Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 408 Return to Star Lake

Chapter 408 Return to Star Lake

Passing through a dense forest, the sight ahead suddenly opened up. The pupils of every member of the Nine Demons team shrank almost at the same time, because what appeared in front of them was a beautiful scene that could not be described in words.

The clear small lake makes the air more humid, and the surrounding towering trees are reflected on the lake surface. The sun is shining, making everything crystal clear under the reflection of the water surface.

On one side of this moving picture, an extremely tall figure squatted there quietly. It was like a mountain, and its dark hair shone faintly under the weak sunlight, even though it was on all fours. , but the height of the shoulders is definitely more than seven meters.If it stood upright, I am afraid that the height will be 15 meters away.

From the outside, it looks like an ape and a chimpanzee, except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes shining with a topaz-like luster, the whole body is pitch black.

The body of this big guy is really too majestic, so majestic that it is unbelievable. Not only is its body huge, but every part of its body is covered with strong muscles that are more terrifying than granite, protruding like small hillocks.The whole body is like a combination of strength and beauty.

Hu Liena, who is more serious about studying martial arts, recognized this soul beast, "This... this is the Titan Giant Ape! A 10-year-old Titan Giant Ape!"

"Who! Trespassing on the territory!" Erming Titan Giant Ape opened its mouth angrily and roared.

"Er Ming, it's me." Since Xiao Wu has officially transformed into a human form, there is no spirit beast aura, and the Titan Giant Ape cannot recognize him.

"Sister Xiao Wu?! You're back!" Er Ming moved happily, and everyone walked in, "These are all my friends, where is Da Ming?"

While Xiao Wu was talking, Da Ming suddenly got out of the lake. The huge bull's head looked scary, and the lake water was brought up, splashing everyone all over.

"Da Ming! You've spilled water on us." Xiao Wu stomped her feet.

"Sorry, Miss Xiaowu. Long time no see, Lin Yuan." Daming said when he saw Lin Yuan next to Xiaowu.

Lin Yuan greeted with a smile, "Long time no see, I'm taking the liberty to disturb you this time, I hope you can bear with me."

"It's okay. Er Ming, go and clean up the rooms for the guests." Er Ming followed Daming's instructions to clean up the previous log cabin.

Everyone looked at the huge sky blue bull python and felt curious, "What kind of soul beast is this?"

"I am Azure Bull Python, you can call me Da Ming."

"Hello, Daming!" ×10
"Whoa, there is a little guy whose martial soul is Biphosphorous Jiao, it's really rare." Da Ming said, he saw the martial souls of the Nine Monsters team at a glance. "There is also the Fire Phoenix Martial Soul, Lin Yuan, the talents of the children in your team seem to be very good."

"That's natural. I spent a lot of energy to cultivate them. We don't have anything to do, so let's chat with you, stay here for one night, and open their eyes by the way."

"I welcome you here anytime."

Er Ming came back after cleaning up. Looking at these small people, Er Ming couldn't help but feel playful.

Soon, I became one with the boys, it was a real fight!The training partner of a 10-year-old soul beast is not something ordinary people can have.

Tired, these boys lay down or sat on Er Ming's shoulders by the lake, looking at the stars.

The girls sat around together, lit a bonfire, and chatted with Daming.Daming's personality is somewhat warm and masculine, and everyone soon became familiar with it.


Everyone was asleep, and Lin Yuan suddenly felt a strange fluctuation. The golden dragon gun trembled with excitement, "Silver Dragon King? Gu Yuena? Are you awake now? It seems that I have to go and take a look."

With that said, Lin Yuan said goodbye to Daming and left.He didn't tell them that he was going to the core area. Just in case, a wind blade turned into a clone and returned to the Nine Demon Pavilion, so that he could save his life.

The next day.

After everyone got up, washed up, and had a simple breakfast, they left Star Dou Lake.

Under Xiao Wu's leadership, they walked outside.


The Shrek people entered the Star Dou Great Forest for a long time, but they didn't find a soul beast suitable for Tang San. When everyone rested for about half an hour, suddenly, Tang San and Zhao Wuji cast their gazes in the same direction at the same time.

Zhao Wuji shouted loudly: "Get up, something is approaching quickly."

Tang San opened the Purple Demon Eyes, and said: "It's a phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, it's coming towards us, its speed is very fast, but its body seems to be a little out of balance. Between 300 and 800 years."

Zhao Wuji glanced at Tang San with a deep look, is this the master's apprentice?You can actually use your magical eyesight here to see the crested crested snake, and you can clearly tell the age of the snake. It should not be underestimated.

"Tang San, how about this spirit beast? Although the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake doesn't come with poison, it has a single attack and entangles the enemy to death. Maybe it can improve the flexibility of your blue silver grass.

Tang San hesitated a little, he always felt that if his third spirit ring absorbed this cockscomb snake, he might lose a lot.

"Don't hesitate! All snake spirit beasts are afraid of birds, Longtian, go up and stop it!" Just when Tang San wanted to stop Yulongtian, Yulongtian suddenly opened his eagle-like wings, The flying dragon beast opened its mouth, and a huge soul power light wave directly stopped the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, and was stepped on by Zhao Wuji.

Yu Longtian's attack was very effective, knocking out the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake directly. At the same time, everyone including Zhao Wuji's eyes changed when they looked at Yu Longtian. This is a powerful soul sect!

Zhao Wuji took out a short blade from his waist and handed it to Tang San, "Tang San, don't think about it anymore, this spirit beast is very suitable for you. Night Changmeng has many dreams, let's do it. Pierce it from the point under its fleshy crown, and you can Pierce its brain, and this spirit ring will be yours."

Tang San took over the short blade with complicated emotions. At this moment, this thousand-year-old spirit beast was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of him. The third spirit ability was about to succeed. He should be excited, but he always felt that this spirit beast was not suitable. For myself, there may be a soul ring that is more suitable for me in the future.

"Tang San, since when have you been so hesitant about doing things? Hurry up!" Zhao Wuji shouted.

"Cut, you dare not dare." Yu Longtian's voice sounded coldly from the other side.

Just when Tang San was hesitating whether to stab the knife in his hand, suddenly, a hoarse stern voice suddenly sounded, "Stop."

Immediately afterwards, three figures jumped out from the direction where the phoenix-tailed crested snake flew from before, and appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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