Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 388 Peerless Immortal Matches 9 Demons

Chapter 388 Peerless Immortal and Nine Demons
"My lord!!!" the beasts said in unison.

"Well, you can practice in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye now, don't bother your masters, you will improve their strength later, the plants in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye are not edible, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

"Yes!" The beasts left here and went to other places.

This Ice and Fire Liangyi has a unique eye, Qin Ming also released Feng Wang, as for Xiao Wu, she didn't want a pet beast, so she didn't have one until now.

Everyone was walking around here, and Lin Yuan went to choose the fairy grass suitable for them.


"Okay, everyone, come back." After hearing this, they hurried over.

What Lin Yuan held in his hand was a huge peony flower. The leaves of the peony flower were mellow, and some of the petals were like chickens that had just hatched, struggling to get out. He couldn't wait to see what the outside world was like.

It's just that this peony flower is actually silver, shining sharply in the sun.If someone wants to touch it, they will definitely cut their hands by this peony flower.

"This is the fairy grass Iron Armored Peony King, the king of iron armored peonies. It is not just an ordinary soft plant. Its leaves are as sharp as steel. It can cut and bleed with a light touch." Everyone also paid attention It turned out that Lin Yuan didn't even touch the Peony King, but held it up with his soul power.

"After eating, you can strengthen your body, forge your bones, and enhance the sharpness and attack power of Xieyue your moon blade. It cannot be swallowed. You need to cut the middle finger through the iron armor leaf of the peony flower king, and then eat the inner stamen."

Xie Yue took over the Iron Armored Peony King, and the moment he touched it, his middle finger was cut, and the blood continued to flow until Lin Yuan told him to stop.

Just as Xie Yue stopped, the Iron Armored Peony King instantly emitted a cold light, and the armored petals fell one after another, and finally only the golden stamens remained.

"Take the pistil, and then sit down and practice." After hearing Lin Yuan's voice, Xie Yue took the pistil and took it, and found a place to sit down and practice.

Lin Yuan took out another fairy herb. In his hand was an inconspicuous herb. The whole body of the herb was green. What was strange was that there were three snow-white leaves in the middle of the herb. under the dew.

"This is the dew of long-sighted autumn water. It is perfect for you Nana. He has a saying that 'you can cultivate your sharp eyes and see through all kinds of strange things'. It can greatly improve your spiritual power and strengthen your purple magic. The power of the pupil can enable you to enter the third realm of the purple pupil as soon as possible. As a control system soul master in the team, after absorbing this, you will be able to control the entire field in the team, and your mental power will also be multiplied .”

"Thank you, Lord." Hu Liena said after taking Wangchuan Qiushuilu.

"Pour a few drops of the transparent liquid into the mouth obliquely. You don't need to eat its roots, stems and leaves. After taking the transparent liquid, you can start practicing."

The Wangpier Qiushuilu plant that Lin Yuan gave Hu Liena was not the one in the original book, that one had already been given to Yan Ruyu.But now this plant was planted from the seeds in the fairy herbal medicine bag, and it is a new Wangchuan Qiushui dew.

Afterwards, what Lin Yuan gave Dugu Yan was a very strange celestial grass, the whole was dark green, with puzzling lines on it, like dragon scales.Other than that, this fairy grass looks like a leek as a whole.

"This is Dragon Scale Poison King Grass. It is highly poisonous and has a strong blood of dragon essence. After the geese absorb it, it may make the green phosphorus snake have the blood of the dragon, and it will evolve into a green dragon and a green dragon. Next. Back then, neither your father nor your grandfather succeeded in breaking through, this time it’s up to you. You can eat it directly.”

Dugu Yan was very happy, and said: "Thank you, Lord."

Lin Yuan continued to take out the jelly grass. The whole was sky blue and seemed transparent in the sunlight. There were only three leaves, which swayed with the wind, looking so fluttering, as if they would be blown away by the wind in the next second.

"The one given to Lan is the fairy grass called 'Soft Water Three Immortal Leaf'. This fairy grass is extremely fragile, and it will be damaged if you don't pay attention, so you must be very careful when absorbing it! It can improve your water attribute affinity. For the magic shark Wuhun is very effective. At the same time, the soft water three fairy leaves can also enhance your concealment ability, blowing in the wind, dancing with the wind, and you will not be discovered."

"When taking it, first gently lick the three leaves, and then swallow them in one mouthful without chewing."

Lan nodded heavily, and after thanking him, took the Roushui Sanxian Ye.

Next, Oscar.

Lin Yuan took out the fairy grass, and suddenly, the surrounding area was filled with a strange fragrance.The rich aroma of orchids makes people feel refreshed, and the refreshing floral fragrance lifts everyone's spirits, and they can't help but take a deep breath.

In Lin Yuan's hand was an eight-petal orchid, the petals trembled slightly, and the whole body was white and clear, giving people a feeling of being noble and transcendent.

Lin Yuan said: "This thing is called 'Eight-petal Immortal Orchid', and it is also a fairy herb. It is the softest, but also the most mellow kind of fairy grass I gave you nine people. It is easy to absorb, but it takes a long time .The function of strengthening the foundation and cultivating energy, expelling impurities in the body is enough to make up for your slow cultivation speed as a food-type soul master. The medicinal effect can even last until you reach the seventieth level of cultivation."

"There is no special way to eat it. You can just chew it and swallow it. It tastes sweet and fragrant. You need to use your soul-gathering power to help the medicine blend into your body. It will be slowly absorbed in the future."

Oscar happily ran to the other side, stuffed the eight-petal fairy orchid into his mouth like a gulp, and immediately began to practice.

Ma Hongjun saw that Lin Yuan distributed the fairy grass to everyone in order, and couldn't wait, his eyes lit up, and he said, "My lord, is it my turn?"

Lin Yuan smiled, "Don't worry, I will never forget you. Fatty, you are not feeling well with the evil fire. In the past few years, you have practiced hard and the evil fire has not hurt innocent people when the evil fire is launched. I will resist it on my own." I solved this problem for you!"

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun immediately became happy, he was really suffering from this evil fire torture!

"I have carefully considered your evil fire. Although the mutated evil fire is very powerful, it also has a constant corrosive effect on your body. The root cause is that your phoenix flame is not pure enough. This time I specially give you I found a medicinal herb that nourishes pure yang. The impurity of the evil fire leads to backlash against itself. If this continues, I am afraid that one day it will cause the evil fire to self-immolate. Only by filtering the impurities in the phoenix flame can you truly resemble your own. Senior sister Huo Qing'er is the same, she can be regarded as a phoenix soul master. Come on, fat man, this is for you."

It was a red, trembling, soft and silky fairy grass. It looked very simple. It was just composed of red grass blades. The top of the grass blades looked like a rooster's crown. But if you look closely, you can find out what's different about it. The veins of the leaves turned out to be red-gold. As soon as the grass appeared, everyone suddenly felt that the temperature of the surrounding air was getting hotter.

"This thing is called cockscomb phoenix sunflower. It cannot be chewed or swallowed. It enhances the concentration of soul power and guides it. No matter how painful it is, you must endure it, otherwise you will fail. The effect of this thing is very obvious and will greatly increase your soul power. And the flame effect, it has the effect of rebirth... Once it is abandoned halfway, the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced."

Ma Hongjun quickly took it, and then went to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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