Chapter 360 Zhu Zhuqing

In this way, Ah Yan's apprenticeship tour began.

Every time he arrived in a city, Lin Yuan, Daji Ayan and Chang'e would review in a huge square. Ayan usually didn't show his face, and all people saw was a dark shadow. Lin Yuan would occasionally show his face, but usually he would show his face. It’s time for big cities.

In other cities, Daji takes the lead, Chang'e presides over it, and Lin Yuan and Ayan watch from behind. If he likes it, he will tell Chang'e, and Chang'e will stop it. Ayan will ask questions and pass them to Daji, and Daji will ask questions.

I have to say, this process is extremely cumbersome!
However, who knows that Ayan has such a character, he doesn't like to be exposed outside and is taciturn.

Ah Yan's tour this time is actually an opportunity for Jiuyao Pavilion to strengthen contact, cooperation and exchanges with the two empires and countless duchies.

You will stay in each city for about a week. If there are many people, the time will be longer, if there are fewer people, it will be shorter.

In the end, the soul masters who got the number went through a 3-minute personal display. If Ah Yan wanted to ask questions, they would answer them.If Ah Yan is satisfied, he will give a card, which can be followed by the final screening in Sunset City.

There was no competition. In the final selection, it was all based on Ayan’s feeling!
A few months passed, and Ayan's apprentice, Manager Yi, came to Star Luo City, the capital of the Star Luo Empire.

Lin Yuan and Daji first met with the Emperor Dai Qingfeng and Queen Zhu Mingyu of the Star Luo Empire. They chatted about some things and discussed the contact between the empire and the sect.

Then on the next day, Ayan's apprentice tour was held in the largest square in Star Luo City - White Tiger Square!

Anyone who can come here and get a number to participate in Ayan's apprenticeship tour must be agility and attack type soul masters. In the Star Luo Empire, the family with the most agility and attack type soul masters is naturally the Zhu family of Netherworld Palace.

When Ayan announced the apprenticeship tour, he never said that people from aristocratic families would not be allowed to participate, but now there are many soul masters from Netherworld Civet Cats participating.

Most of them don't want to be involved in the generational marriage between the Nether family and the Baihu family. If they have a 98-level master, then the members of the Baihu family will have to weigh it carefully, and they dare not touch her easily.

The other part of the people was arranged by Dai Qingfeng. He wanted to see if they could be selected by Ah Yan. Once they were selected by Ah Yan, they would marry with members of the Baihu family. Then the Star Luo Empire would be backed by the Nine Demons. Court!

Everyone is thinking about their own thoughts and visions for the future.

One soul master after another came to the middle of the square to introduce themselves, but they were all quickly eliminated. Ah Yan didn't like anything, or the person they were waiting for hadn't come yet.

Time soon came to the last day of the apprenticeship tour in Xingluo City. In the evening, the figure that everyone was looking forward to finally appeared.

The woman has long black hair and a childish face, but the confusion in her eyes is not something you can expect at this age.

"You have 3 minutes, please start your introduction!" Chang'e said.

"My name is Zhu Zhuqing, I'm from the Zhu Family of the Star Luo Empire, I'm a Nether Civet with a martial soul, and my soul power is level 11."

"Level 11? Coming here at such a young age? I'm afraid it's not a toad that wants to eat swan meat!"

"You haven't even grown your hair yet! Go back quickly!"

Various voices came from outside the field.

"Quiet! Please continue." Chang'e continued to host.

"I...I want to take Elder Ayan as my teacher!" Zhu Zhuqing said with firm eyes.

"Little sister, you still have 2 minutes, do you have anything else to say?" Chang'e asked.

"No... no more!"

Chang'e nodded and set her sights on Daji. Daji remained calm, tilted her head slightly, nodded and said to Zhu Zhuqing: "If there is a chance for you to enter the final test of Sunset City, do you choose to waste your soul power? , or choose to abolish the martial spirit?"

Zhu Zhuqing glared slightly and said: "I will not choose either option! What I want to be my teacher to Elder Ayan is not a strong background, but to learn true knowledge! I know that my strength is not enough and my cultivation speed is slow, but I will definitely work hard, I am not afraid of hardship, and I am not afraid of tiredness, I just want to become stronger."

Ayan, who was hidden in the shadows, nodded slightly and said, "That's it!"

Daji nodded and said: "Congratulations, you can enter the next round of final test. Elder Ayan approved the exception, and you will be taken away by us tonight."

"Me? I passed! Thank you... thank you, thank you!" Zhu Zhuqing said with tears of joy.

No one knows what she has experienced in the past six months. Since the awakening of her spirit, she has been targeted everywhere. She has also been engaged to Dai Mubai since she was a child. This boy did not come forward to protect him when her life was threatened. Zhu Zhuqing has had enough of having spent a lot of time and alcohol since he was a child, and his soul power is not high!

This time I came here to gamble!Bet yourself that you will be recognized by Elder A Yan!

"Okay, don't cry little sister, you are the last one, pack up and go back with us." Chang'e took out a handkerchief and wiped away Zhu Zhuqing's tears.

Since the awakening of her martial soul, Zhu Zhuqing seldom cried, because she knew that crying was useless, it would only make the enemy look down on you, instead of making her own people think highly of you and sympathize with you!

"What? Zhu Zhuqing got Elder A Yan's approval?" Zhu Zhuyun got the news in a courtyard.

"Yes, Elder A Yan specially approved to live with them tonight."

"This bastard, she hooked up with people at such a young age, and I don't know what Ah Yan is looking for in her." Zhu Zhuyun was furious.

"Miss, be careful!"

"Hmph! I said I should have dealt with her long ago, but you refused to let me go! Now, if Zhu Zhuqing falls in love with Jiu Yao Pavilion, my father will definitely not let me inherit the position of crown prince. How can we win? ?" Davis suddenly came over and said.

"Then how did I know that she would suddenly go on the apprenticeship tour? Really! I shouldn't have been merciful in the first place." Zhu Zhuyun sat on the stone bench angrily.

"Now think about how to solve this matter?" Davis also sat down.

"It's definitely impossible to kill now."

"What are you thinking? Zhu Zhuqing has three titled Douluo beside him, how can you? Even that imperial priest can't be killed now!"

"What should I do? Tell me!"

"There is no way. Now we just hope that Zhu Zhuqing will not win in the subsequent conference, otherwise we will be miserable. Also, Dai Mubai must be dealt with as soon as possible, he is always a threat. Until then, Dai Mubai It’s all gone, even if Zhu Zhuqing really becomes Ayan’s disciple, so what? Can she take away the throne of the Star Luo Empire? The crown prince position will eventually be mine!”

(End of this chapter)

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