Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 467 Knife Coin Mask

Chapter 467 Knife Coin Mask

"Mr. Li Si's goal is you, the Ninth Young Master, and he wants to take you to Qin to work with him and complete his ideas.

He told this general about this at the beginning, and he admired the Ninth Young Master's talent and persistence, and I also admired him very much.

If South Korea loses its Nine Young Masters, it will be difficult to become stronger in the future. At best, it will maintain the status quo.

But simply maintaining the status quo is just waiting for death and will not do any good for South Korea's future.

Only by keeping the Ninth Young Master can you better change and strengthen South Korea. In this regard, the goals and concepts of this general and the Ninth Young Master are consistent.

This time, Mr. Li Si is the opponent of Ninth Young Master, and he will also be the opponent of this general and Ye Mu. The enemy of my enemy is a friend. This general hopes to join forces with Ninth Young Master to help South Korea and help Ninth Young Master to survive this disaster. "

Ji Wuye expressed his sincere attitude and expressed his willingness to cooperate with Han Fei.

Han Fei did a lot of things during this period, and even found out what the Emerald Tiger was doing secretly.

In addition, he also worked hard to coordinate the forces of all parties and maintain a balance, so that he would not have the opportunity to start the final plan.

It is equivalent to saying that he and Ye Mu were suppressed by Han Fei, and even Han Yu was suppressed, so that the useless prince is still alive.

This is proof of ability, and for Han Fei's talent, he has not used even [-]% of his ability. What he is best at is reform, and that is the way to strengthen Han Fei.

This was also Mr. Li Si's evaluation of Han Fei back then, so he regarded Han Fei as the hope of changing South Korea, and he must do his best to keep him this time.

"I never thought that you, the general, would be the one who truly understands me, Han Fei!"

After hearing this, Han Fei was silent for a long time and sighed.

After he returned to Korea, he met many people, but not many people truly regarded him as a friend and valued him so much.

Even though his father and Zhang Kaidi were only using him, his father was even more deeply afraid.

But now, the one who can really lend a helping hand and want to protect him is Ji Wuye, who he regards as his great enemy.

"In this case, Han Fei will cooperate with the general once and fight against my junior brother together."

Without hesitation, Han Fei expressed his stance.

Although he still disagreed with Ji Wuye's move to seek power and usurp the throne, this time they had the same interests and could cooperate.

As for the future, we will talk about it later. Now we will get over this hurdle.

"Bring it up!"

Seeing Han Fei's agreement, Ji Wuye nodded with satisfaction and said something immediately.

A black shadow flashed, it was Mo Crow, holding a box in his hand, exuding a faint smell of blood.

"The Emerald Tiger is too greedy. He did a lot of things behind my back. Only letting him go made Lord Xinling lose control, which led to such a tragedy. I sent someone to find the escaped Emerald Tiger and kill him." After lowering his head, Ninth Young Master can use his head to pay homage to the Queen Mother and King Wei.

The Ninth Young Master would definitely not refuse this gift. "

Ji Wuye explained that although the Emerald Tiger was one of the Four Fierce Generals of the Night before and was his right-hand man, that was only in the past. After his betrayal and escape, he was just a traitor and even an enemy.

The other party even went to seek refuge with Lord Xinling, causing many things to get out of control.

According to his opinion, Lord Xinling should not have succeeded in seizing the throne so quickly. Now, because of the tiger's selfish behavior, Lord Xinling's secret development has exceeded his expectations.

Now that Lord Xinling has become the King of Wei, he will have to pay a higher price if he wants to cooperate with him.

And it was the Emerald Tiger who caused all this, so naturally he would not let that idiot continue to live.

At the same time, he also used waste to gain Han Fei's favor.

"Thank you General for the gift."

After hesitating for a while, Han Fei finally took the box.

He felt guilty about what happened to his aunt and cousin. If he hadn't written the letter himself, General Wei would not have sent out to celebrate the ceremony. Instead, the defense of Daliang City was empty. Lord Xinling took advantage of it, so that his aunt He and his cousin died tragically, and even the entire people of Daliang City were poisoned.

He has a big responsibility in this, and now that he has the head of the emerald tiger as a memorial, he can feel at ease.

"Ninth Young Master, think carefully about whether you are doing it for South Korea or your father. He is your biggest obstacle to changing South Korea. If you eradicate our night, you will become his target.

