Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 404 Mysterious Theory Course

Chapter 404 Mysterious Theory Course

"According to father, his name is Tang Hao!" Tang San said with sharp eyes.

"Crack!" The cups in Yu Xiaogang's and Flender's hands fell to the ground at the same time and broke, and they looked at each other with unstoppable shock.

After a long time, Flender said: "So that's the case, little San, you should go back and rest first, there are still classes tonight."

"Okay, Dean Flender, teacher, goodbye." Tang San put down his cup and walked out, with the corners of his mouth curled up.

He guessed right, Tang Hao, that is, the biological father who was killed by himself, is definitely a famous figure on the mainland!

Father!Nine Demon Pavilion!You just wait for me, I will definitely come back for revenge!
Seeing Tang San walk away, Flender continued: "It shouldn't be the same name!"

"On this continent, there is a person named Tang Hao who is related to the Clear Sky Hammer. If it wasn't that one, then which one could he be?" Yu Xiaogang said, standing with his hands behind his back, "I didn't expect that he was really a disciple of the Clear Sky Sect."

"But, wasn't Tang Hao arrested by the Nine Demon Pavilion many years ago? How can there be a child now, and Tang Hao is still alive?" Flender wondered.

"After Tang Hao was caught, there was no more news. The Nine Demon Pavilion also did not reveal the news about Tang Hao's life or death. Life or death was both a possibility. And now, since Tang San can learn from the many titled Douluo in the Nine Demon Pavilion, If he escaped from his hands, it must be Haotian Douluo's help!"

The more Yu Xiaogang talked, the brighter his eyes became. Tang Hao has always been his idol. When he was arrested by the people of Nine Demon Pavilion, Yu Xiaogang was so nervous that he didn't sleep for several days.

Knowing that Tang Hao is still alive and that his favorite apprentice is still the son of an idol, this is simply too coincidental!Yu Xiaogang believes that this must be a predestined fate!
"Well, no matter what, these children are not something we can offend, especially Tang San, you are not ignorant of the power and prestige of Clear Sky Douluo. Anyway, Flender, the next senior soul master You must participate in the Academy Elite Competition!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Xiaogang didn't care what Flender did, so he walked down the stairs and left.

Flanders held Tang San's teacup. His Yu Xiaogang's teacup had been smashed just now, leaving only this good cup. There was still some tea in the cup, so it couldn't be wasted.

Flender looked at the sun in the distance, maybe he... really should let go.

Flanders sighed and drank up the remaining tea that Tang San drank, "Oh my, vomit, why is this so smelly, vomit!"


Ice and fire eyes.

It has been nearly a week since the Nine Monsters team absorbed the fairy grass that day. Accompanied by Xiao Wu and Qin Ming, they filled up the soul ring whose soul power had reached the bottleneck, and the remaining soul power of the fairy grass also appeared.

In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, nine members of the Nine Demon Team sat in a circle, each person shining with a different light.

Different breaths complement each other.

Sitting on the innermost side was Xie Yue. The black and white lights on his body complemented each other, and what he released was a domineering and sharp aura.

On Xieyue's left side, it was Zhu Zhuqing, and the black light shining was the aura of dexterity.

On the right side of Xie Yue is Oscar. The light on his body is the strangest. After eating the Baban Xianlan, his soul power turned pink. This kind of light appeared on a male soul master, which is really impressive. Feeling a little weird.

Next to Oscar is Hu Liena. The light on Hu Liena's body is mainly white, with pink inside, but the color is very light, and it is impossible to distinguish it without looking carefully.

Beside Hu Liena was Lan, and the light on Lan's body was the purest blue, a strange sea-blue light.

Dugu Yan is emerald green, Ma Hongjun is golden red, Cai Wenji is emerald and gold superimposed, white agarwood and lavender and white light that cannot be seen clearly.

The colored lights in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi looked extremely strange.

After being nourished by immortal herbs, the strength of the Nine Monsters team has changed a bit.

Nine Demon Blade Xieyue, level 64.

Hu Liena, the Charm of the Nine Demons, level 64.

Nine Demon Poison Duguyan, level 58.

Nine Demons of Demon Lan, level 58.

Nine Demon Spirit Oscar, level 54.

Ma Hongjun, Fire of the Nine Demons, level 63.

The Joy of the Nine Demons Cai Wenji, level 56.

Zhu Zhuqing of the Nine Demons, level 55.

Wind of Nine Demons Bai Chenxiang, level 54.

The Nine Monsters team has all entered the soul king level in one leap. Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and Ma Hongjun have already entered the soul emperor level first, and they are also the top three in the Nine Monsters team.

No one would have thought that after absorbing the sixth spirit ring, Ma Hongjun had raised another three levels, reaching level 63.On the whole, he has improved by as much as ten levels!

He and Xie Yue Hu Liena brother and sister are only one level behind, and even in battle, Ma Hongjun can completely beat Xie Yue. Ma Hongjun's explosive power may be injured even if Xie Yue resists with all his strength, and he cannot last for too long.

The most important thing about Fatty is his explosive power!

However, fat man Ma Hongjun will definitely lose if he faces Xieyue Hu Liena and the two of them. Don’t forget that Xieyue Hu Liena and his sister have martial soul fusion skills!

With their current soul power of the soul emperor level, the combined martial soul fusion technique is enough to fight against a soul master of the soul douluo level, which is impossible for soul masters of the same level to compete.

Seeing everyone recovering and lining up in front of Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan said: "I'll give you two days of rest. After two days, you will start devil-like training. From now on, you need to complete a total of four general tasks. This The first step is to pass all practical, theoretical and other courses, and finally pass the exam.”

"What I want to tell you is that the burden on your shoulders is heavier than you imagined. Even if you have reached the title Douluo, even if you have reached my level, these four tasks must be completed in order. .”

"After each task is completed, I will give you rewards and announce the content of the next task. Your theoretical course will start in two days, and I will be solely responsible for your theoretical course teaching, which is definitely something you have never been exposed to. Knowledge, you will study theoretical courses with your seniors. After I teach you this knowledge, except for the elders of the sect, you can know it, and the rest are not allowed to tell even your parents, friends, and classmates. If I find out, I will directly kill it without leaving any sympathy!"

Lin Yuan said, although he didn't move, the aura around him made it hard for them to breathe.Soon, Lin Yuan withdrew his momentum and continued.

"The actual combat training will be led by Xiao Wu and Qin Ming. In addition to your own actual combat training, team tacit understanding training, and pet beast cooperation training in the sect, you will also go to several major places for training. They are inside the Star Dou Forest, The five major places of Death Canyon, Far North, Star Desert, and Wind Canyon are extremely dangerous. You have also heard of the dangers of these places. So, I hope you are prepared. These few years will be your most dangerous. A tough year!”


"Okay, now you can go to rest. You will go back to the Nine Demon Pavilion tonight. Except for special circumstances, you will not come here."


Lin Yuan disappeared, and the nine people speculated in their hearts, what is the mysterious theoretical course?Even Xiao Wu and Qin Ming had this thought in their hearts, they also didn't know.

Moreover, Qin Ming also has to take theoretical courses with them.

(End of this chapter)

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