Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 468 Guo Li makes a bet

Chapter 468 Guo Li makes a bet
Chapter 467

"Borrow money?"

In the mansion, Han Yu looked at the ninth brother who came over. He really didn't expect that this man was here to borrow money.

He had said before that he would fully help in this matter, but he did not expect that the first thing his brother would do was to borrow money, which was beyond his expectation.

Han Qiancheng, who had been standing by the side, couldn't help but look sideways.

"I intend to arrange for the envoys of the State of Qin to occupy Zilanxuan, where it can be quieter, but the price given by the owner of Zilanxuan is one hundred gold coins a day.

Brother Chen was short of money, so he came to seek help from his fourth brother. "

Han Fei said awkwardly that he really didn't have much money in his hands now.

"How dare she ask for money on such a major matter of national importance?"

Han Yu was puzzled. According to his thinking model, this was considered expropriation on behalf of the country. It would have been fine if he didn't ask you for money, but you still had to collect money.

What's the point?
"Girl Zi Nv is having a hard time now. She is responsible for relocating so many people, and she is using her own wealth.

In fact, this visit is not really about borrowing money. It would be better if the fourth brother could dispatch a batch of food to help the girls there. "

Han Fei explained that he understood Zi Nu at this point, and also understood that Zi Nu's request for accommodation fee was just an opportunity to express dissatisfaction to himself and to gain policy support.

"I see!"

Han Yu was stunned. After thinking for a while, he said: "This matter is not difficult. I will start the operation, but you have to go to Zhang Xiangguo to say hello. Some things have to go through him."

It used to be easy to allocate food, and you didn't have to pay for it yourself anyway. However, this kind of thing must be done in accordance with the rules and procedures to avoid attracting attention or even becoming a source of leverage.

At this critical point, he didn't want to make a mistake.

"Thank you fourth brother!"

Han Fei stood up, thanked him, and said goodbye.

"I won't disturb Fourth Brother anymore, I'll take my leave!"

"Qiancheng, go and deliver!"

Han Yu signaled to his adopted son Han Qiancheng and sent Han Fei out of the house.

After Han Fei left, there were two more people in the room, Wu Kuang and Sheng Qi.

"The plan continues to be delayed. There can be no trouble with this idea, and Guo Kai is also on the side of King Qin."

Han Yu said this, feeling depressed in his heart.

He had long wanted to kill that eldest brother, but unfortunately the situation in Xinzheng had been controlled and suppressed by the ninth brother, and he had never been able to find a suitable opportunity.

The assassination of the prince is of great importance. Even if he cannot escape suspicion, he cannot become the biggest suspect, so the timing is very important.

It is crucial to find the perfect time and opportunity, there is no rush.

"A little bit of the poison from the King of Hundred Poisons has been extracted. It is not difficult to kill an ordinary person."

Wu Kuang said, saying that you can take action at any time, you decide on your own.

Their identity in this mission is just that of the executors. When and what to do is what Han Yu should consider.

The main reason is that they have been in Xinzheng for too short a time and do not have a deep enough understanding of the situation of the various forces here to make perfect decisions.

"Maybe you can see what Mr. Haoran is doing during this time?"

Han Yu asked about another thing. Mr. Haoran had been staying in the big cauldron, and things had become strange in the cold palace.

This unknown change made him very uncomfortable. It was best to find out what the person was doing.

"She should be practicing in seclusion."

Wu Kuang replied that they had watched from a distance before, and roughly judged what they were practicing in seclusion, and it should also be a way to rescue those women.

They admired the Confucian Mr. Haoran, especially after knowing the set of Haoran's Ten Sentences.

Now the one who went to save those poor women is also worthy of respect.

Not to mention that the other party generously helped the farmer to upgrade the Shennong Ruler to a magic weapon. Although he was hostile to Na Tian Guinong and the Tian family, he still regarded the farmer as his home.

Nowadays, the farmer's family has a magic weapon as a foundation, and even the Dize Formation has been perfected further, and he is happy about it.

"Cultivation in seclusion? Is it practicing some secret method? Or is it a breakthrough in realm?"

Han Yu thought about it and guessed, that person is already so strong, does he still need to practice in seclusion?
"It should be related to the talent created by Master Xun, not the Phoenix power he possesses. Compared to the Phoenix power, the talents he uses are still at the level of the heavenly realm."

