Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 236 Renzong Muxu

Chapter 236 Renzong Muxu
"Drink tea!"

Sensing the emergence of Wu Yazi's qi, Chisongzi took out the tea set and brewed a pot of tea, and heated it with skill. It was ready when Wu Yazi arrived.

He handed over a cup of tea and signaled Wu Yazi to have a cup of tea.

Although Wu Yazi was anxious, he was a strong Taoist after all, and he was good at cultivating qi, so his expression did not show the slightest hint of urgency.

"Two years have passed since the last battle between heaven and man!"

Taking a sip of tea, Wu Yazi changed the subject.

"There are still three years until the next battle between heaven and man!"

Chisongzi replied calmly, Wuyazi was talking about the past, he was talking about the future, and he was planning the next battle between heaven and man.

He is not worried about the next battle between heaven and man, because when his master Bei Mingzi takes action, Wu Yazi will never be his opponent.

Even if the head of Tianzong is passed to him in the future, he will not be in vain.

With this confidence, he can negotiate with Renzong and take the initiative.

He did expect Wu Yazi to come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. It seemed that the disciple must have mastered Xiaoyaoyou's secret skill.

It’s so productive!
"Although I am the head of the Human Sect, I have difficulty controlling some people's thoughts. If things go on like this, it will become a disaster. I need to find an opportunity to rein in the situation."

There was a look of helplessness on his face. Wu Yazi was really helpless about this. He was just the head of the Human Sect, not the entire Human Sect. There was no way to control some people's thoughts, especially when it came to conflicts with the Tian Sect.

In comparison, Tianzong's side is better. After all, Tianzong's philosophy is destined not to care too much about this aspect. Everyone wants to hide from the world and live in hiding.

However, their sect is free to follow their own whims, and it is difficult for them to control a large family by themselves.

"I intend to change the rules of the battle between heaven and man."

Seeing Wu Yazi confiding his feelings, Chisongzi knew it was done, and immediately expressed his thoughts on the war between heaven and man.

"How to change?"

Sure enough, Wu Yazi guessed that Chi Songzi had some ideas last time, and now he has indeed set his sights on the battle between heaven and man.

"In the past, the war between heaven and man was a duel between the heads of our two sects, heaven and man. This was too harmful. Both of us gradually went astray, and the situation became increasingly difficult to control. If it continues, it will be a disaster.

I discussed with my three uncles to change the battle between heaven and man into a competition between disciples..."

Chisongzi believed that Wuyazi would be moved when he revealed the countermeasures that he had discussed with his uncles and brothers.

Moreover, they did not make the rules rigid, leaving room for the Human Sect. If you have any opinions, you can put them forward, and everyone will work together to improve them and strive to achieve a result that is satisfactory to both parties.

Sure enough, Wu Yazi's heart moved after being shocked.

The appearance of that nephew made him completely give up the idea of ​​competing with Tianzong. Now he just wants to preserve the inheritance of Renzong.

Don't look at the Beiming Divine Art that gave him the hope of attacking the gods, but that was just a hope. Whether he could succeed or not depended on personal chance, and even if he succeeded, he might not be able to defeat Chi Songzi.

He could get the idea of ​​​​Beiming Divine Technique from that master nephew to improve himself. As his master, Chi Songzi would definitely get more benefits, and they would only be stronger.

It's still an egg!

Now this disciple's idea of ​​the competition is very good. It can transfer the conflicts at the top and at the same time assist the disciples in their practice, which can be said to have many benefits.

Moreover, their Renzong side is not losing money, and can even make a small profit.

After discussing with Chi Songzi about the rules of the Great Competition between Heaven and Man, Wu Yazi suddenly mentioned Chunyang, his nephew.

"I intend to teach pure Yang the rejuvenation of all things and the dawn of sunshine after snow."

Although the secrets of both their heavenly and human sects are included in Xinzhai, not everyone can learn them.

The unique skills created by the ancestors before the separation of heaven and man, especially the unique skills created by the founders Laozi and Zhuangzi, can be practiced by both parties, but those created by the two sects after that cannot be practiced, and must at least be recognized by the heads of both parties.

The First Clearness after the Snow and the Rejuvenation of All Things were created by their ancestors from the Human Sect. Master Chunyang was a disciple of the Tian Sect. According to the rules, it could not be read or practiced without his approval.

But this didn't mean much to the evil nephew. First of all, with that kid's talent, he had no doubt that he could understand it from the experiences of the two secret arts. If he really wanted that kid to understand it like that, he was a person The sect leader couldn't say anything.

