly before he finished speaking.

"There is nothing to say about what happened back then."

Still with a cold face, Sima Jin didn't want to talk nonsense with the royal family.

Seeing Sima Jin like this, Yingqi sighed and said nothing.

Judging from the subsequent impact of what happened at that time, it is true that the late king did something wrong, which almost caused the collapse of the military minister system of the Great Qin Dynasty. It also laid the foundation for the invasion of the Qin Kingdom by the coalition forces, and also caused the Great Qin Dynasty to lose a strong man in the Heavenly Realm. .

Otherwise, if Mr. Wu An were around, it would be absolutely impossible for the previous assassination incident to happen.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

"The carriage is ready, let's go!"

Seeing the stiff atmosphere inside, Tian Hao opened his mouth to signal to go.

Sima Jin led Bai Ye out first, and the others quickly followed.

Soon the group left the camp, taking three thousand cavalry with them, and headed straight for Du You where Bai Qi's tomb was located.

Du You was in the eastern outskirts of Xianyang City, on the north bank of the Weihe River, not far away, and everyone arrived soon.

Ying Zheng asked people to set up the censer for sacrifices that had been prepared, and then knelt down. Sima Jin and Bai Ye were shocked by this scene. They looked at each other without saying anything.

Instead, Sima Jin looked at Ying Zheng who was kneeling, and then at someone next to him, and kicked him on the knee, making him kneel down together.

"Teacher, what are you kicking me for?"

Tian Hao, who was kicked and kneeled, looked confused, why did you make me kneel.

"Don't want your Majesty's inheritance?"

Sima Jin asked in a cold voice. He felt that this kid should kneel down and must kneel down.

You have bullied your Majesty's daughter into this, is it okay if you don't kneel down?

"Wu Anjun!"

Tian Hao's expression changed instantly, and he used his lifelong skills to perform mourning. He even used internal energy to stimulate the acupuncture points around his eyes to make tears flow. He was so heartbroken and sincere that Bai Ye was stunned as he watched. .

Six Fingers Heixia and others subconsciously walked away a few steps, as if they didn't know him.

"Fake love!"

After a wave of contempt, his face turned cold immediately, and Bai Ye spoke softly.

"Bring them up!"

Immediately, three people who had lost their arms, legs and feet were brought over. They were the three military leaders of the farmer's family.

"The tomb of Lord Qin Wu'an Bai Qi!"

"The tomb of Lord Qin Wu'an Bai Qi!"

"What a tomb of Bai Qi, the siege here back then caused heavy losses to our farm family, it is fate to die here today!"

The soldier stared at the words on the tombstone for a long time and suddenly laughed, but there was sadness in his laughter.

Li Shi and Yao Wang also looked sad and angry. Even before they were killed, they had guessed that they still had value, but they didn't expect that the final value would be brought as a sacrifice to Bai Qi's Tomb. .

"It doesn't matter right or wrong when killing you today, and it doesn't matter good or evil. I just avenge my father. When I get to the bottom, I will say that Bai Ye, the daughter of Bai Qi, killed you."

Walking in front of the three of them, Bai Ye said coldly, then swiped the spear through the throats of the three of them, cutting half of their necks open, and blood spurted out, splashing on the ground in front of the tombstone.

The three of them stared angrily, letting the blood gushing and flowing, they were very unwilling and angry at this way of death, and they did not want to die in peace.

This is a disgrace to them, and even more so to the peasant family!
After Tian Hao and the other three were all cold, he stretched out Longhua's palm and grabbed the souls of the three into the spiritual world one by one to suppress them.

"Wu Anjun!"

After doing this, he continued to cry in mourning, with tears streaming down his face, and everyone saw black lines on their foreheads.

"Get up, don't embarrass yourself here!"

After kowtowing, Bai Ye got up and kicked angrily, this thing is too embarrassing.

"Is it over?"

Tian Hao's expression dropped instantly, and he immediately stood up and patted the dust on his legs.

"Dad, the daughters of the remaining people will all be brought to pay homage to you."