Master Ninth must understand the principle of killing a cunning rabbit and being cooked by a lackey. "

After saying something meaningful at the end, Ji Wuye got on his horse and returned to the General's Mansion.

Mo Ya glanced at Han Fei, said nothing, and disappeared into the night in a flash.

Han Fei stood holding the box for a long time and thought about it for a long time.

"Let's go pay homage to my aunt and the others first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

With a sigh, Han Fei walked back, planning to use the head of the jade tiger to pay homage to his great-aunt and others. There would be a lot of things to do next, and there would be no way to be distracted by then.

At the same time, Tianze was also discussing Guo Kai's upcoming arrival.

"Lao Guo was in a big battle, and he even launched a warship."

The King of Hundred Poisons smashed his mouth, feeling that Guo Kai was so good at playing that he even launched a battleship.

That kind of warship is specially designed to sail in large rivers. Although it is different from the deep sea-going ships, it is not navigable by ordinary rivers. Currently, only large rivers such as the Yellow River and Weihe River can be navigable.

Even if many dams had not been built in the Wei River, which raised the river water a lot and dug the silt at the bottom of the river deeper, it would be difficult to navigate in it.

"It should be to transport those sword embryos."

Tianze thought of the batch of sword embryos that Brother Tian mentioned at the beginning. There were quite a few sword embryos, and it was only now that they were all built.

"Are you going to meet with Guo?"

The exorcist asked, if he went to meet Guo Kai, some things would be much easier to deal with.

"No, our existence in the dark allows some people to operate. Last time I used my name to kill the envoy, and there will definitely be people who want to use my name again.

Continuing to hide in secret will make the situation in Xinzheng even more chaotic. "

Tianze has new considerations. Although they haven't done much since arriving in Xinzheng City, their existence has already caused changes in many forces.

I believe that this change will continue. Maybe in the end, you don’t have to do anything and some goals can be achieved, which will undoubtedly be more enjoyable.

"Is this also why His Highness asked me to leave more poison in Snow Clothes Castle last time?"

The King of Hundred Poisons thought thoughtfully. When he went to Snow Clothes Castle last time, Tianze specifically ordered him to use a larger dose of poison there and leave more residue. He thought it was just to let some people get it. Use it to frame them.

"Han Fei will be our colleague and friend in the future. It is always good to have less conflicts and estrangements. Not to mention that Princess Honglian is still a disciple of Brother Tian. She may go further in the future. It is not a good thing for a woman to hold a grudge. matter."

Tianze does have this idea, and it is more for the future.

If Han Fei is really as talented as Brother Tian said, he will definitely hold a high position in the empire in the future, and it is not good to have a grudge against him.

He had been thinking about this matter before, and the last time the envoy was killed gave him ideas.

"Just watching a show is not enough fun."

The Exorcist was a little regretful. He came here with a goal. In addition to revenge, the more important thing was to take down the tens of thousands of white-armored troops trained and trained by the Blood-clothed Marquis and transform them into a natural disaster army.

If Guo Kai cannot be leveraged, many things will be difficult to operate.

But the problem is not big, he is very confident in his own strength.

"I believe there will be a war. It is impossible for Han Fei to coordinate and suppress the various forces in Xinzheng for too long, and it is even less possible for him to suppress the ambitions of some people."

Tianze doesn't believe that Han Fei can really suppress the problem, let alone those of them who are plotting secretly, especially Brother Haoran who is hiding deeper.

Han Fei will definitely belong to their Great Qin!


The night passed quickly, and on the next day the letters of credence sent by the envoys of the State of Qin were quickly delivered to Xinzheng by the expert transport envoy Qinggong from South Korea.

Han Wangan gathered everyone together again and asked the eunuch to hand the credential to everyone for viewing.


Han Fei read the name of the envoy in the credentials, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't know who he was.

But it's normal. Qin Wangzheng has always been very strict with intelligence. They rarely get information from it, and they don't even know much about the specific capable people under his command, unless they are particularly famous.

It's not surprising that he hadn't heard of the incorruption this time, but it was just that he couldn't make targeted arrangements.

"Do any of you, my dear friends, know about this incorruptibility?"

Han Wangan asked. He had been puzzled for a long time before and had never heard of Qinglian.

Everyone was silent about this, obviously they had never heard of this person.

"Have you seen his appearance?" Han Fei asked. He couldn't tell much from the name alone, he could only look at his appearance.

