Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 237 Tiangang Beidou

Chapter 237 Tiangang Beidou
"Taoism as a whole emphasizes tranquility and inaction. It's not easy to get them to side with us. We have to find a sufficient reason. Maybe Xiaoyaozi and the forces behind him can help us."

Tian Hao indeed has more ideas, which is a plan for the entire Taoist family to break past rules and stand in the Qin camp.

He thought of three breakthroughs, one was Mu Xuzi, one was Xiaoyaozi, and the other was the future Xiaomeng.

Xiaoyaozi is on the negative side, while Mu Xuzi and Xiaomeng are on the positive side.

Such conflict between good and bad, and the combination of right and wrong can lead to great things. This is also the essence of the way of vertical and horizontal he learned from Gui Guzi.

I was worried before that I couldn't make a plan to trick the entire Taoist family into joining the gang, so Xiaoyaozi came at the right time.

"How to do?"

Zhao Ji was curious. It was not easy for the enemy to complete the plan, let alone a being with a deep mind like Xiaoyaozi.

"Xiaoyaozi's ultimate goal is nothing more than Renzong, because he can't plan for Tianzong, and if he wants to use Renzong for him, there are two major obstacles. One is the leader of Renzong, Wu Yazi, and the other is our master. Red pine nuts.

He needs to become the head of the Human Sect, win the battle between Heaven and Man, obtain Xue Ji, and fulfill the Human Sect's 300-year long-cherished wish, so that he can reach the limit of his prestige in the Human Sect.

As long as he takes action against the two of them, it will definitely make the Taoist family angry. We will then operate from this. "

After he came into contact with Wuyazi, he was thinking about how Xiaoyaozi would become the head of Renzong in the future.

Because Wu Yazi is in good health and has no hidden diseases, and he practices health-preserving exercises such as Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruozhishui, he has no pressure to live to be 90 or [-] years old.

But the future head of the Human Sect was Xiaoyaozi, which forced him to think more.

In addition, Chi Songzi's physical condition was not bad, but he died after being defeated by Xiaoyaozi. Otherwise, if Chi Songzi leads Tianzong, Renzong will never let Renzong leave Taoism, let alone allow the other party to do so. Go against Qin.

Taoists can remain in the neutral camp or support Qin, but they cannot oppose Qin.

There is no way, Taiyi Mountain is right next to Xianyang City. If Taoism rebels against Qin, what do you want Qin to think?
As the saying goes, how can one allow others to sleep soundly next to the bed? The Taoists must be destroyed first.

It is estimated that if Xiao Meng had not sided with Qin on behalf of Tianzong later, the army would have arrived at Taiyi Mountain.

Don't think that Taoists can do whatever they want if they are strong. Facing a national level, they are still pitifully weak. If nothing else, just send armor-piercing soldiers to bomb the Taiyi Mountains with the kind of rockets made by Shanggong losers. After a wave, no matter how high the Taoist cultivation level is, he will have to kneel down.

And after Xiaoyaozi became the head of Renzong, he led Renzong to break away from Taoism and stand in the anti-Qin camp. Everything went so smoothly, as if it had been planned long ago.

The most important point is that Xiaoyaozi did not grow up in Taoism, but became a monk halfway. Even if he now has the identity of a disciple of the previous head of the Renzong, there are still doubts.

In short, Xiaoyaozi is by no means a simple character, but he is more interested in the power behind him.

Which side is it from?
"What martial arts will you create next?"

Zhao Ji asked about another thing and was very curious about it.

The little man's talents are getting more and more frightening, and now he can create the supreme Taoist art. Although it is only a prototype, it is far beyond what other people can match.

Looking at the elders of Tianzong and Renzong, they all wanted to sacrifice the little man.

"It is a formation based on the Tiangang Sword Formation."

Tian Hao still uses Tianlai to communicate. After all, in the Taoist base camp, there are some words that cannot be said outside. There is nothing wrong with being careful.

And his next target is the Tiangang Sword Formation of the Human Sect. This is the secret formation of the Human Sect. Even among the Human Sect, not many know it. They are usually the direct disciples of the leader. It is powerful and has Various effects.

However, with his current status in the Human Sect, he can even learn the supreme Taoist methods such as the Rejuvenation of All Things and the First Clearance after Snow, let alone a Tiangang Sword Formation.

Moreover, he is also very knowledgeable about formations. He has obtained the memories of the three elders of the farm family. He has basically mastered the Dize Formation and clearly understood some of the essence of the formations.