Glancing at his father's tombstone, Bai Ye made an oath before turning around and leaving.

As a general girl, she doesn't like crying like that. When her father was alive, she often taught them that they would rather bleed than cry, and she remembered all of this.

The others did not stop here and returned together.

Of course, I didn't forget to dig a hole to bury the three soldiers.

What everyone didn't know was that not long after they left, a rickety old man with thinning hair suddenly appeared in front of the tombstone. He looked at the sacrifices and the blood sprayed on the ground, and then looked at the retreating team.


He murmured a name to himself in a confused voice, and then walked away.

Bai Ye and Sima Jin on the other side returned to the camp and talked about today's events, especially their views on the young master Zheng.

Today was the first time they met the young master Zheng, and their initial impression was not bad, especially the way he knelt down in front of his father.

No matter what the idea was, it was put into action.

"He is different from the princes and nobles I know."

Bai Ye expressed his opinion, feeling that Ying Zheng doesn't look like a grandson.

"He has been a proton in Zhao since he was a child. Given the relationship between Qin and Zhao over the years, the situation can be imagined. Naturally, it is impossible for him to be the same as those sons of princes and nobles."

Sima Jin knew a little about this, and Ying Zheng was really extraordinary, maybe he could really do what that kid said.

"Should I contact my father's old ministry to support him?"

Bai Ye asked, Ying Zheng gave her a good feeling today, maybe she can support her.

She also hopes that the injustice suffered by her father can be vindicated. It is obviously impossible to rely on the current King Chu of Qin. She can only rely on Ying Zheng.

"Lets see."

After hesitating for a while, Sima Jin finally decided to take another look.


At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded in the tent, which shocked both of them at the same time, especially the familiar voice reminded them of a person.


Looking in the direction of the sound, Bai Ye's eyes widened, especially when he saw the scar on the old man's forehead. His delicate body was shocked, and tears filled his eyes. He stood up and threw himself into the arms of the visitor.

"Dad, are you not dead?"

She didn't cry at her father's grave before, but she couldn't help it at this moment.

"Your Majesty, you are not dead!"

Sima Jin, who came back to his senses, also had tears in his eyes. Although the king's appearance and body had changed drastically, he would never forget the look and voice in his eyes. He did not expect that the king was not dead.

That day they were besieged by the powerful peasants with the Dize formation, Jun Shang tried his best to cut a hole in the formation and send him out, and let him take the young lady away from Qin.Among Junshang's children, only the young lady's mother is an ordinary civilian girl, without the support of her mother's family, once she is targeted, she will surely die, and Junshang is most worried about the young lady.

At that time, he suppressed his anger and grief and left. Later, he heard the news of Junshang's death. He was angry and regretted for many years. Unexpectedly, the sky opened his eyes and Junshang was still alive.

Very good!
"You have suffered a lot these past few years."

Bai Qi sighed, he could guess that Sima Jin and his daughter must have been having a hard time these years, not to mention that they were still suppressed by hatred in their hearts.

"Why didn't dad come to us if he wasn't dead?"

Bai Ye, who was in a slightly relieved mood, asked, wondering why his father didn't come to find them. With his father's ability, he would definitely find them if he looked for them.

"Being a father is just surviving from death. I have been lingering all these years. Going to you will only bring disaster."

Shaking his head, Bai Qi was very clear about his situation.

At the beginning, he was in a very bad situation. First, he was broken by Qin Wangji's death order, and then he was besieged and killed by a farmer's master, and finally he was killed by the sky thunder, almost dead.

That is to say, his cultivation base is extremely high, especially his mental strength is strong, and he climbed out after several months of feigning death in the coffin, but he was almost useless.

The power of the sky thunder is too strong, even with his skill, he can't dispel it, he can only suppress it in the dantian, so that his body is tossed into this appearance.

If the girl and Sima Jin were not familiar enough with him, they would never have recognized him.

In the past few years, he could only stay by the tomb, guarding the three hundred guards who died in the battle.

