Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 383 Ma Hongjun VS Lu Piao

Chapter 383 Ma Hongjun VS Lu Piao
After the gold group competition, the next day is the semi-finals of the peak group. All games are continuous and uninterrupted.After the preliminary competition of the peak group, they had already rested when they played other groups.

The schedule of the semi-finals is also gradually progressing. Day after day, seven groups, seven days, the semi-finals are over.Immediately afterwards, it was still the final without any rest.

The final is divided into two parts, one part written test and one part actual combat.The written test questionnaire was conducted by the seven groups at the same time, and the test was invigilated by the elders.

After the actual duel begins, the results of the written test will also be reviewed during this time.In actual combat, the winner wins and the loser is eliminated.

The victorious soul masters will be ranked according to the results of each group of written tests. The peak group and the glory group won the actual combat and the top two in the written test will become the new candidates of the Nine Monsters team.

And so on for the rest of the groups.

The time passed quickly, and the practical written test was still conducted according to the order of the seven major groups, and the results of the written test would come out soon.

"The first match of the peak group, Xie Yue wins!"


"The second round of the peak group, Hu Liena won!"


"In the third round of the peak group, Hisco won!"


"The fourth match of the peak group, Zhang Keke won!"


The competition for the Glory group was completed within one day, and the results of the written test will be announced after all the group competitions. Xiao Wu and the elders have fully grasped their psychology and made them worry all the time.Do not tell the written test results.

"In the first round of the Glory group, Akali wins!"


"In the third round of the Glory group, Dugu Yan won!"


"The fifth game of the Glory Group, Lan wins!"


"The ninth match of the Glory group, Apalan wins!"


The glory group competition followed closely, and when it came to the finals, everyone wanted to solve the battle quickly and stop procrastinating.

"In the second round of the king group, Ka Jianou won!"


"The seventh match of the king group, Wu Ming won!"


"The ninth match of the king group, Ma Hongjun vs. Lu Piao! Please two contestants board the fighting spirit stage!"

Ma Hongjun and Xie Yue frowned at the same time, Ma Hongjun's opponent is not easy to deal with!
Lu Piao lives up to his name.In the eyes of outsiders, Lu Piao is a flamboyant, glib, lecherous young man who plays around every day.But in fact, Xie Yue and the others also knew that Lu Piao was not what he looked like to outsiders.Lu Piao is alert and loyal.

"Fatty, don't be careless this time, you also know Lu Piao's strength!" Xie Yue told Ma Hongjun seriously.

"Well, I know Brother Xieyue." Ma Hongjun nodded heavily, and walked towards the fighting spirit stage. He knew that this match was not only to determine whether he could join the Nine Monsters team, but also for Teacher Lian Po. Time to fight for face!
"Fatty, we will go all out this time, and off the court we are still good brothers." Lu Piao said.

The two know each other and are familiar with each other, so there is no division or hostility, but they did not expect that the finals would be arranged together.

"Come on! Ma Hongjun, Martial Soul Evil Fire Phoenix, Level 53 Assault Department Soul King."

"Lu Piao, Martial Soul Scarlet Blood Demon Leopard, Level 51 Assault Soul King."

Undoubtedly, Lu Piao's strength has also reached the level of the soul king. If Lu Piao is placed in the king group, he can win any game with less effort, but it is a pity that the group he is in is the king group.

This Nine Monsters team re-election contest is not only a duel of strength, but also a duel of one's own luck or luck.

Possessed by Lu Piao's martial soul, the strong clothes on his body were instantly broken, his whole body was covered with scales, his back spread like bat-like wings, and his hands turned into claws.

Fatty Ma Hongjun's body was boiling with flames, and the phoenix wings spread, flying into the air with a monstrous momentum.

But not only Ma Hongjun can fly, Lu Piao can also fly, the bat's wings spread out, its claws directly grabbed Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun's first soul ring flashed, and he spit out a phoenix line of fire to attack Lu Piao who was flying towards him.