To put it simply, it is an alternative field. In the future, the Tiangang Sword Formation will be able to break Mu Xuzi's Great Zhou Tianqi Movement Technique, which is quite powerful.

However, what he wants is not the complete Tiangang Sword Formation, but a big move in the Tiangang Sword Formation. He plans to integrate it with an astrological law secret method of the Yin Yang family, and the success rate is not small.

In particular, the teacher Wuming has broken through to the realm of land gods, has a clear understanding of external energy, and can even sense the power of the stars. With the help of this big boss, he will definitely be able to perfect the imagined sword formation.

"Then what position do you want in the Taoist family?"

Zhao Ji never understood this, looking at the little man who seemed not interested in the position of head of Tianzong.

"As long as I have a reputation in Taoism that can respond to a hundred calls, it will be fine. My identity and everything are all empty."

Tian Hao doesn't value status. If he really has a reputation in Taoism that can rival Laozi and Zhuangzi, even the heads of Tianzong and Renzong will have to listen to him.

Furthermore, his identity at this level is not real, and he cannot stay in the Taoist family forever. If he really wants to become the leader, it will be a constraint.

Moreover, it is best to keep this level of identity hidden and never exposed, so that you can be a better undercover person.

It is not difficult to gain reputation in Taoism. He only needs to come up with more good ideas, and he can become a great hero of the entire Taoism and be worshiped like the ancestor.

From now on, those who practice the techniques he created will be considered his disciples. Even if their peers and elders learn it, they will still owe a favor.

The most important thing is that the work is not tiring. He has countless ideas in his mind. All he has to do during this period is to select the ones that can be realized based on Taoist martial arts and doctrines, tinker with a prototype, and then Just let those big guys improve it.

Just like the previous Beiming Divine Art, he just based on the devouring characteristics he learned from the Greedy Wolf Spear Spirit, combined with some of the scriptures, meanings and rhymes of Xiaoyaoyou, and then made it into a prototype.

It's too simple. If you don't, then the credit is like picking it up for free. If you don't pick it up, you won't pick it up.

"You won't sacrifice this identity in the end, right?"

Suddenly something seemed to come to mind. The more Zhao Ji thought about it, the more possible it became.

“As long as there is need, there will be enough reward.”

Tian Hao really thinks this way. This level of identity itself is a big bargaining chip. If the reward is enough, it is not impossible to fake death and sacrifice. This is also the ultimate killing move he has prepared for the Taoist side.

Think about it, if someone kills Lao Tzu and Zhuang Tzu, or digs up the graves of the two sages, it is estimated that even the Tianzong group of experts who pay attention to forgetfulness and ruthlessness will have to chase the other party to the ends of the earth and to the end of the world, without stopping. That kind of thing.

"Be careful then, don't..."

Zhao Ji was worried about this, but before she could finish her words, she got a slap from behind.

With her big teary eyes open, she didn't understand what was for this time?
You didn’t make a mistake!

"Don't say this kind of thing in the future, don't give me a f*ck!"

Tian Hao looked very serious, even harsh.

He couldn't help but be careless. I don't know how many big guys died under this move. It was the ultimate curse that could rival Taoist friends, Please Stay, and no one, no matter how powerful, could withstand it.

"Know it!"

Although she still didn't understand, Zhao Ji still pretended to be a little birdie and expressed that she had taken note of it.

"Let's go practice!"

Looking at the bright moon in the night sky outside the window, Tian Hao stood up and walked to the specially built roofless room on the second floor.

That room was specially built for people to practice at night. It was nothing special, except that it had no roof to block it, so it could face the moon in the night sky and better project the moonlight.

"Someone has thought of a better way to practice."

When Tian Hao was about to lie down on the recliner, Zhao Ji suddenly opened his door.

"It's not dawn yet."

Tian Hao was puzzled. This had been discussed earlier, why was it brought forward today?
"It's not that. I just want to bring my Jade Light Curse Seal and your Golden Light Curse Seal closer together, so that they can better resonate and assist in training." Standing up, Zhao Ji explained charmingly.

"It's up to you today!"

Feeling a little helpless, Tian Hao could only rely on him like this.

Hold Zhao Ji's crossed hands with both hands, and use the method of yin and yang to activate the skills of both parties.

The Golden Light Curse Seal and the Jade Light Curse Seal were also activated, and countless yin and yang Taoist texts emerged, manifesting a Tai Chi diagram of one gold and one white on the two people.

After practicing in this posture, the Yin-Yang Dao Wen Tai Chi chart was indeed operating more harmoniously and naturally, proving that Zhao Ji's cultivation ideas were correct.

