Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 361 Chapter Eyes!Beautiful shadow!

Chapter 361 Looking Back!Beautiful shadow!

The next day, Ah Yan and the others took Zhu Zhuqing to Sunset City, and the follow-up apprentice tour will be held in Sunset City, which is also the final decision.

"Elder... Elder, why did I ride with you in the carriage? Those who were selected all went by themselves." Zhu Zhuqing sat on the carriage and asked fearfully.

"Hahaha, don't you like following us?" Daji asked beside her.

", it's just that I'm uncomfortable with a few adults." Zhu Zhuqing said truthfully.

"That may be suppressed by our aura, relax, we are very approachable." Lin Yuan said.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and didn't continue talking. The people sitting in this carriage were all powerful figures with noble status, even the Xing Luo Emperor had to give way, not to mention his shabby father.

After a few days, the carriage finally arrived at Jiuyao Pavilion.

"Let's arrange a hotel for you in Sunset City first. Don't worry about safety, there will be someone to protect you. Even those in your family don't dare to act recklessly in my Jiuyao Pavilion's territory." Lin Yuan said to Zhu Zhuqing.

Afterwards, a soul master from the Ghost Shadow Palace took Zhu Zhuqing to a hotel.

in the hotel.

Zhu Zhuqing lay on the bed in the hotel, having his first peaceful sleep since the awakening of Wuhun.

Zhu Zhuyun, Davis, and that Dai Mubai who lingers in the flowers, I will come back to take revenge when I grow up!You wait for me!

Zhu Zhuqing clenched his fists and stood by the window. From here, he could see a huge square in Sunset City.Tomorrow, Ayan's final apprenticeship tour will begin here, and there will be many soul masters competing for the position of Ayan's disciple.

Everyone knew a rule, that is, to show whatever talent they had, and this last apprentice was definitely looking at Ah Yan's feelings.

If Ah Yan likes it, you can just stand there without doing anything; if Ah Yan doesn't like it, it's useless even if you try your best.

From here, you can see that there are already soul masters setting up the venue. Several boys and girls are talking and laughing.

"They...should be friends." Zhu Zhuqing sighed, since he was targeted and assassinated by Zhu Zhuyun after his martial soul awakened, those "friends" around him disappeared.

Now she understands that friends are just friends because they like the glory and wealth of the Zhu family.

"Brother, move the table here quickly! And Oscar, why are you dawdling?" Hu Liena stood in the center and directed everyone to move things.

"Yanzi Yanzi, there!"

"Understood, Nana."

"Fat man! Fat man! Everyone is working!" Hu Liena angrily kicked her foot towards Ma Hongjun, who was lazy next to her.

Ma Hongjun jumped up with a cry: "Ah! Sister Nana, I know I was wrong. Go now, go now."

"Hey, look there is someone there!" Someone said something, and everyone looked up at the girl standing by the window in the distance.

"Hello! How are you!" Fatty was very active, waving and shouting.

Zhu Zhuqing was startled at first and was about to walk away subconsciously. Suddenly he heard Ma Hongjun and their greetings and walked over again.

"Hello!" Zhu Zhuqing said hello and was about to leave. When he was leaving, he suddenly caught a glimpse of one of the boys. The boy smiled calmly and waved his hands.

Zhu Zhuqing's heart beat faster, she quickly closed the window and sat on the bed, the boy just now really surprised her, he was much more handsome than the boys from Zhu's and Dai's families.

"Zhu Zhuqing! What are you doing! The most important thing for you now is revenge, don't think about anything else!"

"Yes! Revenge! Revenge! Tomorrow, we must seize the opportunity and strive for Elder A Yan's approval!"

Oscar was helpless, "She seems a little afraid of people, let's continue!"

Everyone continued to pack their things. This was just an interlude, but the interlude made one of the men remember the girl's appearance and would never get rid of it.

Lan put Cai Wenji's stool here, looked at Xie Yue next to her and said, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, oh, it's okay, let's work." Xie Yue smiled, and then devoted herself to work, but his heart was like Zhu Zhuqing, leaving behind a beautiful shadow.

Lan didn't say much, but he could see Xie Yue's thoughts, although he was usually very cold, but he observed some things more carefully than anyone else.

"Little devil, I've said it many times, you can't carry such a heavy thing." Lan looked at Cai Wenji next to him and said.

Cai Wenji made a strange face to Lan, then put down her things, pouting and ran to Hu Liena's side.

The relationship between Cai Wenji and Lan heats up rapidly after Cai Wenji arrives, and the ice that wraps Lan's heart is gradually melting.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Zhu Zhuqing got up, and led by the soul master who protected her, went to the cafeteria downstairs of the hotel to have breakfast.The first and second floors of this hotel are restaurants. Influenced by the Nine Demon Pavilion, Sunset City's economy has developed rapidly, and the hotel restaurants here are also very popular.

After Zhu Zhuqing finished breakfast, he went to the square to wait.There are also many soul masters here, and they were all selected by Ayan to enter this final test.

The thirteen soul masters were responsible for maintaining order in the field. It was obvious at a glance that they were all young, but the fluctuations in their soul power told everyone that they were also very powerful.

These thirteen soul masters are the nine members of the first-generation Nine Monsters team and the four members of Feng Qinghua from the Four Elements.

"So many people came to Brother Ayan's final test!" Sanshun said with his eyes down.

Their first-generation Nine Demon Team has much less respect for the elders of the Nine Demon Pavilion than others. After all, they have existed since the establishment of the Nine Demon Pavilion. They are more familiar with these elders, more friendly, and they also watch them. These elders have grown to where they are today.

"Stop complaining, it's not easy for Brother Ayan to openly recruit disciples!" He Zhi said.

"By the way, Brother Ayan has really become more and more indifferent since he and the Lord!" Yan Ruyu said.

"Ah? Is there?" Mi Yue was surprised.

"Yes! Last time I saw that brother Ayan was very cold to the disciples of the sect. Maybe it's because we have been in contact with him for a long time that we can't feel it." Wei Rui said.

"It's great that you and Elder Ayan are so close. We don't dare to be presumptuous in front of Elder Ayan. The aura of Elder Ayan still feels cold and eerie." Huo Xuanlie said.

"Ah?" Qin Ming was surprised, he still wanted to refute, but he didn't feel the aura of Ah Yan!Thinking about it carefully, I have been with these Titled Douluo for a long time, once I get familiar with them, I will naturally get used to them.

(End of this chapter)

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