Those [-] children didn't have to die back then, but they broke into the farmhouse's big formation in order to save him, and were strangled abruptly. All he could do was guard them in the last period of his life.

It's just that I didn't expect that I was almost unable to hold on, and I could still see my daughter and the former lieutenant general.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Bai Ye is in a hurry, is daddy hurt?
"Everyone is mortal. Daddy is already very satisfied to see you at the last moment. There is no need to cry for Daddy."

He raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of his daughter's eyes, Bai Qi lovingly comforting her.

What he worried about most at that time and in recent years was this daughter. Among the three wives and concubines, two had strong maternal clans. Even Qin Wangji could not order the execution of his entire clan, but this girl's mother had no identity. She even died of dystocia in her early years, and her life would not be guaranteed once encountering targeted diseases.

That's why he sent Sima Jin out and asked him to protect Ye'er and leave the Qin State. Unexpectedly, the two of them returned to the Qin State and brought three farmers with them. Judging from their aura, they should have escaped in the first place. Of the six people.

This girl has her heart and has suffered!
"I'm going to call the big bastard over here, he will definitely be able to save you, father."

Bai Ye forced himself to calm down, and soon thought of a certain big thief.

That bastard had twice narrowly escaped death, once being killed by a thunderbolt, and once being struck by the Yin Yang family's six-soul terror curse, which was said to be fatal. However, he survived both times and recovered quickly. There must be a way to treat his father's injuries.

"Is that the kid you kicked before? He's quite big, and he's from the Armored Gate?"

Bai Qi became interested in the big prostitute that his daughter said, and recalled the scene of watching from a distance before, the relationship between the two seemed very close, even intimate.

"His name is Tian Hao. He is a disciple of Juzi of the Mo family and a teacher of Qin Gongzizheng. Now he has become Marquis of Guan Nei, titled Huang Tian. He is a very interesting young man."

Sima Jin explained, since the emperor is still alive, there are some things that need to be said.

As for the identity of the Black Man with Six Fingers, he had guessed it a long time ago, especially at the beginning when the Black Man with Six Fingers was chasing and killing the Korean Marquis alone, and his killing intent, it was easy to guess.

"The Mo family?"

He raised his eyebrows. Bai Qi was no stranger to the Mo family. He had even fought against the great masters of the previous generation. However, as far as he knew, the Mo family was the most hostile to Qin. How could he send someone to Qin and become the son of Qin? teacher?

"I don't know the reason. Maybe there is something wrong within the Mo family."

Sima Jin didn't know much about this either. The kid didn't say anything, so it was hard for him to ask, but what is certain is that this generation of Mohist giants are on Qin's side.

"How is your lord's injury? Maybe he really has a way to deal with it."

Turning to ask about the injury, Sima Jin did not want the king to die.

You must know that your Majesty is a strong man in the realm of heaven and human beings. It is not a problem to live over a hundred years. Now, he is in his prime and should not pass away like this.

"You are very optimistic about him!"

Bai Qi was surprised, he knew how high the vision of this old subordinate was, and he was so optimistic about a young man.

Moreover, that boy looked quite young, and he had already obtained the military title of Marquis of Guannei, much stronger than when he was young.

"After you get to know him, Your Majesty, you will understand."

Sima Jin did not explain, because the boy himself was very complicated and it was difficult to explain clearly in words for a while, so he could only let the king understand it himself.

"Dad, please tell me about your injuries. That thief is very capable and has many treasures to save his life. He will definitely be able to cure your injuries."

Bai Ye urged anxiously. Although he was very angry at that thing, he had to admit that he was very capable, especially when it came to saving his life.

Maybe there is really a way to heal her father's injury. She had already lost her father once back then, and she didn't want to lose her father again this time.

"The injury on my body is mainly due to the power of the thunderbolt. I have been suppressing it with my skills all these years, and it is difficult to dispel it."

Seeing that both Sima Jin and his daughter were so confident, Bai Qi revealed his injuries.