"The other person's body shape is similar to that of Ninth Young Master, but he is wearing a mask. Judging from his accent, he doesn't seem to be a native of Qin. It sounds a little different."

The expert who had been staying by the side replied that he had gone to receive the credentials before, but the other person was wearing a mask and his body was similar to those of the Qin soldiers, so there was no way to identify him.

But judging from his accent, he doesn't seem to be an out-and-out Lao Qin native.

"Qin State kidnapped many people from the Six Kingdoms, perhaps they were promoted from them."

Han Yu spoke, feeling helpless about this.

If you still don’t know the identity of the other party, you can’t make targeted arrangements in advance.

I'm afraid that I can only see his true face when the other party comes to Xinzheng, and then he will be much more passive.

"Wearing a mask? What kind of mask?"

Han Fei asked, thinking this was a clue, and even had some ideas in his mind.

Everyone looked at Han Fei, obviously hearing something unusual about him. Could they have guessed something?
"The mask itself is very ordinary. It just has the pattern of a knife coin engraved between the eyebrows."

The expert thought about it and said that the pattern of the knife coin was the only special thing about the mask.

"He rides on a giant steel ship, has a sword pattern on his coin, is incorruptible, and has the same body shape as me. What has he experienced in these years?"

Han Fei had a strange look on his face, roughly confirming his guess.

"Fei'er, do you have any guesses?"

Han Wangan asked, if the identity of the envoy sent by King Qin could be known in advance, many things would be easier to handle.

Everyone stared at Han Fei and listened, wanting to see who the envoy sent by King Qin was.

"Reporting to my father, if I guess correctly, the envoy sent by King Qin should be Guo Kai.

During the Zhao State Incident, Zhao Wangyan was mysteriously poisoned and killed. Guo Kai and his son went out hunting and were attacked and killed, but they were actually saved by Mr. Haoran.

Mr. Haoran took Guo Kai to the Qin State, and Guo Kai took refuge in the King of Qin and started an anti-corruption campaign. Now he holds a high position in the Qin State.

Moreover, Guo Kai and Li Si are old acquaintances, so sending him as an envoy can better coordinate with Li Si.

If he was the envoy, it would indeed be worthy of the King of Qin to send such a battle. "

Telling his own guess and analysis, Han Fei, although it was just a guess now, was basically certain that the person coming must be Mr. Guo.

"That Guo Kai from Zhao State!"

Han Wangan had some impression that Guo Kai was a confidant and favorite of King Zhao Yan at that time, and he was also a world-famous corrupt official. He was known as the most corrupt official in the Zhao Kingdom. In the end, more money was confiscated from his mansion than the Zhao Kingdom's treasury. It was a shock to the world at that time.

I just didn't expect that the huge corrupt man from Zhao State would turn around and start an anti-corruption campaign after arriving in Qin State. This contrast is really a bit outrageous.

"If I remember correctly, when Fei'er represented me at Dahan's coronation ceremony, it was Guo Kai who received you. Mr. Li Si and Mr. Haoran both had friendships with him."

Recalling what happened back then, King Han felt relieved. As long as someone on their side had come into contact with Guo Kai, they would be able to deal with it without getting a black eye.

"My father's memory is correct. It was Guo Kai who received us at the beginning. At the same time, Junior Brother Li Si helped Guo Kai and Zhao Wangyan open up the situation in the court. They have a good relationship."

Han Fei replied, while thinking about how to deal with the greedy Guo.

"Since Fei'er is familiar with that Guo Kai, you will be the one to receive the Qin envoy this time. The envoy can enter Xinzheng City, but the army can only be stationed outside."

Han Wangan left the matter of receiving the Qin envoys to that son, and that son was the most suitable person here.

"My son leads the order!"

Han Fei took the order and took over the matter.

Although this is a troublesome matter, if he wants to change South Korea, he must face these troubles, not to mention that this time the matter is so big, he can only face the difficulties.

"Ji Aiqing, you choose a place outside the city to set up a camp for Qin's army to station, provide various supplies, do not neglect, and be prepared."

Han Wangan looked at Ji Wuye again. The legion accompanying the Qin envoy looked very shocking. They must not enter Xinzheng City and can only stay outside the city.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Ji Wuye accepted the order and was somewhat interested in the army of warriors from Qin who accompanied the delegation this time.

With that kind of size, the strength will definitely not be weak. Maybe we can take the opportunity to see how far the military system of Qin Wangzheng has developed, so that I can feel confident.