Wu Kuang expressed his analysis and guesswork. Although they could only watch from a distance, with the help of their understanding of the Dize Formation, they could also sense some of the internal situation.

The man who did not practice the Phoenix Power this time, but used Confucian talents, should have cultivated this kind of power.

"That one is simply a born sage!"

After sighing with emotion, Han Yu admired Mr. Haoran with admiration.

Not only is his talent astonishing, but his cultivation talent is also at an inhuman level. At a young age, he has a sage-level combat power, and even legendary beasts like Xiang Liu have been killed.

I am still practicing now. If that kind of talent reaches the level of a sage like Confucius and Mencius, it is really unimaginable how powerful it will be.

It's a pity that that person, like Mr. Li Si, has a big heart. South Korea cannot bear it, let alone use it to my advantage.

What a pity! What a shame!

"Based on this, the only one who can plan is Zhang Xiangguo's grandson, who is also a talented king's assistant."

Thinking about it, Han Yu couldn't help but think of the grandson in Kaikaidi.

I will definitely become the King of Han in the future, but it is impossible for me to govern a country by myself. This requires the help of talents, especially top talents.

Zhang Liang, the grandson of Kaikaidi, has great talent and potential, and was also accepted as a disciple by Master Xun. Now he is taught by Mr. Han Fei and Mr. Haoran, and his future achievements will definitely be good.

If you can conquer it and use it for your own use, you won't have to worry too much about government affairs in the future.

Not to mention Han Yu's thoughts, Guo Kai and Li Si on the other side took a carriage and finally arrived at Xinzheng City in South Korea.

At the rear were ten thousand Black Dragon Guards, not only responsible for protecting Guo Kai, but each of them also carried thirty sword embryos, a total of 30.

"Han Fei, the Young Master of South Korea, respectfully welcomes the Qin envoy!"

Three miles outside Xinzheng City, Han Fei led people to greet him here. He waited until the Qin envoy team approached before he opened his mouth to express his welcome.

Originally, as a Korean prince, he was higher than the ministers of other countries, but this time he was a serious envoy, the kind with a scepter, who could represent the King of Qin.

In this way, he would be equal to his father, and he would naturally be welcomed respectfully.

"Senior brother, long time no see, I miss you so much!"

Li Si opened the curtain and walked out of the huge carriage. He looked at the senior brother opposite him with a smile. He missed this senior brother very much.

It was only after he went to Lu Buwei that he further realized his own shortcomings. If he wanted to realize Brother Haoran's great ambition, he must have the company and help of his senior brother.

So here he is, Li Si!

This time I have to take my senior brother to Qin no matter what!

"I miss you too, junior brother!"

Han Fei's answer was full of resentment. He really didn't want to see such a scammer, especially in South Korea.

"Master Guo, Han Fei has prepared a place to stay in Xinzheng City, and arranged a camp outside the city for the Qin army to stay."

Han Fei looked at the other carriage and said.

The reason why he greeted him three miles away was firstly a matter of etiquette, and secondly, he wanted to intercept the Qin army three miles away and not get close to Xinzheng City.

"Master Guo, you lose, give me money!"

Han Fei's words made the smile on Li Si's face even bigger, and he looked at the carriage driven by Guo.

They had made a bet before, betting on whether Han Fei could guess Guo Kai's identity in advance. He was very confident in his senior brother, so naturally he bet that he could guess it, while Guo Kai bet that he couldn't guess it, and even specially prepared a card. Wearing a mask.

Now it seems that the senior brother has not let me down.

"Give you!"

Guo Kai walked out of the carriage angrily and flicked a gold coin over, which was very painful.

It is his nature to be greedy for money, especially for the small money he earns seriously. This gold coin is his salary. It is innocent, but now he has given away one.

It hurts!
Seeing this scene, Han Fei had a black line on his forehead. He didn't expect that the cheater would bet on himself and win.

Should I be happy?

"Ninth Young Master, you are welcome and safe!"

Guo Kai took off his mask, looked at Han Fei, and smiled.

They meet again!

Back in Handan, he was ordered by the king to go out of the city to greet the ninth prince of Korea, but now it was the other party's turn to greet him. How unpredictable things are.