Furthermore, do they lack the skills?
Nowadays, there are several self-created supreme secrets. For those kind of monsters, the secrets of our ancestors only serve to increase their background. They may not be able to practice them. Hiding them will only become a joke.

Now that he had let go of those two special skills, he could only propose to observe and practice the other techniques created by that boy, such as the golden light curse seal and the jade light curse seal, which he still hadn't figured out yet.

"What did he understand from the happy journey you explained?"

Chisongzi was not surprised by Wuyazi's choice, and could guess the other person's little thoughts, so she didn't care much about it.

As long as the two sects of Heaven and Man can resolve their conflicts and stop making trouble in the future, or even merge the two sects of Heaven and Humanity to form a complete Taoism, it won't matter even if the people of Ren Ren sect learn the unique skills.

What he was curious about was what that disciple had realized during Xiaoyaoyou that could make Wu Yazi make a decision so quickly.

Not to mention that this was okay, when Wu Yazi mentioned it, he couldn't help but recall the scene where he was hit before, which made him feel like he had lived like a dog for a long time.

"It is a technique created based on the Taoist charm of Beiminghai in Xiaoyaoyou. It is called Beiming Divine Technique..."

With a gloomy look on his face, Wu Yazi revealed the intention of the Beiming Divine Art, and Wu Yazi felt that the boy was sent by Chi Songzi to specifically attack him.

Too unhuman!
Chisongzi was also shocked when he heard this. Although he knew that the boy had some ideas about Xiaoyaoyou before, he didn't expect such a big idea. It felt like it was another supreme secret.

Not to mention anything else, the fact that it can assist in the fusion of Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruo Zhishui is amazing.

In their supreme Taoist art, there are two sets of exercises that can complement each other. One is Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruo Zhishui, and the other is Harmony with Light and Dust and Heaven and Earth Eclipse. However, the combination of Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruo Zhishui is weaker. One step ahead.

The reason is that the two need to be perfectly integrated in the end, and it is extremely difficult. Even Wu Yazi is stuck at this step now. If this difficulty can be solved, the combination of Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruozhisui will be able to achieve the same goal as Waguang. The combination of Chen and Xinruo Zhishui goes hand in hand.

The value and significance of the Beiming Divine Technique is evident, not to mention that the technique can have other effects.

"Can it be done?"

After listening, he asked, he didn't have much research on Xiaoyaoyou, this would have to be discussed by Wuyazi.

"[-]% sure, if I can use this breakthrough to become a heavenly being, it can be raised to [-]%."

The answer is affirmative. Wu Yazi has absolute confidence in this point. He has studied the doctrines and concepts of Zhuangzi's lineage, and can better understand the potential of this Beiming Divine Art, which can definitely become the supreme art.

It's a pity that my current ability is limited and I can't perfect it to the highest level unless I can break through to the heaven and human realm.

"It's just that this technique has strict requirements on the practitioner's character, otherwise you will fall into the devil's path if you are not careful."

Suddenly his expression became solemn. Wu Yazi saw from the beginning that this hidden danger of Beiming Divine Art was a great test for the cultivator's character.

"It's really dangerous and very tempting."

After thinking for a while, Chi Songzi understood Wu Yazi's worry. If the Beiming Divine Art could really do that, it would turn into a demonic art if not careful.

"After the Beiming Divine Art is perfected to a certain stage, I will take it out and let both of us control it together. Unless it is approved by both of us, it cannot be practiced, and it is strictly forbidden to spread it to outsiders."

Wu Yazi expressed his decision in this regard, which can be regarded as a show of sincerity.

"That's right!"

Nodding in agreement with a serious expression, Chisongzi didn't want a group of demons to appear in their Taoist family who would cause harm to the world.

The human heart cannot stand the test!

After continuing to negotiate with Chisongzi about the war between heaven and man, Wuyazi went back to discuss with the three elders of the human sect. Although the three elders were depressed and wanted to vomit blood, they had no choice but to accept it in the end.

There is no way to deny it. Today, there are already several supreme secrets in the sect, and their strength will inevitably increase further in the future.

Even if the nephew uses the swordsmanship and Beiming magic skills pioneered by his master Wu Yazi, they must belong to Tianzong's unique skills. His master can only be regarded as a perfect one. There is no problem in his own cultivation, but other people in the Renzong want to practice. You have to go find Chisongzi and get their approval.