"The first soul skill, Scarlet Blood Frenzy!" Lu Piao's first soul ring also lit up, and countless bloody attacks flew out from Lu Piao's claws, and he quickly flapped his wings to withdraw from the attack range of Phoenix Fire.

The two danced in the air like this, each avoiding the other's attack, Ma Hongjun used his strength to hit the air, kicked Lu Piao's chest with all his strength, and Lu Piao fell down.

"Second Soul Skill, Phoenix in Fire!"

"Fifth soul skill, Phoenix Meteor Shower."

Ma Hongjun seized the opportunity of Lu Piao's first decline, and after boosting himself, he directly released a shower of flaming meteors to attack Lu Piao.

Although Lu Piao looks five big and three thick, but in fact there are some thick and thin, "The third soul skill, the magic leopard protector!" A huge phantom of the red blood leopard emerged, turning into a shield to resist the attack of the phoenix meteor shower.

At the same time, the second soul ring on Lu Piao's body also lit up, his speed suddenly increased, his body began to become unreal, and he even avoided the range attack of the meteor shower one after another like this.

After escaping from the Phoenix Meteor Shower's attack range, Lu Piao no longer kept his hand, the black fifth soul ring lit up, and a blood-red gun engraved with dragon patterns appeared in his hand!

"Fifth Soul Skill, Chaos Dragon Spear!" It was powerful, and it was very close to Lu Piao's aura, as if swinging a spear could send out a devastating attack.

The Chaos Divine Dragon Spear waved in Lu Piao's hand and stabbed directly at Ma Hongjun. The speed was so fast and the momentum was so loud that it made people avoid him.

"Defend!" Ma Hongjun quickly resorted to defending at the last second, the fiery red shield was in front of him, the Chaos Dragon Spear pierced the shield, and the shield began to shatter, Ma Hongjun gritted his teeth and continued to channel soul power .

"Damn it!" Ma Hongjun resisted the Chaos Divine Dragon Spear's attack with all his might.

"Fatty, admit defeat!" Lu Piao pushed hard, and the Chaos Dragon Spear continued to break through the shield.

"Ziji Demon Eyes!" Ma Hongjun was looking for this opportunity, the purple light shot directly at Lu Piao, Lu Piao didn't react, he was dizzy, and his attack naturally paused.

"The fourth soul skill, Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike!"

The fire wings behind Ma Hongjun suddenly flapped, and his body flew up again, with dazzling flame tail wings, chasing the green ball of light like a flaming meteor and attacking the landing.

The flames dimmed suddenly, and everyone could clearly see the flame wings behind Ma Hongjun who had landed on the ground spread out towards the sky, and his right fist hit the ground heavily.In an instant, the air twisted violently, and a twisted mask with a diameter of five meters enveloped him and that Lu Piao's body at the same time.

Boom——, the powerful phoenix flame erupted in an instant, and the resonant phoenix cry pierced through the clouds and fog, like the clang of gold and stone.

A thick phoenix-shaped flame spewed out from the ground, bringing Ma Hongjun's body up into the air in an instant.

The range covered by the distorted air before has been completely covered by flames.The fire bird and phoenix rushed straight into the sky more than ten meters high, and the wings of the phoenix spread out in the air, as if the fire phoenix had really descended into the world.

Seeing such a dazzling sight, the soul masters and others in the auditorium couldn't help being a little stunned.Including Xie Yue and the others, this fat man's fourth soul ability would always bring them endless surprises.

Fatty's fourth soul skill is still from the King of the Earth, which was suggested by Lin Yuan himself.It's just that the age limit is much higher than in the original book.

Originally, the attack of the Purple Demon Eye would stun Lu Piao for a very short time. However, in such a short period of time, the first air-shaking attack of Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Roaring Strike stunned the newly awakened Lu Piao again. Only then could he withstand the full strength of the Phoenix Sky Strike.

Ma Hongjun's explosive power is astonishing. This super powerful flame explosive power is stronger than Xie Yue!Fortunately, Taiyi Zhenren took action in time and used defensive soul skills to block most of the attacks, so Lu Piao did not suffer much damage.

"The ninth match of the king group, Ma Hongjun wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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