However, Zhao Ji knew that this was not the ultimate form. The final form should be the Jade Light Curse Seal covering the Golden Light Curse Seal. The two fit perfectly and evolved into the Yin-Yang Dao Wen Tai Chi diagram inside the body, and its effect must be stronger.

It's a pity that her Jade Light Curse Seal is still far behind, and she needs to continue to work hard to practice flexible external skills. It is best to practice to the state of extreme softness, so that she can stretch and stretch her muscles freely to a certain extent.

Tian Hao once again went out with his head held high, following his old rules, eating breakfast first, then going to practice at the Huomulberry Tree, and then attending classes at Wuyazi.

At the same time, he learned the Tiangang Sword Formation and communicated with Wuming in the spiritual space, allowing him to create a swordsmanship that could specifically draw the light of the Big Dipper Stars.

Anyway, there is a zodiac star chart in the spiritual space, which is all condensed by the brilliance of the stars. It is not used in vain.

After struggling like this for half a month, Tian Hao worked out the prototype of the sword formation on a bright starry night under the dull gaze of the three elders Wu Yazi and Renzong.

Of course, there are only seven sets of sword skills that can cooperate with each other. This in itself is nothing. The key is that the final move can gather the power of everyone. It is a method derived from the Tiangang Sword Formation.

Looking at their nephew who was bathed in bright starlight, the four of Wuyazi felt that they had lived like a pig instead of a dog for decades.

"Please give me some advice from my uncles and uncles!"

After performing all the seven prototypes of swordsmanship created under Wuming's guidance, Tian Hao asked Wuyazi for guidance with a humble attitude.

"You asked me for advice on the Tiangang Sword Formation just to tinker with the Tiangang Beidou Sword Formation?"

After a long time to come back to his senses, Wu Yazi was very gloomy. He originally thought that this boy was interested in their Renzong's Tiangang Sword Formation itself, but who would have thought that he was just trying to create such a new sword formation.

Needless to say, this new sword formation must be under the name of the Tianzong. This makes him feel better as the leader of the Human Sect, especially when it was created under his own guidance, which is even more uncomfortable.

The three elders of the Human Sect also felt sick and uncomfortable.

"Uncle's wise eyes!"

Tian Hao nodded sincerely and explained the Tiangang Beidou Sword Formation he created.

"Master, your Tiangang Sword Formation is based on the principles of Bagua. Four people can form a small formation, and eight people can form a large formation. It can also concentrate the skills of those who set up the formation into one strike, and the explosion can be far beyond own combat power.

The nephew used the principles of the operation of the Big Dipper as the basis to replace the principles of the Eight Diagrams in the Tiangang Sword Formation, forming this set of Tiangang Beidou Sword Formation. Now it can only resonate with the starlight of the Big Dipper and draw the starlight to increase the power of the formation. , and the gathering of seven stars that exploded with the power of Tiangang's method.

If the idea is successful, it should be possible to go one step further. Each group of seven people will be arranged into fourteen Tiangang Beidou Sword Formations. They will be divided into two to form two large groups. They will be reconciled with the principles of Tai Chi to form one positive, one strange, and one negative. Yang, the power of mutual generation and mutual restraint, is definitely stronger.

But I would rather make the Big Dipper, the Six South Stars, the Five East Dipper Stars, the Four Stars of the West Dipper and the Three Stars of the Yuandou Star in the middle palace to form the Five Dipper Palace array. It’s a pity that I, a Taoist, have studied the Big Dipper the most. There is very little research on the Four Dou, and not many secret techniques are passed down.

There are also 28 constellations that should be able to form a formation, but it's a pity..."

At the end, Tian Hao still looked regretful.

Many things in the Yin Yang School are derived from Taoism. For example, the astrological laws are inherited from Taoism, but they have been modified. Taoism has long studied the calculation of stars, and there is even a zodiac star on the top of the Morality Hall. The picture is floating.

It's a pity that he only found many secret techniques of the Big Dipper here, and then used them as the basis to create the current seven sets of swordsmanship prototypes and matching sword formations under the guidance of Wuming. The other secret techniques inherited from the Four Dou have very few achievements. It is difficult to create the corresponding swordsmanship and it takes a long time.

Listening to Tian Hao's deception, the four of Wuyazi suffered critical damage again.

Because their theory is reasonable, at least the Beidou Formation formed by integrating Tai Chi principles is feasible.

It’s hard to say how large the 98-person Beidou Sword Formation was, but it would be feasible if 14 people arranged it into two Beidou Sword Formations that operate in opposite directions and are coordinated with the principles of Tai Chi.

