Chapter 409
Just when Tang San was hesitating whether to stab the knife in his hand, suddenly, a hoarse stern voice suddenly sounded, "Stop."

Immediately afterwards, three figures jumped out from the direction where the phoenix-tailed crested snake flew from before, and appeared in front of everyone.

These three people, two men and one woman, two old and one young, two women and one man.

The man was a tall and thin old man who looked to be at least seventy years old, with silver hair all over his head.In his hand, a dragon-headed crutch with a length of more than four meters appeared bright silver.The dragon head with stick head is lifelike and looks very dazzling.The wrinkles on his face showed his age, and there were actually eight spirit rings moving up and down on his body.

The other old man looked about six or seventy years old, with his white hair combed very neatly. Although he was not young, he was very energetic. Although there were many wrinkles on his face, he was as rosy as a baby. .A pair of eyes flickered.Holding a three-meter-long snake-headed crutch in his right hand, the six spirit rings on his body danced up and down.

The bodies have not changed, but the spirit rings show that they have used their martial spirits. Needless to say, the crutches in their hands should be their martial spirits.

Following the old woman was a beautiful young girl with short ears and short hair, looking like she was sixteen or seventeen years old. She was dressed in neat clothes, tightly covering her well-developed figure. The big brown eyes were staring at the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake in Zao Wou-Ki's hands.She also held a snake-headed cane in her hand, but it was shorter than the old woman's, only two meters long, and the spirit ring on her body was only two hundred years old.

The appearance of the three made everyone's faces change drastically, if it was only the old woman, Zhao Wuji could handle it.But that old man is indeed a Contra level powerhouse, Zhao Wou-ki couldn't resist.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Zhao Wuji's tone was extremely gentle.

The old man said, "We were the first to discover and hunt this snake. It should be given to us. Otherwise, how could we have tracked it so far?"

The old woman said: "Look at the abdomen of this cockscomb snake. There are two scars, which were injured by my crutches. There are also under the wings. It's just that this slippery little guy ran out accidentally. This granddaughter has just reached level [-] and needs this spirit ring very much, as you have seen, she has inherited my weapon spirit snake stick, and the high-level snake spirit is most suitable for her."

"Senior, haven't you asked your surname or name?" Zhao Wuji cupped his hands and said.

"Old man Meng Shu, known as Duke Long. This is my wife, Chao Tianxiang, known as Snake Woman. This time I came to Star Dou Forest to find a suitable third spirit ring for our granddaughter."

Zhao Wuji was startled inwardly, "So it's Senior Unrivaled Dragon Snake, I've admired him for a long time. The junior's name is Zhao Wuji."

Duke Long's martial soul is a cane with a dragon's head, which complements Mrs. Snake's snake-headed cane. The husband and wife have an extremely overbearing martial soul fusion skill, which is difficult to resist unless they have the strength of a Titled Douluo.

Both of them have appeared now, Zhao Wuji is very difficult to resist.

Chao Tianxiang's expression also moved slightly, "No wonder, I said, how could I meet such a young soul sage casually. It turns out that he is Fudo Mingwang, who is well-known in the world of soul masters."

Zhao Wuji smiled and said: "I don't dare to do it. I was notorious back then. But these years I lived a life of seclusion and taught some students in a college. This time I brought these children to the Star Forest, one for one of them Obtaining one soul ring and the other is also to show them the world, but unexpectedly, they met seniors."

Meng Shu no longer entangled with Zhao Wuji, "Brother Zhao, my granddaughter has just reached level [-], and it would be great to absorb this spirit ring. Aren't you going to let go?"

Zhao Wuji felt the pressure and didn't want to let go, this snake is also suitable for Tang San.

"Mr. Zhao, this snake is still not suitable for me, so let's give it to this lady." Tang San said, wanting to give it to Meng Yiran.

Meng Yiran excitedly said, " mean give this snake to me?" When she saw the cockscomb snake for the first time, she felt that this snake was very suitable for her.

"Yes, this snake is still not suitable for me, I think it is more suitable for you, and it is best to give it to the most suitable person." Tang San said with a smile, showing his gentlemanly demeanor.

Meng Yiran looked at Tang San's smile and was a little crazy, "No! I...I can't ask for your things for nothing, you have to compete with me, and I will give it to me if I win! Also, my name is Meng Yiran."

Mr. Long and Mrs. Snake looked at each other, and naturally saw what his granddaughter meant, and his heart was aroused, let's see how strong this kid is.

"This... well, my name is Tang San, please advise."

"My name is Tang San, the spirit of Blue Silver Grass, the thirtieth-level second-ring battle spirit master."

Meng Yiran shyly said: "Meng Yiran, Wuhun Snake Staff, a level [-] second-ring battle spirit master."

Getting closer, Tang San found that this girl named Meng Yiran was very beautiful. After all, she was 16 years old, and her body was already perfectly developed. Tang San's heart kept beating. Could this be the feeling of a heartbeat?

The leaves of the forest are rustling as the breeze blows, and the sun shines through the jagged shadows of the trees.Tang San raised his right hand and said: "Please."

"Thank you... thank you."

The two directly competed in soul power, and both released their soul power to fight.Seeing that Tang San and Meng Yiran had reached the point of soul power contest, the snake woman Chao Tianxiang and Zhao Wuji became a little nervous.They are very clear that the contest of soul power is a very dangerous duel, if one is not good, it may be severely injured.Subconsciously, both of them approached the battlefield slowly, so that if something went wrong, they could immediately rescue it.

Time passed minute by minute, whether it was Tang San or Meng Yiran, sweat stains began to appear on their foreheads, both of them had tried their best.


In the end, Meng Yiran was defeated, staggered, and fell backwards.Snake woman Chao Tianxiang was a little worried, and wanted to go up to catch Meng Yiran, but was held back by Duke Long Meng Shu. Looking at the snake woman, Meng Shu shook his head.

Because Meng Shu saw what Chao Tianxiang didn't pay attention to.Tang San's speed became very fast, and the next moment he came behind Meng Yiran and caught her.

"I'm sorry, Miss Yiran, I was too hard." Tang San straightened Meng Yiran and said.

"'s okay, thank you." Meng Yiran blushed and was at a loss. "You win, the soul beast belongs to you."

"No, you were the ones who discovered this spirit beast first. We just picked it up, so I gave it to you naturally, and it's also very suitable for you." Tang San walked up to Zhao Wuji, took the cockscombed snake, and let it go. Arrived underground in front of Meng Yiran.

As soon as he was about to leave, Meng Yiran stopped him, "Tang San!"

Tang San turned his head, "What's the matter?" As soon as the words were spoken, a warm feeling touched his lips, and a soft, tangy body fragrance came.

Tang San's eyes were wide open, in disbelief, not just him, but also the people around him.Meng Yiran actually kissed Tang San.

Tang San's Adam's apple moved slightly, his hands unconsciously wrapped around Meng Yiran's waist, and began to kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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