"Han Fei wrongly blamed Mr. Guo at the beginning. Please let Mr. Guo ignore the past grudges." Han Fei smiled bitterly and apologized sincerely.

At that time, he was quite repulsive towards Guo Kai, thinking that he was a scourge to the country, but who would have thought that he would turn around and go to Qin to fight corruption. Now he has become an envoy sent by the King of Qin, which is of great significance.

"No, you are not wrong. Guo was a corrupt official from the beginning. He is a corrupt official and a disaster to the country."

Guo Kai is even happier. He has never been shy about his past. He was indeed a corrupt official back then. He does not deny this.

After all, it was corruption in the State of Zhao and had nothing to do with or influence in the State of Qin.

At the same time, I felt deep down in my heart that I was lucky enough to have met the Haoran brothers, which allowed me to transform myself, transcend those vulgar tastes, and then fight for the entire Zhao Kingdom.

Although he failed in the end, he at least struggled and had a clear conscience.

"Master Guo, please!"

Seeing that Guo Kai didn't care about what happened back then, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief and immediately made a gesture of invitation. "

"General Meng Yi, you lead the Black Dragon Guard to the camp prepared in South Korea. I will ask them to send people to transport the sword embryos to Mr. Haoran."

Guo Kai told Meng Yi who was accompanying him that he would take Meng Yi with him on this mission to take charge of the [-] Black Dragon Guards.

As for General Meng Tian, ​​he led the Golden Fire Cavalry to station at the border of Qin and South Korea.


Meng Yi accepted the order respectfully. Now that Guo Kai holds the scepter, he represents the king, so he must be respectful.

"Black Dragon Guard!"

With that name in mind, Han Fei wrote down the name of this legion.

This legion looked very powerful. They were no smaller than their own. They were also wearing extremely heavy armor and carried a thick steel gun and a giant sword on their backs.

That size is definitely a lethal weapon on the battlefield, and it can cut even a war horse with a single sword swing.

And judging from the huge sleeve at the end of the steel gun, it should be able to join with the giant sword to form a giant spear, which is even more of a killer weapon.

Being able to carry such heavy armor and carry such a huge sword and steel gun, the strength of this Black Dragon Guard can be imagined. It is estimated that the white armor army under the blood-clothed Hou may not be able to carry it, unless it is in a favorable situation. In terrain, such as a river, or in rainy weather.

Without further ado, Han Fei took Guo Kai, Li Si, and some soldiers to escort them to Xinzheng City, and took them directly to Zilanxuan.

"You two need to wash your hands here first. My father will receive you two tomorrow."

Han Fei said that after all, the two of them had traveled a long way, so it was not appropriate to go to the palace to meet their father immediately, and some things had to be discussed and prepared.

For example, if he stayed to explore tonight, he was very clear about Li Si's purpose, which was himself, but he was not clear about the purpose of Guo Kai and King Qin. It would have been better if he could have known in advance.

"Mr. Gai Nie, this Zilanxuan is very safe, you don't need to protect it."

Guo Kai said to Gai Nie, who had been following closely beside him. He could sense that there was a domineering sword intent in Zilanxuan, and that sword intent exploded further after they entered.

It must be another descendant of Guigu, and he just asked Mr. Gai Nie to come over and have some fun, and see if he could exchange some information.

After all, they have just arrived in South Korea and Xinzheng, and they are not clear about some situations here. If they can figure it out, they will have a clear idea of ​​many things to come.


Nodding, Gai Nie turned and left, preparing to find a place to have a good discussion with the junior brother to see how much his swordsmanship had improved and whether he had found his own path.

This is very important. He is gradually breaking away from the shackles of the Guigu Sect and creating his own concept of swordsmanship. Once successful, he will surpass the ancestors of the Guigu Sect.

He embarked on this path and hoped that Xiaozhuang could follow.

Otherwise, it will be very lonely if you go alone.

Seeing his senior brother leaving, Wei Zhuang naturally jumped up to follow him. The fighting spirit in his heart was rising and he was also very excited. Especially when he looked at his senior brother's back, he really wanted to take off his clothes and see the portrait on his back. .

He just wanted to see if that portrait was handsome, really!

"Long time no see, senior brother, do you miss me?"

Now that there were no outsiders, Li Si seemed very casual and stepped forward to give Han Fei a bear hug.

