Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 387 The pet beasts of the new 9th demon team

Chapter 387 The Pet Beasts of the New Nine Demon Team

In the afternoon, after the closing ceremony, the fighting spirit field was restored to its original appearance. Lin Yuan held a meeting, and the elders and the old and new generations of the Nine Monsters team gathered in the main hall of the Nine Monsters Pavilion.

Lin Yuan said: "Congratulations again for becoming a new generation of the Nine Monsters team. Becoming the Nine Monsters team is not your end, but a new beginning. Starting today, you will focus on training, including the improvement of soul power, soul training The innovation of technology, tacit training, etc., these follow-up trainings will be led by Xiao Wu and Qin Ming to train you personally. After that, you will also go to the Star Dou Forest, the Lost Grand Canyon, the Far North and other dangerous places to try Lian, if you are afraid, you can withdraw now."

No one spoke, and they all showed determination in their eyes.

"Very good, it's good to have this perseverance. You will learn new theoretical courses in the future, and these theoretical courses are knowledge that you did not know before or the entire Douluo Continent soul master world, including all the elders. I will teach you personally. These theoretical knowledge are very important, if you fail to score above 95 in every test, then get ready to accept my devil training!"

"Hmph! Don't think I'm very kind, ask your seniors and sisters what they experienced before the Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition!"

Mentioning this, the nine of Qin Ming couldn't help shivering, the memories of the time were still fresh!
"Speaking of which, the theoretical knowledge courses of the new generation of Nine Monsters, you old generation should also study with them. I will give priority to teaching your courses to the elders, and these elders will be responsible for part of your course teaching. I personally teach important lessons. This knowledge is completely unknown to you, the elders, and everyone on the mainland!
Regarding these, I will communicate with the elders in the future. "

"This less than three years will be the most tiring time for you. I hope you can persevere, and I will let you reach my height, or even higher!"

What Lin Yuan said not only shocked the two generations of Nine Monsters, but also shocked the elders present. What Lin Yuan said was "even higher", could it be a god?

"From now on, Xie Yue will be the captain, Hu Liena will be the vice-captain, and the rest will be arranged in order of age: Dugu Yan, Lan, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Cai Wenji, Zhu Zhuqing, and Bai Chenxiang."

"Okay, I'm done. Next, you nine will take your beasts with me to the Eye of Binghuo." Lin Yuan got up and said.

The rest of the elders left one after another, leaving only Xiao Wu, Qin Ming, Lin Yuan and the new generation of Nine Monsters.

Everyone knows that since the new generation of Nine Demons has been selected, the grass jelly is naturally indispensable. This is also the previous rule.

Lin Yuan opened the space unicorn, and a space tunnel appeared, "All follow!"

They entered the space tunnel with curiosity, and in the next second they were in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.The guardian beast Xuanwu emerged and greeted Lin Yuan: "My lord!"

"En." Lin Yuan nodded in reply.

"Here?" Xie Yue wondered.

"What a beautiful place." Hu Liena was surprised.

"This is one of the three cornucopias, the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan. One eye has twins, and the two can restrain each other. It may not be possible to form a treasure land for thousands of years. Few people know what this place is for. Immortal grass is bred here. It is also the alchemy place of the Golden Alchemy Hall and the Tian Poison Hall. Lin Yuan and the others are located right next to the hot spring, where various fairy grasses grow.

The Binghuo Liangyi Eye has not changed much, and the grass jelly is still flourishing.

A huge open space on the farthest side of the valley is where the two halls are used for alchemy. Several trees are planted in the middle to resist the temperature of the hot spring.

"You have become a new generation of Nine Monsters team, so you naturally need rewards to enhance your strength. Your seniors and sisters have all absorbed fairy grass. In the eyes of the Ice and Fire Yinyi, your soul power will increase at a double rate Ascension is not only beneficial to you, but also to your beasts..."

Lin Yuan told them about the Eye of Ice and Fire, and introduced them in detail, and then they all summoned their own beasts.

Xie Yue's is a crow, but this is not an ordinary crow. Ordinary crows are black, that is, crows.But Xie Yue's one is silver-gray, which is a special kind of crow.

Inheriting the master Xie Yue's high-cold personality and metallic nature, he can make himself as sharp as steel and strong in breaking defenses. He can do other ordinary crows.

It's called Big Ash.

Hu Liena's pet animal is a magic moon fox, with hair as white as snow, a pink tail, and a crescent moon mark between her brows.

Huanyue Fox is a kind of soul beast that can easily distinguish ages. It is proficient in mental power and control. It will grow an extra tail every ten thousand years. At the same time, each tail will gradually grow to two lengths of its body, and the color will gradually change Turn pink slowly.

The name is Yueyue, she has extremely powerful mental power, specializes in control, and is agile.

Needless to say, Dugu Yan's pet beast is Xiao Jiu - Jiu Jie Jade. Now Xiao Jiu's strength has improved a lot as Dugu Yan has improved.The poison attribute is extremely powerful!
Lan's pet beast is a small golden-red carp. The carp is similar to the sapphire. It can breathe and survive on land in normal times, but there is a huge water bubble around its body. The small carp floats in the air in the water bubble. .

If it enters water, the water bubbles will disappear.The name is Bubbles, and its abilities are mostly water-type attacks and the release of water bubbles, which can inhale the enemy, making them unable to breathe, and eventually suffocate to death.

Oscar's pet animal is a snow ape, the white monkey in the comics, still the same as the comics, it is called Xiaobai, or it can be called his other name - Bai Youde.Normally, it is a small white-haired monkey, but when it enters the fighting form, it will become a huge snow ape.

Powerful, with the attribute of ice and snow, the close-up ability is particularly strong!

Ma Hongjun's pet beast is a phoenix, but its hair is white, its wings and tail feathers are nine-colored, the hair on its neck is also nine-colored, and there is a golden halo behind its neck, it looks extremely beautiful!
His name is Qianchen, although he is so beautiful, he is male.It can release fire-attribute and light-attribute attacks, and has the title of "God Bird". It may trigger magical abilities to help Ma Hongjun during battles!
Cai Wenji's pet beast is a human pet beast or an elf, similar to Ah Yin's little flower and Ye Sinan's beauty.It's a little girl who doesn't look too big, with cinnabar embellishments between her eyebrows, double ponytails, an ancient headdress, and a Chinese dress, with a not too big disc under her feet, on which are apricot flowers, butterflies, Decorated with bells and butterflies flying.

Its name is Ruyue, and its ability is to step on the disc under the foot to make the bell vibrate and attack with the sound of the bell; it can also control flowers and heal, and there are more wood-type attacks.

Zhu Zhuqing's pet beast is her martial soul body - Youming civet, the name is very simple, Youming, this is her name.Ability is about the same as Zhu Zhuqing, and the same ability as Nether Civet Martial Soul and Soul Beast.

Bai Chenxiang's pet beast is the same as Zhu Zhuqing's, it is also her martial soul body - the sharp-tailed swift, small and exquisite, pink and purple, called Kamikaze.The ability is the same as Bai Chenxiang, with fast speed and strong attack, and can release wind blade attack.

(End of this chapter)

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