According to this idea, the Tiangang Beidou Sword Formation alone is a top sword formation that is not weaker than the Tiangang Sword Formation. If you include the Tai Chi Principle Beidou Sword Formation, it surpasses the Tiangang Sword Formation of their human sect, let alone the final one. version of the Beidou Formation.

In addition, the Five Dou Xing Palace formation is even more crazy, but I have to admit that it is indeed feasible. If you really want to work it out, it will never be weaker than the farmer's Dize 24 formation.

That kid even wants to tinker with the 28 constellations, which is going against heaven.

Although it is definitely very difficult, now that such a good idea is in front of them, can they back down?

Scratching his forehead, Wu Yazi regretted taking people to the Morality Hall that day. The new Zhisui Sword Technique and Qiu Shui Sword Technique cost him a lot of effort, and the subsequent Beiming Divine Technique even made him lose it. A lot of hair and hairline have moved up a lot.

Those two haven't been settled yet, and now there is the Tiangang Beidou Formation, and he is worried that one day he will suddenly die.

"Go to the Hall of Morality!"

Sighing, Wu Yazi decided to go to the Morality Hall to summon all the elders, especially the nine elders from Tianzong.

After all, this was the work of that kid, and it would eventually be named under the name of Tianzong. No matter what, people from Tianzong would have to contribute.

Of course, they must also participate so that they can share the results.

After all, they have paid so much for this and taught them all the Tiangang Sword Formation at the bottom of the box. It would be a big loss if they did not get the final result.

The three elders of the Human Sect all agreed that it was feasible, and then a group of five people went to the Daode Hall. After worshiping the statue of the ancestor together, Wu Yazi stepped forward and placed his palms on Xue Ji, injecting power into it to stimulate the Tao Yun, and then took a step back. Kneel down and sit on the futon and wait for someone from Tianzong to come.

The current head of the Taoist family is Bei Mingzi. As the acting head, Chi Songzi can take down Xue Ji, but Wu Yazi does not have the qualifications yet, and he probably won't in the future.

Sensing the fluctuation of Xue Ji's Tao Yun here, Chi Songzi and the nine Tianzong elders were confused, but they all rushed over immediately, and then they saw him kneeling in the Morality Hall, and together they looked at the Zodiac Star Chart on the top of the hall. of five people.

He was still very confused at first, but when he saw that his disciple was there, Chisongzi knew that it must be that boy who had messed up something again.

"Chun Yang, use the sword formation sword technique you created once again."

When Chisongzi and the other ten people sat down, Wuyazi finally looked away and signaled to the evil nephew.

"Yes, Master!"

Tian Hao accepted the order, nodded to his master, stood up, held his sword, and used the Tianshu Sword Technique of the first branch of the Tiangang Beidou Sword Formation.

Originally, this was nothing, but the problem was that in the spiritual space, Wuming relied on the power of the land gods to pull down the Big Dipper from the zodiac chart and merge it into Tian Hao's Pure Yang Infinite Sword Sword Spirit.

Then he swallowed part of the star power with the Devouring Artistic Concept, and evolved a suitable swordsmanship artistic conception with the help of the characteristics of the Star Power, and based on this, he created the seven sword techniques of the Tiangang Beidou Sword Formation.

Now when the Tianshu Sword Technique is performed, the Tianshu Star in the Zodiac Star Chart on the top of the Hall of Morals resonates with it. When the Tianshu Sword Technique is performed to the last move, the resonance of the Tianshu Star reaches its peak and turns into a starlight falling down with The Tianshu star power in Chunyang Sword Spirit is fused.

Whether it is the zodiac star chart in the Phantom Sound Box or the zodiac star chart here in the Hall of Moralism, they are all made up of condensed starlight. The essence is the same. Plus, the distance is so close, so it is naturally easier to resonate.

Not to mention that the Tiangang Beidou Sword Formation itself has the ability to attract starlight.


This turn of events stunned Tian Hao, who was about to use Tianxuan Sword Technique. He had no expectations for this, but he could figure it out after thinking about it carefully.

Not only Tian Hao didn't expect it, Wu Yazi, Chi Songzi and others also didn't expect it, and then they felt a little numb.

You must know that the Zodiac Star Chart in the Hall of Morality was shaped by the founder Laozi. It was later blessed by Zhuangzi and condensed by absorbing starlight for hundreds of years. It is a great treasure of their Taoism, no less than Xue Ji and The Tao Te Ching written by the founder.

Now they have been absorbed by the star power of a star. They have never encountered this kind of thing before, and they don't know what to do for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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