They are also eager for those few special skills. Maybe they can use this to increase the chance of hitting the heavens. In this way, not only will their strength be further improved, but their lifespan will also be increased, and they will live for decades more.

Facing this avenue of true fragrance, they can only bow their heads.

After discussing this important matter, Wu Yazi set about perfecting two sets of sword techniques and the Beiming Divine Technique, especially the Beiming Divine Technique.

Those two sets of sword techniques are only for external use and will not greatly improve his own cultivation. However, Beiming Divine Skill can help him integrate Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruo Zhishui. The benefits are self-evident.

Of course, he often brought his nephew over to perfect the Beiming Divine Art together. Although his background was shallow, he had a good mind, and he praised him for some of his ideas.

Xiaoyaozi, who had just joined the Renzong, was naturally left out. Wuyazi was busy perfecting his skills. The three elders of the Renzong were preparing for the Great Competition between Heaven and Man three years later. Only when this matter was settled, could they I have the opportunity to go to Tianzong to experience those unique skills.At the same time, they also hope that the disciples of the Human Sect can achieve good results in the Heaven and Man Competition, otherwise they will be embarrassed.

Moreover, Akamatsuko has already said that the reward for No. 1 in the competition is to obtain the qualification to practice a supreme Taoist method, including the unique technique created by the nephew. How could you miss such a good opportunity?

With this hope, the three of them were very attentive, and how could they care about Xiaoyaozi, who had just become a disciple.

Although Xiaoyaozi was depressed about this, there was nothing he could do.

After all, he just came to Renzong and didn't have much foundation. He couldn't do some things even if he wanted to.

The original plan was to wait for a few years to plan in the Renzong to improve his prestige, then find an opportunity to kill Wu Yazi, and then compete to become the leader of the Renzong.

But who would have thought that the situation would be like this as soon as they came in? It would be really embarrassing.

Now I can only think of a solution for that Chunyang Junior Nephew, after all, it was the other party who caused all this.

In this way, Xiaoyaozi would wait quietly for someone every time he returned from Renzong. After waiting for him to appear, he would pretend to be walking and approach, creating an unexpected encounter.

But what made him frown was that the other party was not alone, but also followed a young man. He had some impressions of this person. He was a disciple of the Renzong, of the same generation as himself, and was also hostile to him.

The two of them were walking and talking, both fascinated.

"Senior nephew Chunyang, I'm here again to listen to senior brother Wuyazi's explanation of Xiaoyaoyou."

He frowned slightly, but Xiaoyaozi still stepped forward to greet him.

"I've met Master Uncle Xiaoyao, and I just listened to Master Wuyazi's explanation of the health regimen!"

Tian Hao was slightly startled when he saw Xiaoyaozi, and then he naturally saluted and said hello.

After all, he is a master uncle, so he must be polite so as not to offend others.

"Brother Xiaoyaozi!"

Mu Xuzi, who was beside him, frowned slightly and nodded indifferently as a greeting.

He didn't like this senior brother who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He always felt that he was too thoughtful, yet he acted like a gentleman.

He doesn't have a good impression of this kind of person, and he has been hanging out with Renzong disciples these days and has received a lot of praise. This seems to be intentional, and he must have a plan.

"You were very engaged in the conversation just now. What did you say?"

With a gentle smile, Xiaoyaozi took the opportunity to ask, looking very casual.

Tian Hao was about to speak, but Mu Xuzi beside him spoke first.

"We didn't talk about anything. We just discussed today's weather. If nothing happens, senior brother, I will take my nephew Chunyang away. The head brother told me to escort my nephew back in person."

The words sounded perfunctory, and the hostility in the words was obvious.


Xiaoyaozi looked obedient and stepped aside to signal the two of them to come over.

"Uncle Xiaoyaozi, I'm going back first."

Mu Xuzi walked past Xiaoyaozi with a cold face. Tian Hao nodded apologetically to Xiaoyaozi and left.

Watching the two people leaving, the cold light in Xiaoyaozi's eyes flashed away, and he immediately turned around and left.

The contact failed this time, so we have to wait until next time.

"Senior nephew Chunyang will try not to come into contact with Xiaoyaozi in the future. This person is very deep in the city. He has just come to Renzong and has become one with many disciples soon. He has also given guidance to younger disciples many times and gained gratitude and support. These are all deliberate actions. There must be something up his sleeve, be careful of being plotted and exploited by him.