"Of course I do, I miss you to death!"

"Dong dong!"

Han Fei also opened his arms to hug him, made fists with both hands, and hit his back twice with great force, making a dull sound, like a bell.

"I miss you too, senior brother. Si is very uncomfortable living without you. This time I came to Korea just for you, senior brother. If you can't run away this time, it will definitely belong to me."

Li Si didn't care. As he spoke, he punched with his fist to express his longing.

He really needs the cooperation of his senior brothers so that he can form a perfect system.

They are made for each other!

"I would also like to thank my junior brother for the gift you prepared for me in Korea. I like it very much!"

"Dong dong..."

Han Fei responded, but continued to punch and hammer, expressing his joyful thoughts and feelings.

This cheater had left too many pitfalls for himself in Korea. He even suspected that Emerald Tiger also had this guy's plan, which made the situation further out of control.

"Do they have a good relationship?"

Su Fei, who was hiding in a room, asked. She always felt that the style of the two people's paintings was not right, and it felt disgusting.

"Didn't you hear people say you want to die?"

Zi Nu also felt a little sick and cold, and felt that the relationship between the two people was a little abnormal, let alone serious.

"Zifang, you go out and separate them. Mr. Guo is still watching from the side. It's not embarrassing."

Zi Nu said something to Zhang Liang beside her, she really couldn't stand it anymore.

"It's not good."

Zhang Liang was a little frightened. He was afraid that he would be hugged and hit so hard after he climbed up that he would be crushed.

"What are you afraid of? That's your senior brother. Can he still eat you?"

Rolling her eyes, Zi Nu motioned to hurry up, this shame has been thrown abroad.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Liang finally opened the door and walked out.

"Zhang Liang has met senior brother!"

Walking to the two of them, Zhang Liang took a deep breath and bowed.

Seeing Zhang Liang walking out, Han Fei and Li Si separated, and Li Si looked up and down at the young man in front of him.

"You are very talented, but you are a bit thin. Didn't Brother Haoran teach you the Golden Bell Body Kung Fu?"

Li Si knew this little junior brother. Seriously, he was his sixth junior brother, because there was another Yan Lu above him. I heard that the teacher brought him back from outside.

Therefore, Zhang Liangde ranked sixth and was the sixth junior brother.

This boy is not bad looking, no worse than Senior Brother Han Fei back then, but he is too feminine, like a little girl.

When he came to South Korea to become an official, he met this boy. He was still young at that time, and he could tell that he had a good aura in his eyes and that he was a smart little guy.

I didn’t expect to be valued by the teacher and accepted as a disciple. This is considered a closed disciple!
"You are not suitable for practicing Brother Haoran's Golden Bell Body Skill."

Zhang Liang smiled awkwardly, and at the same time he was even more frightened.

He would never practice the Golden Bell Body Skill even to death, and he didn't want to turn into an inhuman form like his two senior brothers.

That's horrible, absolutely no way.

Especially the special feeling, or emotion, shown by the two senior brothers just now. This may be a side effect of practicing the Golden Bell Body Skill. He doesn't want to become one of them, or even change his orientation one day. .

"That's a pity. The beauty of body training is beyond your imagination."

Li Si regretted that as a person of their lineage, it was necessary to practice external skills, so that they could be regarded as the same lineage.

Even that boy Yan Lu is practicing the Golden Bell Body Kung Fu, and he has made good progress, and is very suitable. His future achievements will never be worse than theirs.

It's a pity that this junior brother doesn't practice now.

"You think everyone is as persistent as you."

Han Fei rolled his eyes. He could understand Zhang Liang's thoughts. After all, he had been handsome before, and he felt uncomfortable for a while when he looked like this. Finally, he slowly accepted it and enjoyed it.

It's normal for other people's ovaries to reject them.

"What's wrong with being persistent? Life only lasts so long. If you don't persevere, wouldn't your life be in vain?
And speaking of persistence, you are the most persistent one, right? Are you qualified to criticize me? "

Li Si does not think that his behavior is wrong. It is a good thing to be persistent and strive for one thing or goal in life, so that he will not waste his time in this world.

What's the point of living if you are miserable every day?
And when it comes to persistence, senior brother is the one who is the most persistent. Even though he has worked hard for so many years, he still hasn't gotten over it.

(End of this chapter)

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