Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 382 Music Battle!Cai Wenji!

Chapter 382 Music Battle!Cai Wenji!

The competition in the platinum group was also very fast, and it ended after [-] o'clock in the evening, so the gold group competition went directly to the next day.

This one-on-one competition system is very fast, as long as you defeat your opponent, you can win without so many bells and whistles.

The gold group is the group where the auxiliary soul masters belong, and the rules are still the same as the platinum group.

Since Cai Wenji was summoned that year, the martial spirit and her own form have undergone tremendous changes, and it has continued to this day. I believe it will continue to be like this in the future.

Her appearance is as beautiful as a lotus in water, but this beauty reveals a strong youthful, lovely and cheerful atmosphere. In short, Cai Wenji gives people the impression of being lively and cheerful.She has short blond hair, wears a silver headdress that resembles a bell, wears an ancient yellow-green chest-length skirt, a yellow-green short skirt, and a pair of small and exquisite shoes.

Wuhun Hujiaqin is no longer sitting, but holding it in his hands, just like a harp.Cai Wenji and Yang Yuhuan have learned a lot of folk arts. According to Yang Yuhuan, these folk arts are not just simple music, but the fusion of soul power can play an unusual and wonderful role in battle!

Cai Wenji had just reached level 51 a month ago, and she had the highest soul power in the auxiliary system soul master group.

【Hero: Cai Wenji】

[Soul Power: Level 51]

【Martial Soul: Hu Jiaqin】

【Soul Ring: Yellow Yellow Purple Purple Black】

[Soul Skill: The first soul skill - Changge Xing.When Cai Wenji takes damage, she will immediately increase her movement speed by 70.00% for 2 seconds, and she will recover her soul power every second.

The second soul skill - Si Wuxie.When Cai Wenji plays the music, she will increase her movement speed by 20.00% for 3 seconds, and at the same time will restore her soul power to herself and the surrounding allies.

The third soul skill - Hu Jia Le.Cai Wenji plays a beam of sound waves in the specified direction. After hitting, it will bounce between enemies. Each bounce will cause damage and stun them for 0.75 seconds; each sound wave can bounce up to 6 times, and the same target will be affected by the bounce effect up to 2 times. The second time When the ricochet hits, it will only cause 20.00% of the initial damage and stun time.

The fourth soul skill - Song of Forgetfulness.Cai Wenji releases the sound of the piano to surround the surroundings to restore the soul power of allies within the range and continue to heal them. At the same time, they increase their defense by 30.00%. 】

"Little devil, be careful." Lan looked at Cai Wenji, holding her face and said.

"Well, I see." Cai Wenji pouted.

Lan found the right time, and kissed directly, "Hmm~!" Cai Wenji struggled to break away and hit Lan, "We have to compete in a while, what should I do if it's swollen?"

Lan smiled and stopped talking.

"The first game of the gold group, Cai Wenji versus Pan Zhiwen!"

"I'm going!" Cai Wenji took the initiative to kiss Lan and said.

"be careful."

"Cai Wenji, martial soul Hu Jiaqin, level 51 auxiliary weapon soul king."

"Pan Zhiwen, martial soul golden light gem, level 42 auxiliary weapon soul sect."

"Game start!"

Pan Zhiwen's golden gem was shining brightly, and his four boosting soul skills were all blessed to himself, and he rushed towards Cai Wenji with the kung fu under his feet.

Cai Wenji's body was so dexterous that she could easily dodge Pan Zhiwen's every impact. She tapped her feet lightly and somersaulted to the other side.

Cai Wenji turned around in the air and kicked Pan Zhiwen a few steps, and she played a song directly after landing.

"This song is called Soul Requiem!"

The music spread thousands of miles and was beautiful, but Pan Zhiwen found that the speed of his soul power had slowed down. Not only that, the speed of movement and the release of soul skills had also slowed down!What's happening here? !

Pan Zhiwen erupted with powerful soul power, with a threatening momentum, Cai Wenji moved her lotus steps lightly, quickly dodged, and continued to repel Pan Zhiwen heavily with her strength.

"The third soul skill, Hujiale!" Cai Wenji plucked the strings, and a beam of sound waves was ejected directly, instantly stunned Pan Zhiwen, who had been slowed down.

"Listen to my song! The name of this song is!"

"Breaking song!"

Cai Wenji leaped into the air to play, and after a short while, the music was about to enter the final chapter. Cai Wenji jumped hard, condensed her soul power and landed on the ground. It happened that the music had also been played, and the burst of music soul power directly knocked Pan Zhiwen out , fell off the Soul Fighting Platform.

"The first match of the gold group, Cai Wenji wins!"

Cai Wenji calmly walked off the soul fighting stage and fell into Lan's arms, "Awesome!"

"Let's go! Now all nine of us have entered the semi-finals, and we will continue to work hard to win the crown!" Xie Yue said, "Let's go, let's go to Sunset City to have a good meal!"

"Wuhu! Brother Xieyue is mighty! You have to invite us!" Ma Hongjun said maliciously.

"Brother, please! Let's go!" Xie Yue patted her chest, this is nothing, no one is short of the gold soul coins, they have money for performing tasks every month, and they also have income every month.

The competition of the gold group is still going on...

"It seems that the nine of them are almost candidates for the new generation of the Nine Monsters team." Dugu Bo laughed, who let his precious granddaughter be in it, Dugu Yan is basically not a candidate for the Nine Monsters team Changed, no one can match her in strength.

"Heh! I don't think so." Master Taiyi said.

"Oh? What do you think?" Dugu Bo looked at Master Taiyi with disdain. The two of them had always been like this. He didn't believe that this little black man, Master Taiyi, could say anything nice.

"Oh, you still don't believe it. Xie Yue, Yan'er, and Lan are indeed the top four. However, the others are not necessarily! Look at Nie Xiaoxue of the Snow Rabbit Martial Soul and the Demon Leopard Martial Soul over there. Lu Piao, and Du Ze, who uses a sword, are no worse than Ma Hongjun and the others!" Said Master Taiyi.

"Well, that's true, especially Lu Piao Du Ze, whose talent and strength are no worse than Hongjun's and the others. Nie Xiaoxue's martial spirit is a snow rabbit? Is it the same species as Xiao Wu's martial spirit?" Lian Po Said, he changed the topic, "Hmph, even so, it's still hard for them to win, we'll wait and see. If that kid Ma Hongjun doesn't give me the whole quota and lose my old face, I'll take his skin off Already!"

Everyone laughed and continued, "But, don't you forget that the four battle-type soul masters have already been booked, and after removing the two food-type auxiliary types, there are only three left. The competition for these three positions will be fierce. !"

"That's true, but have you ever thought that Lu Piao, Du Ze and Nie Xiaoxue happen to be three people?" Diao Chan said while covering her face.

"Oh, right, I'm just confused." Bai He laughed.

Lu Piao and Du Ze have also improved rapidly in strength in recent years. Lin Yuan would be surprised from time to time. Could it be that they are also time travellers?Traveled to Douluo Continent from the Demon God Chronicles?

After many trials and systematic investigations, it turned out that it was not a time traveler, it was just a person with the same name and surname. The protagonist in this world was always Lin Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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