Chapter 403 Shrek Academy

The next day, Shrek's soul masters went to the canteen for breakfast.Surprisingly, Yu Longtian had arrived here ahead of schedule and was working hard.To be honest, the food made by this food soul master tastes really good.

They had just finished their breakfast when there was a sound of Dangdang outside.According to Dai Mubai, this is the ringing of the principal's bell to summon them, they must go there quickly, they can't be late.

They gathered on the playground and talked.While they were talking, Flender came from another direction of the playground.

Dai Mubai introduced to Ning Rongrong: "This is our dean, the founder of Shrek Academy, the Four-Eyed Cat Eagle Flanders. A level 78 soul saint. Even more powerful than Teacher Zhao. And He possesses a flying beast spirit. It is quite rare among fighting spirit masters."

Flanders walked to a total of four students and stopped.His unique hoarse voice with a bit of magnetism sounded, "This year is very good, we have three more little monsters. I, Flanders, the president of Shrek Academy, welcome you on behalf of the academy. Later, you Everyone pays one hundred gold coins to Teacher Li, who is in charge of finance. Mubai."

"Principal." Dai Mubai took a step forward, he seemed to respect Flender, even with a bit of admiration.

Flender said: "There are four more juniors and juniors. Later, you will tell them the rules of the academy. Then go back to rest and try your best to restore your condition to the best level. Today's first class , will start in the evening.”

Without Oscar, there is no requirement in the original work for Ning Rongrong to run.Originally, only Dai Mubai was left in Shrek Academy, and the Flanders Project was about to close down.Unexpectedly, a few guys came, but these guys were not enough bargaining chips to negotiate with Ning Fengzhi.

Although Ning Fengzhi still sent a letter, the content was different.Naturally, Flanders did not dare to go beyond this, so let the little princess's character be her own.

Everyone left one after another. Tang San wanted to go to Soto City to see if there was any place that could be forged, but he didn't know where the others were going.

Flanders returned to his room, where there was a wooden balcony. Yu Xiaogang and Zao Wuji were sitting there drinking tea. Zao Wuji listened to the master's boasting with an expression on his face.

Flender came here, "I haven't discovered Tang San's excellence yet."

"Hehe, Xiao San's talent is higher than Long Tian's, just wait and see how surprised he is!" Yu Xiaogang said, Zhao Wuji found an excuse to leave when he saw Flender came back.

"Flender, I can tell you that Xiaosan's second martial spirit is not only us, but even in today's mainland, few people can afford it." Yu Xiaogang said with a proud face.

Flanders frowned, "Is it Qilin?"

"Fart! Except the Nine Demon Pavilion! The Nine Demon Pavilion is just a sect of thieves, how can it be number one in the mainland?"

Flanders was used to Yu Xiaogang being like this. Jiu Demon Pavilion didn't seem to do anything, but it was disadvantageous in his eyes.

"That is?"

"Two words." Yu Xiaogang pressed close to Flender's ear and lowered his voice, "Haotian!"

Flanders was shocked, " mean Tang San is..."

"Hush! We just need to know. With Xiaosan's talent, he will never be an ordinary disciple. I guess, he may be the grandson of the elder or the son of the suzerain." Yu Xiaogang closed his eyes and guessed wildly.

"It's possible." Flanders took a sip of low-quality tea. "By the way, Xiaogang, when are you going to go back? It's not like living here all the time!"

Yu Xiaogang was embarrassed, "Let's stay here for a few more days, Erlong and I had a serious quarrel this time, so we won't let anyone else in."

"Oh, now, I don't have the passion I had back then, and this Shrek Academy is coming to an end soon." Flender felt melancholy.

"I said at the time that you would merge with Erlong's Lanba Academy, but you didn't listen. Now the academy can't go on! Let me tell you, Flender, Xiaosan and Longtian, I plan to let them join You will know for yourself whether Shrek Academy is qualified for the elite competition of the Advanced Soul Master Academy! These kids are all very talented!"

"What?! You want them to participate in the next Senior Soul Master Academy Elite Competition? Do you know that the new generation of Nine Demon Team of Nine Demon Academy has been selected and is being trained by the devil in order to compete in the next Senior Soul Master Academy? Returning to the Academy Elite Competition! So far, Jiuyao Pavilion has not participated in that competition since they won the championship for the first time. Now that they are participating again, you can’t not know what they are thinking! Their strength is terrifying , definitely not something Mubai and the others can handle!" Flanders stood up in disbelief.

"Flanders, with me, you and Erlong's guidance, plus the talents of these children are not bad, why don't you dare? Don't you have the heart to let them try? What if they don't try? Know!"

The two of them had a quarrel, which made him blush.

"Hmph! Let's not talk about this for now. You know that Tang San and the Nine Demon Pavilion will celebrate the festival. The Ghost Shadow Palace in the Nine Demon Pavilion is extremely sinister. If they really participate in the competition, if they are assassinated on the way, who will be accounted for? Of? Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong and Tang San who doesn't know his background, we can't afford to offend them!"

Yu Xiaogang sat down, "So, the most important thing now is to know the life story behind Xiao San!"


In the evening, Tang San came back.When Tang San walked to the playground, he happened to see Flender and Yu Xiaogang drinking tea on the balcony.

"Xiao San, come here." Yu Xiaogang shouted.

"Here comes teacher." Tang San trotted to the balcony, and Flanders poured him a cup of tea that was already cold.

"Little San, the teacher called you here to get to know your parents. Do you know what kind of work they do?" Yu Xiaogang said.

Tang San's hand holding the teacup paused for a moment, but Tang San reacted quickly and quickly returned to normal, without being noticed by Flanders and Yu Xiaogang.

"My parents? I don't know much about them. I have very little memory of them. I just know that my parents were both spirit masters, but my mother was killed and passed away the year I was born." Tang San said calmly.

"So that's the case, how is your father now? Do you know your parents' names?" Yu Xiaogang pressed on step by step.

Tang San took a sip of tea, it seems that the teacher is investigating my background, could it be...

"My father is still alive, but I haven't seen him since I came out of the Nine Demons Pavilion. There is only a letter from him. He said that he has traveled to other places and will show up when necessary. Alas, mention this , but my father's letter was lost to me." Tang San pretended to be presentable.

"Then what's your father's name?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San and asked without finding any flaws.

"According to father, his name is Tang Hao!" Tang San said with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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