As a strong man in the realm of heaven and man, his body has long been reborn, especially because he is still a member of the military family. His hard work is the pinnacle of the world, and his physical fitness is far beyond comparison.

It's just that it is the power of thunder after all, even if he can't dispel it, he can only drag on like this.

"It's just the power of thunder?"

Sima Jin and Bai Ye were surprised at first, and then overjoyed.

They all know that that thing is practicing the Mohist Thunder Breathing Technique, and that it is assisted by a mechanism that can generate electricity, so that the Thunder Breathing Technique can be improved by leaps and bounds. Even if the thing is wasted and rebuilt, it will only take more than a month to be rebuilt. Qi realm, it can be seen how terrifying the combination of generator and thunder breathing technique is.

If I let my father practice the Thunder Breathing Technique, not to mention how powerful he becomes, at least he can guide out the refining of the heavenly thunder sealed in his body, then he will be able to live.


Raising his sparse brows again, Bai Qi felt that he might have underestimated that little guy.

"Your Majesty, you should still remember the old boy of the Mo family who ran very fast. What he practiced was the Mo family's thunder breathing technique, which can absorb and refine the power of thunder, but the simple thunder breathing technique is very dangerous. Accidentally die or be disabled.

But now the Mo family has a mechanism that can produce weak thunder and lightning, which can be practiced step by step with the Thunder Breathing Technique, and the speed of practice has increased by hundreds of times.

In Baiyue before, he was also killed by the sky thunder and was seriously injured, but he survived in the end, recovered quickly, and broke through his cultivation. "

Sima Jin explained the matter briefly. Since it was just the power of thunder, it was not difficult. It would take some time at most.

And Bai Ye looked for pens and inks, and prepared to silently write the Thunder Breathing Technique for his father to understand and practice.

"Has the Mo family's mechanism skills reached that level?"

Bai Qi was greatly surprised. He didn't feel much about the mechanism technique of sending out lightning, but it was unnatural to increase the speed of a kung fu practice by hundreds of times. It could completely train masters in batches.

"I have something to tell your majesty."

Glancing at Bai Ye, who was already dictating seriously, Sima Jin approached Bai Ye and whispered in a low voice: "That boy is a good match for the lady, and their relationship is going well. Your Majesty, please go and check it."

After all, this is the real master, and the young lady's marriage has to be approved by the king.

"Ye'er isn't young anymore!"

Bai Qi glanced at his daughter and nodded clearly, it was indeed the age to get married.

"I'll go take a look."

After thinking about it, I decided to lurk in the past and take a closer look.

The only thing he cares about now is that girl, and he can't rest assured if he doesn't check on her.

Tian Hao in the camp on the other side didn't know that he was being targeted. He was making preparations, preparations for tomb robbery.

"This kind of thing will be struck by lightning."

The six-fingered black man next to him covered his face. He never thought that the cheap disciple would be so mad. He kowtowed to others during the day and would dig someone's grave at night.

"Both King Wu of Qin and Lord Wu An were killed by the thunderbolt. This disciple feels that the matter is not that simple. Maybe we can find clues from the remains of Lord Wu An."

Tian Hao said solemnly that he decided to dig the grave at night not because of Wu Anjun's weapons and armor, but to explore the secret of Tianlei.

"If you don't bring that sack as a teacher, you will believe it."

Turn your eyes away, Six Fingers Heixia doesn't believe this thing's words, your thoughts are almost written on your face.

"The master only needs to stand on it, and everything is controlled by the disciples."

Smiling, Tian Hao checked again, and after making sure that he had brought all the things he should bring, he strode out of the tent.

"I really owe you in my previous life!"

With a sigh, the Six-Fingered Black Man could only follow.

The two came to an open space in Daying, where there was a big black wooden bird, which was the Suzaku that had been restored, but it was painted black, which was more in line with Qin's painting style.

The master and the apprentice boarded the Suzaku mechanism and activated it to fly high into the sky. The black Suzaku mechanism perfectly blended into the night sky and flew towards the Wei River. After a circle, it turned around and came to Bai Qi's tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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