Chapter 362
"Come here, come, Elder Ayan is here!"

"Elder Ah Yan!!!"

Although everyone didn't see Ah Yan's real appearance, the black shadow following Daji must be there.

"Welcome to Elder Ayan's final apprenticeship test. Next, you will perform the same personal presentation as in the first test. Each of you will have 3 minutes. The final result is entirely up to Elder Ayan's personal decision."

"Now please go first."

Following Daji's words, a man came out of the crowd and stood in the square.

"Elder Ayan, my name is Zhang Tianyu, and my martial spirit is Ghost Shadow Diao. I hope to be appreciated by you. I have a special skill, which is also my trump card. I wonder if I can show it to you?"

Daji raised her hand, "Of course."

This boy named Zhang Tianyu suddenly bent over, bent his body, and then did not move.

"What is this doing?"

"I don't know, and I don't know what powerful killing move it is."

When everyone was discussing their doubts, Zhang Tianyu suddenly called out, and everyone immediately turned their eyes to him, being attracted by him.

The next moment, Zhang Tianyu opened the soul ring and released his ultimate move, that is, the fifth soul skill.He quickly turned into a black shadow and rushed straight ahead at a very fast speed.

The soul masters in the square immediately dispersed, and they all retreated a long way.This Ghost Shadow Sable Soul Master actually ended up, shuttling around their bodies, so fast that they couldn't see clearly.

Daji frowned, "This is your trump card? How many years? The strength is relatively weak. You should go back and practice."


Zhang Tianyu went down, no matter where this piece of Tianyu was placed, it would explode!At the beginning, give everyone a mallet.

The next one was also a man. The man was full of energy and had short green hair. Although he didn't look very good, he was still very clean.

"My name is Aoju, and my spirit is Flying Eagle. I also have a specialty."

"Please start your show."

Aoju summoned his martial spirit, Flying Eagle, on the wings there were some indistinct characters, but one could see the pictures in it should be poultry-like spirit beasts, a bit like the spirit beasts in Ma Hongjun's village.

"Look here! The first soul skill, the golden rooster announces the dawn!"

The ghost image of the golden rooster appeared, and the eagle became huge, and Oju jumped on it, and was carried by the eagle to fly.

"Excuse me, do you have any special skills or skills?" Daji interrupted, because this Oju is really weird.

"Ah?" Daji's eyes widened, what did he say?

"Go down! Go down!"

"I'm convinced... let's get down!"

"The mental state of the current soul master is so abnormal."

Oju was helpless, no one appreciated her masterpiece, so she had to retreat.

However, there are many admirers in his family.






"You can go back!"


"Go back!"


Finally, it was Zhu Zhuqing's turn.

Zhu Zhuqing came to the middle of the square, "My name is Zhu Zhuqing, martial spirit ghost cat. I... don't have any special skills, but I have strong dodge ability and very fast speed."

"Oh, let's show it." Daji said, and then called Feng Qinghua, "Tsinghua, you and this girl have a try, just test it out."

Feng Qinghua was a little nervous, nodded: "I see."

"Hello, my name is Feng Qinghua, Martial Soul Blizzard Dragon."

"Hi, I'm Zhu Zhuqing, you can start now."

With Feng Qinghua's martial soul possessed, countless wind blades were sent out quickly, enveloping Zhu Zhuqing like a giant net.Feng Qinghua didn't hold back.

Zhu Zhuqing narrowed his eyes, possessed his martial soul, turned into a black shadow and passed between the wind blades, every time he passed through it was just right, as if he could predict the position of these wind blades in advance.

"So fast!"

"Ghost civet? Is it from the Xingluo Zhu family?!"

"People from the Zhu family have actually come here!"

"Look! She's dodging again."

While everyone was talking, Zhu Zhuqing passed through Feng Qinghua's wind blade giant net in an instant, "It's not over yet, take the move."

Countless wind blades were not sent out horizontally, but fell from the sky, like a meteor shower.

Zhu Zhuqing raised her head without any panic. She kicked the ground with her right foot and turned into a black shadow with a meow. The falling wind blades couldn't keep up with her pace and fell just short of each other every time.

"Okay!" Daji raised her hand.

Feng Qinghua clasped his fists, "You are very good, come on, little sister."

"Thank you."

Daji chatted with Heiying for a long time, and finally raised his head and said, "After being evaluated by Elder Ayan, congratulations to Zhu Zhuqing, Elder Ayan is willing to accept you as an apprentice!"


"This is impossible!"

"Why not me?"

"What qualifications does she have as a child?"

"I can dodge, I'm faster than her!"

"Shut up!" The black shadow gradually solidified, and finally turned into an illusory figure, and said coldly: "Do you have any objections to this seat's decision?"

"This... we dare not!"

"Resign if you don't dare, I have decided to take Zhu Zhuqing as my apprentice! You can retreat now!"


"Huh? What? Do I need to personally send you back?!" A Yan increased his tone.

"Don't dare!"

Everyone stopped talking and gradually left.

"Ah...Elder Ah Yan!" Zhu Zhuqing said with trembling lips, as if he was about to cry.

"Call me teacher." Ah Yan himself appeared in a black robe, with long black hair, and a handsome face, but his body was cold.

"Teacher! Master!" Zhu Zhuqing burst into tears, unexpectedly, she succeeded!I really worship Ah Yan as my teacher.

"Okay! What does crying sound like? Is my Ah Yan's apprentice only able to cry?" Ah Yan said indifferently.

Zhu Zhuqing quickly wiped away tears, said: "I know, I won't cry, thank you teacher."

"Okay, everyone pack up and go back to the sect." Daji came over and said. "Don't cry, Xiao Zhuqing, come back to the sect with us."

"it is good!"

Ah Yan said suddenly: "Then I will give you the first task as a teacher. Go to the Nine Demon Pavilion alone, without taking a carriage or using a martial spirit!"


The others got into the carriage, and Ah Yan had disappeared.Zhu Zhuqing's eyes showed determination, and he ran towards the carriage.


At sunset, Zhu Zhuqing arrived at the door of the Nine Demon Pavilion with sweat dripping down his face, "Finally... finally here!"

Zhu Zhuqing looked inside the door, Ah Yan was already waiting for him here, and the always indifferent Ah Yan nodded, "It's not bad, come in with me! From now on, this is your new home. Apart from attending classes in the classroom , At other times, you have to go to the Ghost Shadow Hall to receive training."

So far, Zhu Zhuqing has become Ah Yan's disciple, and has initially received Ah Yan's approval.

(End of this chapter)

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