Han Wangan discussed with many courtiers before leaving the court, and Han Fei immediately came to Leng Palace.

This has become their new base.

There is no way, there are too many things and too many people.

During the previous inspection of Jade Tiger's Villa and various properties, especially the Villa built on the original Huoyu Villa, 3 slaves were confiscated from all local properties, of which more than 2 were young women.

Together with other illegal merchants and forces, the number of slaves exceeded 10, and the vast majority were also women.

The main reason is that in the folk world, women are considered losers by their parents, and they end up marrying into other families instead of keeping their sons to carry on the family line. Moreover, women are far inferior to men in terms of physical strength, and their efficiency in farming is not high.

Therefore, in the folk human trafficking, the vast majority are women, even young girls.

And those merchants and dignitaries also prefer young women, so there are more of them.

Those male slaves are easy to place, but those women are difficult to do, and they can only be temporarily placed in the cold palace.

Fortunately, those women can also work and help repair and tidy up the cold palace, so staying here is not a problem.

At least for a short period of time.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of women were rescued from under the Snow Clothes Castle, and so many people had no choice but to be sent to the cold palace.

These women can only be arranged by Zi Nu and others, so Zi Lan Xuan is basically empty. Then Guo Kai and Li Si will be placed in Zi Lan Xuan.

This matter must be discussed with Miss Zi Nv, after all, it is their property.

"Guo Kai? Incorruptible? Is that a cousin's name?"

After listening to Han Fei's story, Zi Nu looked at Zhang Liang subconsciously.

Han Fei often called Zhang Liang's cousin. Now that Guo Kai is named "Incorruptible", is this also his cousin?
"It should be!"

Nodding, Han Fei's expression was a little strange.

Guo Kai, a famous corrupt man in the Seven Kingdoms, actually had the reputation of being honest, and he was still engaged in anti-corruption on the side of the King of Qin. This sounds very absurd, and it is not written like this in myths and stories.

The changes are too great. They are completely two styles of painting, each going to extremes.

I don’t know what Brother Haoran thought at the beginning, but he asked Guo Kai to engage in anti-corruption, and Guo Kai even agreed, and he did it so well.

"He uses the word "incorruptible" as a symbol, which is an insult to those two words!"

Su Fei, who came by, couldn't help but complain. She also felt weird and uncomfortable with Guo Kai's nickname.

Han Fei glanced at Concubine Su who came over because she heard Guo Kai. He had some thoughts in his mind and immediately looked at Zi Nu.

"Miss Zi Nu, I would like to borrow your Zi Lan Pavilion as a place to receive envoys from the State of Qin. Is it convenient for you?"

This was the main reason why he came here. Now that Brother Haoran is bound to Zilanxuan, he can intimidate many scofflaws and allow Li Si and Li Si to live more safely in Zilanxuan, lest some people with ulterior motives secretly cause trouble. .

"One hundred gold coins a day!"

Zi Nu asked for a price. Her Zi Lan Xuan was different from before. Ever since she switched to singing and dancing, she was making money every day. It was very conscientious to ask Han Fei for a hundred gold coins a day.

"We are all acquaintances, there is no need to be so alienated."

When he heard that he wanted more money, Han Fei grimaced. He was almost a pauper now, but he couldn't afford any money, let alone a hundred gold coins a day.

"You gave me so many people and so many things to do. Have you calculated the cost of food and clothing for them every day?"

After rolling her eyes, the purple girl was not greedy for money, but she was very short of money now. The number of those women was almost 10.

Even if a woman doesn't eat as much as a man, 10 people is still a big number.

It was a good thing that when checking the forces of those women, they had to pack up all the women's clothes and bedding. Otherwise, she would have to find ways to get clothes. Each person would have to get at least three or four sets of clothes, which would add up to a terrible amount. .

"Okay, it's just one hundred gold coins a day, but I would like to ask Miss Su Fei to go to Zilanxuan to take care of you. You and Guo Kai are both from the Zhao country, are from the same hometown, and know each other. If possible, I would like to ask Miss Su Fei to give you a kind word." sentence."

Han Fei finally agreed and immediately looked at Su Fei, wanting to invite her over.

He remembered that this Su Fei girl was somewhat interested in Guo Kai. If they could bring the two of them together, I believe Guo Kai would not be too harsh on his matchmaker.

As for the accommodation fee of [-] gold coins that day, I can only go to the fourth brother's place to see.

(End of this chapter)

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