And he is not a member of our Taoist family. He has been traveling around the world. Who knows what he does outside. It is really strange that he suddenly came to join the clan this time. "

After sending Tian Hao to his residence, Mu Xuzi looked around and whispered a reminder.

"Thank you, Uncle Master, for reminding me. Chunyang has taken note of it."

Tian Hao thought about it briefly before thanking him gratefully, indicating that he had taken note of it.

"I won't disturb the love between you two. Next time we will discuss the Great Zhou Tian Qi Movement Technique. I feel that your ideas are very feasible."

After looking at Zhao Ji who walked out of the house, Mu Xuzi nodded in greeting before turning and leaving.

"Master, go slowly!"

After saying this, Tian Hao turned around and returned to the room.

Zhao Ji brought a cup of tea and asked curiously: "Are you eyeing that Mu Xuzi?"

In the past few days, Mu Xuzi has been escorting the little man back. Judging from the conversation just now, the little man also discussed with him the Great Zhou Tian Qi Movement, which is one of the highest Taoist methods and an extremely powerful secret.

"Mu Xuzi is from our Qin country, and he is also close to the Qin country. He can become the next generation leader of the Renzong in the future."

Tian Hao said, he had already been eyeing Mu Xuzi.

Although in the previous Qin Shi series, Mu Xuzi looked like a villain, in essence, he just had a different stance. He was close to the Qin side.

Naturally, he had to win over and cultivate this kind of being who could become one of his own, and he also had some ideas about the Great Zhoutian Qi Movement Method.

Although Mu Xuzi's performance is poor in the future, it's not that Da Zhou Tian's Qi Movement is weak, but that he is not good at practicing it. After all, he is not too old, at least not as good as Xiaoyaozi.

However, Taoist Kung Fu emphasizes step-by-step and accumulation, and they are all exercises in the later stages. It is normal that Mu Xuzi did not practice them to the level of Dacheng.

Coupled with the Tiangang Sword Formation that can restrain the Great Zhou Tian Qi Movement, it would be strange not to lose.

However, even on the issue of stance and philosophy, Mu Xuzi deserves to be vigorously cultivated, and Xiaoyaozi must not be allowed to become the leader of Renzong.

"Do I need to kill that Xiaoyaozi?"

Using Tianlai's voice transmission to secretly inquire, Zhao Ji had long wanted to kill Xiaoyaozi.

"There is no way to do it on Taiyi Mountain, and I suspect that he is also a strong man in the heavenly realm."

Rubbing the teacup with his fingers, Tian Hao had also had contact and discussions with Xiaoyaozi several times during this period, and he had some vague feelings.

He was no stranger to strong men in the realm of celestial beings. His three masters were all celestial beings, but Xiaoyaozi gave him a somewhat familiar and strange feeling.

This person is probably more powerful than I imagined. He is most likely a powerful person in the realm of celestial beings. It is not easy to surround and kill a celestial being.

Especially on Taiyi Mountain, as long as Xiaoyaozi doesn't come down the mountain and doesn't reveal his flaws, they can't do anything.

"Then just let it go?"

Reluctantly, Zhao Ji didn't like to leave hidden dangers, so it was best to find opportunities to eliminate them.

"Don't worry, there is nothing on the Tianzong side, but the ingredients on the Human side are very complex, which just allows Xiaoyaozi to gather those unstable factors together, and then catch them all at once to avoid future troubles."

A sneer curled up at the corner of his lips. When Xiaoyaozi suddenly appeared, he guessed that the other party must have an informant on the Renzong side, otherwise he would not have come here at this time.

The enemy in the dark is the most difficult to deal with. Once they betray the enemy at a critical moment, even the best plans will be overturned. For example, the future Qin State and Li Xin were tricked by Lord Changping.

Therefore, he is not afraid of enemies such as Xiaoyaozi and Changpingjun who have been exposed to the public, and will even keep them in order to attract more enemies hidden in the dark, so that they can be eliminated in one fell swoop.

Those unstable factors within the Renzong need to be eradicated, and Xiaoyaozi is a good breakthrough point.

As long as the other party dares to take those people away from Taoism, he will kill them on the periphery.

"It's more than that. With your sinister temperament, you must be thinking more."

Zhao Ji felt that the little man must have more plans, not just this.


With a cold expression on his face, Tian Hao slapped him in the face unceremoniously, enjoying the seductive ejaculation.

Zhao Ji, who was in pain from behind, instantly fell into the little man's arms with charming eyes, as if all the strength in her body had been taken away.

(End of this chapter)

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